Yee Hoon is an active person and also a gym freak. She can spend hours and hours work up inside the gym (at least 2 to 3 hours a day, or at times) almost daily if time permits, unless if she is extremely busy or if she is on call in the hospital. I even joked with her in the past saying that the gym can become her second home. We had talked about going kayakking together in the past but aiyh...
Both of us used the same route to go to work each morning. Seeing the red Myvi reminds me of her. There are several occasions that we sort of 'bump into" each other on the road, err.. I mean met up on the road while driving. I still remember the occasions when I looked at my rear window, I saw her driving behind me. We will greet each other when we stopped at the traffic light. And not forgetting the green scooter which she used to ride before she bought the red Myvi.
My love for cow soft toys are also inspired by Yee Hoon. I know she loves cows and have quite a collection of cow soft toys and related products. One afternoon many years back, I visited her room and she showed me all her cowie collections. From then on I also started loving cows. I had bought 2 cow soft toys for her in the past. One of the cowie, she kept it inside her car and named it as Samseng Cow as the cow's hair style resembles samseng. The other cow I bought in pairs, and I gave her one and another one I kept myself. She said the cow was polycythaemic and flushed as the mouth was pinkish in colour. All these while I will think of her when I see any cow toys. And now, it's heart breaking looking at the cow toys again.
Yee Hoon loves fruits and she can take just only fruits for meals. Papaya, guava, pineapple etc.. She can bought few ringgits of cut fruits, from one fruit stall that she usually frequently. I always joked with her that she is overdosed with beta carotene as she consumed too much papaya, as her hands become yellowish.
Both of us enjoys going for shoulder and neck massage. She introduced me to the one of the massage and reflexology centre in town, and we went there together for shoulder massage after work. I get to know about Sudoku and learn how to solve the puzzle from her. She was a big fan of Sudoku in the past.
Nowadays, when I go and buy food in the Rawther Corner opposite the hospital, I will think of her (as we used to have cuppa tea and chit chat over there all these while)...
When I go & buy fruits from the chinese uncle, I will think of her...
When I eat at Medan Selera, I will think of her (We used to have lunch over there & she loves eating fishes)...
When I bought food at the Pasar Ramadhan outside the hospital, I will think of her too.. (We went to the pasar ramadhan to buy food previously when she was on call in GICU. I still remember she bought ayam percik and some weird vegetable which she loves but i dunno what's the name)...
Yee Hoon, u told me several times in the past that u remembered how I approached u and introduced myself inside the Operating Theatre (OT 5) when u just joined the department in October 2001, and also reminiscing the good old days, including the Saturday morning at Rawther's corner after the Saturday CME. I remembered that too, my dear friend... It was still fresh in my memories although that was almost 7 years back. Just few weeks back, you mentioned that I had taught you how to insert subclavian central venous lines when you first joined ICU (which I had totally forgotten).
I can continue writing for pages as there are too many things that I can relate to her. But it was just too painful thinking of all that. Now I can only wish her peace and happiness, and hope she won't suffer anymore. May God bless her kind soul and give strength and comfort to her family members and everyone who loves and misses her. Rest in Peace my dear Yee Hoon, until we meet again, someday..... God bless you always. You are truly missed...
that was a beautiful post about your late friend. she would've been proud to have you as one of her best mates, through thick and thin.
may she rest in peace.
and hugs to you.
Dr Chen please don't be too sad... am sure Dr Yee Hoon doesn't want to see you in constant grief.
Such a beautiful person she was...I feel really sorry. May she rest in peace. Be strong Chen. *tight tight hugs*
i felt the same wen my grandpa leave us...
but think on the positive side : she din really "leave" cuz she`s in ur heart forever..she`s "still here" just you cant feel her...and all those memories of you and her...
*hugs* =)
You will meet Yee Hoon and Bee Hooi one day, in a farfaraway land.
Grieve as much as needed, but they both will want to see you happy.
Smile for them ya?
I know how painful it must be for you.
The ones left behind are the ones suffering most.
I will be thinking of you often and sending you virtual hugs and support. Keep well dear Dr Chen.
I can feel how you are feeling now. It's sad to lose a close friend. Stay strong and save more lives Chen. I'm sure she would want it that way too. My condolences to her family. May her soul rest in peace.
Hugs and cuddles from all of us,
When an angel leaves, don't despair, for she's too good for the world, for she has moved on to a greater place.
Take care.
deepest condolence. you take care, Doc Chen. hugs.
i understand how u feel on losing a friend. i just lost a 10 years classmate in august 08 due to an accident. she was still so young and have bright future. i couldnt stop thinking of her like u did, thinking of her laughter , de way she talked and walked.. and feeling so sad for her parents..
but i believe she is in a better place now..
may ur fren rest in peace..
I can understand how you feel. It's just tough that a friend has left. But don't worry, she's now in a better place. :)
You take care there, chev...
she's just gone to the other side. the best part is that she's rejoicing with her dearly departed. a reunion of sorts.
let these sweet memory replace grief.. wish to see you happy again.. *hugs*
Deepest condolences, so sorry for your loss. Wish I could say something to make you feel less sad but...all I can think of is.....
"Warm hugs for u always"
wei..long time no hear from u...
dont be so sad...
even tho i dont know her, but it is heartbreaking to read this piece of post from u...i m sure she was a very nice person and a good fren to u...
may she rest in peace...
what a nice way to mourn - by acknowledging Yee Hoon. :) I am sure wherever she is, her beautiful soul is with you all through this painful period.
Thanks everyone for your hugs, support and condolences. May God continue to bless Yee Hoon's soul richly. And today is Yee Hoon's birthday. Happy Birthday my dear friend.
I am so sorry to read about the passing of Alison. When my wife saw the post in The Star, she called me up. We both knew Alison many years ago but it is so long ago that we lost touch. To be honest, we do not recall where we met her as we have been transferred around in Malaysia.
Our memories of her, though, a long, long time ago, resurfaced as someone who had worked hard, laughed equally hard and loved life. She is bubbly and a real fun person.
We wish we had kept in touch through the years and what sadness filled our hearts to be reminded of a friend this way... We grieve with you.
Yee Hoon, I did not know you for long except for the 2 weeks encounter in Jan this year when you came to NUS for the MMed Anaesthesia Finals intensive course, in March for the exams itself( we were in the same viva group!) and then we met briefly at the commencement ceremony in July at the NUS university cultural centre. You have come across as an optimistic, cheerful, friendly and intelligent lady. I'm saddened by your sudden departure which I've just found out yesterday.
May you rest in peace. Metta
Dr Chen,
I know its been months since the passing of Dr Alison, i would like to express my deepest condolence to you. I knew Alison way back in Manipal, India. I was her neighbour.
Indeed, she was a beautiful and friendly person.
May she rest in peace.
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