I didn't realise 冬至 / 过冬 / winter solstice is just around the corner till I received a SMS greetings yesterday night from my friend.

Since I still have a packet of glutinous rice flour in the kitchen, I will play around with the dough. Last year I came out with
Sweet Potato Tangyuan. Mmmm... This year, I want to made something different too - the traditional round marble sized tangyuan (汤圆) seems like too plain, too ordinary... or might be too boring? And I come up with this... All the weird shapes & sizes.. Hahaha... (Psss..
I don't like to follow traditions).

This is how the cooked multi-shaped "tangyuan" looks like ;) Aren't they cute? Better don't let those poh-poh or any grandma sees this, else they will start shouting or yelling or giving long winded lectures :P

I know
Winn will say this looks like
fishball.. Or..
LB might say this looks like
klang klang balls?
Happy Winter Solstice
First comment?
Happy Klang Klang Tong Yuen!
Yes! Hahaha...
Wah... got rectangle and star shape some more?! Omg... pengsan!
Chen ah Chen, 汤圆 are not called 汤圆 if they are not 圆!
First picture? Fail! Redo!
Kekekeke... :D
Oh yeah, btw, 冬至快乐!
little_angel_baby: tomolo u eat tong yuen??
Winn: no worrrrrr
little_angel_baby: oh i forgot... liu eat apple wan...
little_angel_baby: go eat at chen's ;)
little_angel_baby: ;)
Winn: i oso forgot tomorow tong yuen day
Winn: i eat fish ball la......
wahh..before i check your blog i was oredi tellng angel i eat fish ball..then i come read ur entry..u say fishball again!! we so 'sum leng seong tong'one!!!!! LOL!!!!
i love tong yuen , i oso like to make weird shapes one..but this year no eat tong yuen..i'll eat fish ball...:)
tong yuennnn!! once a year, and I'll be missing it again... *sigh*
Merry Klang Klang Tong Yuen Bola to you!
day dreamer,
Happy Klang Klang Tong Yuen Festival to u too..
Wah.. U started giving lecture liao ah? Don't tell me u r in the "poh-poh or any grandma" categories who will give lectures if they see the tongyuan is in different shapes !! Hahahha...
I stated ealier on liao I don't like to follow traditions :P
Happy Klang Klang Tong Yuen Festival to u too :)
I know liao.. I know earlier on liao u will talk about fish balls :D
Really "sum leng seong tong" hoh?
Scared or not? :P
I can read your mind !!!!
Merry Fish Ball Festival to u :)
U can always eat it some other time :P Mmmm... might be a week or two later? ;)
Merry Klang Klang Tang Yuen Fest to u too :)
Happy Dong Zhi although I don't celebrate it!
Cos I jz dont like tong yuen la! I dont like the tooooo sweet syrup plus the artificial-coloured balls, jz gross. So can say that I'm pretty healthy on dong zhi days cos no artificial colours in my body! :P
might wanna try urs since it's natural colour! jz that ur syrup must not be too sweet la... den i'll bei min u... XD
wah...i long time never had tong yuen...long long time....*sighs*
Kakaka!! Itu winn summore say wat u know, she said hor, since u so sum leng seong tong with her, nxt time dun ask her want to eat wat liao...
Happy Dong Zhi to u too :)
I don't put any artificial colouring all these while. The green, blue, pink or whatever colour looks scary as what u mentioned :) Sweet stuff is for little kids only. Adults don't have to eat so sweet, right? Hehhehe :D
Get some tomolo? :D
Then your long long time will be no more long long time liao :D
that is Winn loh..
So Winn.. hahahha
if not, that is not her liao :P
Waaa, more Klang Klangs!!! Tis the season of Klang Klangs, ya? LiuliuSotSot!!! Happy Merry Very Klang Klangs!!!
Yeah loh..
This is the time to Klang Klang :D
All your fault :P
So the liuliu & sot sot..
haven't sot sot for quite a while oledi..
Will continue to sot sot tomolo :)
Happy Klang Klang Ball Ball to u too :D
aiseh... so liu liu klang klang one your 汤圆
whahahaa~ i thought i already comment here~
must be dreaming~ :X ahhahahaha
happy winter solstice~ *sumbat klang klang into chen's nose~ :X*
