**Start Copy**
Proposition: What is your favorite food in your state or country?
Requirements: Find some info about the food & show delicious pictures of it.
Quantity: Tag FIVE people.
Tag Mode: You leave their blog and post link and add to the list below.
Mybabybay loves Asam Laksa from Penang, Malaysia
JustMyThoughts loves Penang Char Koay Teow
My Lil Venture loves Laksa Sarawak
Monterssorimum loves Teluk Intan Chee Cheong Fun
Chinnee loves Melaka Wan Tan Mee
PeimunLeah loves Hakka Lei Cha
Hui Sia loves Crispy duck skin from China
Karen loves Pan Mee
Simple American loves Cheese Enchiladas
Nicole Tan loves Char Tau Kueh
velverse loves Otak-Otak
Giddy Tiger loves Dim Sum
may loves Roti Bakar
Selba loves Gado-gado
Chen loves Satay
**End Copy**
I wonder what these bloggers love.. Let us drool together ;)
* Ehon loves Penang Char Koay Teow
* kyh loves Sar Hor Fun
* Doreen loves Hainanese Chicken Rice
* Eastcoastlife loves Shanghai Buns
* Eve - didn't realise Eve loves Wantan Mee liao earlier on :P
to be continued....
wah first chup here!
i love satay... but now hv to wait for the vegetarian version... ;)
Yummy yummy satay! I want a few sticks can? *brings BBBB*
I want 10 sticks of each!! we don't get as good satay here, even though they're twice the size (and twice the $ too). send some to me please! DHL! thanks!
Sataaaayyyyy.... *slurp*
Definitely satay is one of the best specially with the peanut sauce which makes it perfect.
Thanks for doing the tag :)
I miss satay leh...
Hmm... must go find some satay liao... :D
Kkkkk.. congrats for being first,
but too bad i can't belanja u eat Satay.
Vegetarian version of satay?
can consider putting slices of tomato, carrot, cucumber etc on the skewer as vegetarian satay?
Can, of course u can..
But dun bring such a big bowl woh,
I paiseh liao cos only few sticks left :P
How about pork satay? ostrich satay? rabbit satay? or prawn satay? Kkkkkkkk...
DHL to Oz and sealed with a kiss, oops.. sealed with a hug :P
i remember the Indonesia satay is slightly different from the one we have here in Malaysia (provided if I didn't remember wrongly lah..)
You are mostly welcomed :)
This is an interesting tag. Anything to do with food is always interesting..
Day dreamer,
wah.. u wanna find satay at this hour ah? Tengok jam kat dinding
now almost midnight liao
tarak jual satay liao :P
I stand in line for 5 minutes too, without touching the satay! Hurry hurry, beh tahan already... *scratching floor*
And the chee yoke satay? With all the tubes etc!!
chen, yr photography skill really getting better and better.
really miss the moment we spend together, how we love to take photo of food.. so crazy so fun..
i miss u.
Satay, satay, Satay Ria...
Satay istimewa...
Sungguh menyelerakan blablabla
*lupa lirik liao*
That was the song of the ad which we always sang to during high school and at the same time, we "fan" ppl's ka ch'ng, making as if the ka ch'ng is satay kkkkkkk!!!!
your favorite is satay? okie, next time i order 2 dozen sticks for you.
why ur tag so difficult one?!! :( or am i just being too difficult - indecesive. LOL! i have so many favourites ler.. :P
and since u send some to ah may, DHL some over Adelaide also!! :D :D :D I want mix!! :D
Satay here ciplak one. Not real/original one. :P
u exchange role with Ah Boy ah?
Wah.. chee yoke satay, chee cheung satay and i know u dowan this one --> kai si fatt satay
Thank u thank u
Yours is getting better too
Great Mind Thinks Alike, huh? :D
i miss u too leh..
(including those great minds moments & sot sot moments :P)
Err.. how come i can't remember that ad song geh???
*scratch head*
Kipas ppl's ka chng as if satay ah? Kkkkkk... next time we kipas Ayam's mia ka chng
nyonya pg,
my all time favourite is still Penang Assam Laksa - with lotsa he kor. Hehhehe.. That one really can lau nuah till tsunami wan..
Order 2 dozen satay? Sapu !! With lotsa onions & cucumber. LOL.. Terima kasih banyak-banyak. I miss the Hj Samuri Kajang Sate ;)
Cincai choose one can lah..
This is not exam question..
Post whatever thing that come to your mind or whatever thing that u feel like eating now..
Wah, have to DHL to so many ppl ah?
Later the delivery boy curi makan the satay.. LOL
I remember making & grilling our own satay in the hostel in the past, during my undergraduate time. During Raya time whereby the whole hostel was empty and left with only few countable Sarawakians & Sabahan who didn't get to balik kampung :D
i missed pork n lamb satay/skewdriber in kuching!!!
me likey too!!!
beef satay~ pork satay~~ nyam nyam nyam nyam nyam!!!!!!
Another tag!!!! aiyooo... so many people like to tag me wan leh!
I like Assam Laksa,and I'm looking forward to my trip to Penang. hehehe....
I love satay too, don't know Penang satay different in taste from Singapore's or not.
I particularly love having satay with their yummy ketumpat rice. YUM!
i love satay, like nothing else. but nowadays not so nice already here. all like same factory come out wan.
ah nel,
LOL at the "screw driver"
Where u have your pork satay in Kuching? in Hui Sing Garden?
Yeah, it's hard to find pork satay in Peninsular. There's a stall in New Lane which sells Pork Satay :)
and not forgetting the..
Mutton Satay
Ostrich Satay
Rabbit Satay
Deer Satay
Fish Satay (this one not nice)
Intestine Satay
bla bla bla
Becos we all sayang u mah..
The famous "Longkang Laksa" ;)
Counting days..
Soon, very very soon..
tick tock tick tock.. LOL
I presume Penang Satay has similar taste as Singapore Satay? :)
and nasi himpit too
and not forgetting the cucumber and onions..
I like Hj Samuri Kajang Sate the most, with added sambal to the endless servings of groundnut satay kuah
Your home-cooked Hainanese Chicken Rice looks good ;)
Hah? like same factory come out one? Reminds me of the 10 cents satay i used to have during childhood time liao.. Kkkkkk... 4 small pieced of reversed triangular shaped fish-flavoured satay. LOL
I still eat that at times, together with bread. Yummy. I still have a packet of those satay in da house. Bought few months back but totally forgotten about it. Just noticed it a week ago. Kkkkkkkkkkk....
reversed triangular shaped fish-flavoured satay? like on a stick ah? i ever see but never taste. nice ah?
satay celup i like also!!
yeah, on a stick.. Those are snacks for kiddies.. Nice to munch if mulut gatal time & wanna chew or eat something. Nothing fabulous though..
Satay Celup i lap too
Lok Lok i heart too..
long time no eat liao..
oooh.. tender juicy meat!! *drool*
My favorite food is satay :D
Weiiiii....done liao lu..this tag..kena from Yenjai ma...you go see la..
in lau ya kheng next stall to the nicest tauhu thrng...
hou hou sek :D
u should have lotsa favourite food Hehehhehhe...
hehhee.. i lupa liao mah. Read too many post, forgotten liao siapa sudah siapa belum buat. Now u mentioned, i remember again. Yeah, the wantan mee post :P
ah nel,
wah, got nicest tauhu thrng summore? I also want :D
last time i wana took pigcher n blog bout it but owes forgot...
*next time*
i like stay.... "lao chui nua"
ah nel,
okie.. next time
when is that next time?
*dunno* :P
lao chui nua together with Ah Boy?
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