Aiyoh... being tagged by
BabeKL.. *Scratch head*.... cos have to answer back all these questions..Mmmm... I masak masak once in a while only lah ...
What is your first memory of baking/cooking on your own?I think it's some where when I was 9 or 10 years old time... frying eggs :) This counts too as well, right?:D hahahaa....
Later on I cook some simple dishes (for lunch & dinner) for my family as well during my secondary school days...
Who had the most influence on your cooking?I would say - both my mother & my father.... sometimes I help them in the cooking, & learn little bit here & there from observation loh.. No specific measurements in their cooking - like a pinch of this or a drop of that... With experience, one will know how much to put in.. heheh...
Do you have an old photo as “evidence” of an early exposure to the culinary world and would you like to share it?Nope... Never think of such things at that time..
Mageiricophobia - do you suffer from any cooking phobia, a dish that makes your palms sweat? None at the moment lah...
What would be your most valued or used kitchen gadgets and/or what was the biggest let down?I don't have fancy/expensive cooking utensils or kitchen gadgets. very simple :) I cooked using the kerosene oil stove leh previously during my first few years of cooking experience... that's during my primary school time .. Wonder how many of the younger generations have ever see a kerosene oil stove ?
Name some funny or weird food combinations/dishes you really like - and probably no one else!Oh? none lah...
What are the three eatables or dishes you simply don’t want to live without?(1) Fruits - I like fruits... Fruits can be my main dishes for the day... I like eating all types of fruits, but my favourite is watermelon.. There are few local Sarawak fruits that I like as well... but too bad, I don't know what's their name... (regret lah never take picture of those fruits previously.. )
(2) Chinese soup - I love drinking soup.. Just that too bad, I don't have time to cook this regularly.. Sometimes, I cook soup with slow cooker (the easy and convenient way, especially on weekends.. just put in all the necessary ingredients at night before going to sleep, and can drink the soup when I wake up in the morning), the taste is still nice..
(3) Bilin/Midin Fern - One of the local fern which is available in Sarawak... And I haven't see it else where outside Sarawak. I like it so much, each time I go back to my hometown, sure I will go & buy bilin fern from the market.. Bilin cooked with belachan - nice, delicious, yummy.. :D (Feeling like eating it now...:P)
Any question you missed in this meme, that you would have loved to answer? Well then, feel free to add one!Three quickies:
Your favorite ice-cream… : Vanilla flavoured ice cream..
You will probably never eat… : Insects like cockroaches, or grasshopper.. or even scorpions (really a big no no - Can't imagine people eating this)
Your own signature dish… : My own version of fried chicken wing ...
And my own question that I would loved to answer:
Eating "experience" regarding types of meat that I have ever tasted...I have the priviledges to try out made different types of meat actually.. Besides those normal meat stuff (chicken, pork, beef, mutton, rabbit, duck, fish etc etc..) , I have tried…mmmm... Let me recall back :
Snakes, crocodiles, frog, dog (I ate dog meat when I'm small.. I think 4 or 5 years old time.. Now, for sure I won't eat dog meat again lah.. ),
flying fox, sea turtle,(including turtle eggs as well), tortoise, pangolin, white mouse(hehee.. mouse also I eat ),
donkey, camel, ostrich, wild boar, deer, bat, worms.. (i tried the silk worm in Beijing last time.. as well as the Sarawak sago worms..)What else? There's more, but i can't think of it at the moment.. Hahha..
ants as well.. this one I didn't eat or drink it on purpose, accidentally drink it without noticing it at the first place :P
but I will definitely not try the cockroaches or scorpions or grasshopper. disgusting.. Sounds gross to me loh.. i won't dare to eat these food stuffs... See lots of these foodstuffs in Beijing & Bangkok.. looks disgusting loh..
Oh ya… one yucky experience… I drank a glass of water full with black ants previously. That was during my secondary school time. Damn disgusting... I didn't notice it initially cos of drinking in the dark, without the light on. That time, i went to the kitchen late at night & lazy to on the light.. just poured the water into the glass & drank, then I felt something funny in my mouth and my throat.. When i on the light.. i nearly pengsan loh.. the glass of plain water is full with ants... thinking about it, made me want to vomit niah.. hahhaha… ----> very traumatised with this yucky experience leh. Really feel vomiting at that moment…
I am to pass to this on to 3 people... Who to tag??? This is indeed a very difficult task, since I’m quite down the chain mmmm... Let me think, err..… I’m gonna tag:
Ac of
Notions of Ac (still thinking delicious is his home cooked Grandma's "Chawan Mushi" (Steamed Egg dish)... When can I taste it :P ?)
Grace of
My Life (Waiting to hear/read some authentic Sarawak dishes from this Iban girl from my hometown.... )
eVoL of
Everlasting Love (I read about u cooking Macaroni in your blog, sure u have something to share about your cooking experience...hehhehe....)
Gasman of
Palmegasman... My fellow "batman" colleague... (additional candidate.. okie mah.. the more, the merrier, hahahha... break the pass to 3 people rule, no problem, right?) :D