hahahahah very cute leh!!!!! i like the star shaped one! ^_^
i m also like that leh...my mom cannot ask me to help her to make biscuits wan ..cos for sure i will make those weird shapes like smiley face or snowman..muahaha...
u kno?at first when i see ur first pic..i tot its snoww 'x'
merry tang yuan christmas! klang klang klang!
Choi!! I am NOT in the popo or ah mah category lah...
Joking only mah...
I missed few years already... so I still young right? People said once u eat mean u getting older 1 year, if like this I still 25 years old only... kekeke.
Happy Tong Yuen Jie.
Hey chen, happy guo tong to you, oh you cooked so many tang yuan, u know one tang yuan equal to 1 year older? um, i wonder how old are you now.. :p
can send some over?
This is special limited edition tangyuan :P
cannot find elsewhere one
yeah loh..
u must be dreaming of io ka chng too much liao..
I just saw your liuliu drawing from Carcar latest post..
Chio kao wa beh tahan..
so liuliu lah u :D
pink cotton,
Happy Bulat-Bulat Festival to u too :) Initially I wanted to made GingerBread Man.. But then I lazy to made.. hahahha.. might be next year? or might be tomorrow? See how :D
Oh, snow ah?
yeah hoh? white-white tei..
just like snow :P
Can I greet u with the 3-in-1 combo wishes? Happy & Merry Tangyuan Christmas New Year :D Makan your share of tangyuan liao or not? :P
Kkakkaka, just in case mah..
I'm worried too yesterday..
luckily u r not in that category :D
Wah.. if I eat tangyuan many times a year, that means I'm very old liao?
Si beh jialat :P
Happy Tangyuan festival :)
If can't get tangyuan, eat fish balls will do too :P
sin ling,
Hhaha, I don't follow tradition one.
And btw, I'm definitely older than u ;) hehhehe..
I will ask Liucas to send over some..
Tapi... bolehkah si Liucas ini dipercayai? Dia akan curi makan tak?
lui yan: so your one is not 汤圆 but 汤方 and 汤星?
tomolo? no one doing it here...*sniffs*
it look like rambutan or longan ler!!! :P
i skip this soup round/tang yuen few yrs ledi...hehe
ayam panggang, 汤方 and 汤星 is good also mah, but sounds like human's name :P
LOL at glut-glut
so cut geh the name :D
errr.. Luckily u didn't say that I'm playing with food ;)
u can always made it yourself ;)
very simple niah ..
ah nel,
how about lychee? :P
why skip leh? no chance to eat or u dowan to eat?
ya ho...seem like lychee oso...
no lar as no ppl cook for ah nel eat sumore it made from rice flour and ah nel cant consumed so much flour food... ;)
happy eating tong yuens!! :D
ah nel,
if lidat, then might be u can eat fish balls to substitute tangyuan.. or might be lychee too? Since they look similar :P
Happy Bola Festivals :)
hope u get your fair shares of tang yuen too yesterday night :D
After eating the "balls" feel older and wiser?
just me,
hahaha, still the same old me :D
can lokter made fishball for ah nel eat?homemade wan not much flour as eaten outside wan all flour nia eh...
maybe i just had lychee... :P
ah nel,
i lazy to made fish ball..
making meat ball or pork ball is much easier :P
nowadays hard to get fresh lychee..
easier to get longan instead :P
same mar no mer?all need to tumbuk tumbuk til the meat soft soft then make round round... :P
i jobless then can lokter sponsor some longan? :D
ah nel,
fish more leceh mah..
have to made sure there is no fish bones in the flesh..
not like pork balls :D
wah.. so poor meh till need me to sponsor u eat longan? :D
that show lokter sincerity if lokter made pishball for me... :D
ah nel veli the poor til drink water oso drink longkang water...
ah nel,
kakkaka.. so if i dun make fish ball, then i'm not sincere liao? :P
Mmmmmm.... u really exaggerate lah..
u mana ada drink longkang water? u say pipe water, might be i will believe u :P
ya lor..so lokter wana b sincere onot?
in kiasuland we drink pee n shit water...
ah nel,
i guess i'm not "sincere" today :P
how about one bowl of fish ball soup or pork ball soup from the market? :P
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