My collection of Sotong/Octopus :)

Cute boh the Sotong? These are
Sarawak Sotong. I received these 3 cute little things yesterday night, flying all the way from Sarawak, the Land of Hornbills. Muacks and thanks,
Pink Cotton for the adorable Christmas gift :D Hehehe.. there is a pink sotong too in the gang :D

This is
Kiasuland Singapore Sotong by

This is the supposedly
fridge magnet sotong but many mistakenly thought those were edible "dim sum" :P

Sotong Greeting Cards for Sotong gals.

Collection of Sotongs from various artists - namely
Ah May,
Ah Ben,
Ah Bie and
Ah Ben's twin :D

My B&W Sotong sketches in the early days (The era prior to invention of oil pastel, colour pencil, magic pen or water colour.. ) :P

The Sotong became more lively & colourful after a kind
Angel (with pink coloured hidden wings) sent me one box of colour pencils & magic pen :)
all those sotong can eat or piak kar?
thats so cute!
Wah, sotong, nice to eat, nice to hug, nice to play, multifunction of sotong, my brother like sotong very much too, my brother and i even designed a sotong bra, wanna wear it?
ahahahaha, You Are The Sot Sot Sotong Queen! May you have a wonderful Christmas, and lots of Sotongs for Boxing Day!!!
ah nel,
can piak...
but edible or not depends on individuals..
for those who eat "weird" stuff like cotton or wool, those sotongs are edible to them loh :P
very very very cute leh... :P
sin ling,
your bro is sotong lover too?
Great to hear that :D
sotong bra????????
take picture of the sotong bra & post it up !!!!
I want to have a look :P
I collect COWS & PIGS toys too :P
yeah yeah.. BBQ Sotong, Calamari Rings, Fried Sotong, Chilli Sotong, Kum Heong Sotong.. all sort of sotongs.. & might be baby octopus or tako too :P
sotttt!!! you so sottttt!!! sotong queen, sotong sister, sotong doktor... Merry Sotong Christmas and Sotong New Year!!
sampat!!! no idea to comment because me is here.
they pu kuai u kno???
i ask them to call me once reach penang but din call me!! haiyo...luckily u told me they arrive d lo...kekeke
why no edible sotongs one? sotong bakar r nice lo. esp with lots of the ikan bakar kuah!!! :P
wah.. wah... wahwahwah..
all the way from Singapore :D
syiok hoh celebrating Christmas in Singapore :)
Hhahaha,I'm not so Sotong lah..
not to the extend of sotong queen..
Still in time to wish u a So-tong Quo-Dong Festival :P
walao.. no idea also can write 9 words.. not bad :D
When u wanna play FoodJong again?
Yeah, The Swak Sotong have arrived..
They don't have handphone mah, tat's why they can't contact u... Don't scold them, okie? :)
I posted several posts about edible sotong in the past liao :D So today give chance to the non edible sotong ;)
hmmm...cotton n wool...seemlike familiar but i din eat that...sure its pink kaler wan...
wow, that's a great collection of sotong! : ) Cripsy Deep-Fried sotong is very nice in Singapore.
Merry Sotsot Christmas!
uhmmmm... something is on the way to you (supposedly already arrived yet), so sorry... it's nothing to do with sotong....
I should be more aware that sotong become a trade mark of you, hehehe..
eh~ i got draw hhc sotong before for u leh` hahahaha u din go korek keluar` hahahah :x
So sotong! So octopus!
May you have a Sotong Christmas! :P
Happy long weekend ahead!
now i know u r sotong queen... LOL
sotong means blur you know? *runs away from approaching tentacles*
Merry Christmas! :)
Should have International Sotong day or something hehehe :)
ah nel,
wah.. u say till lidat, u trying to implicate "sumthing" or "someone" ah? :P
wanted to add in more to my collections but sotong toys are hard to find :D I love crispy deep fried sotong with chilli sauce :) Some preferred mayonnaise?
Enjoy your sotsot holidays too and have a safe journey to Spore :)
Something is on the way to me? I haven't receive it yet. Thanks a lot Selba :) Wonder what issit :D
heheeh, I remember, but too lazy to korek that out coz that was hidden far-far or deep-deep inside your archive.. But since u mentioned liao, I will go & dig out :P
& I updated liao the picture :D
Kekkeke, I added in one more pict (drew by Ah Ben few months back) :P
Wish u a merry Christmas and happy new year ahead in advance :D
Mmmm... hahhaa, not to that level yet :D
aiyah.. this misti..
must piak with sotong again :P
how can u ?????
Merry Christmas and wah.. u get to meet angel, winn, misti, sengkor & carcar soon..
syiok leh.. I wanna meet up with u too leh :(
International Sotong Day?
Might be got leh..
Must go & do research later :P
I got a Transformers Sotong toy oso...really cute wan...but i dun have extra...but if i do...i will gip u ok...
Hahaha... such cutesy plump sotongs!! Utterly adorable!!
Merry Christmas, Doc!
I took a picture of a sotong (it was too big to bring back for you, though..) and something else that reminded me of you. Once it's up, I'll let you know!
Here’s wishing you, hubs and ah boy a very Merry Christmas!
*pengsan one more time*
wishing u, hubby and ahboi a blessed Christmas & happy new year
dunno why blogger comment went sot sot
Merry Christmas to u & your family too :)
Transformer Sotong Toy?
really cute wan summore?
Wonder how it looks like leh..
Do u have a picture of it? ;)
Merry Christmas, Kat :)
Wah.. pict of gigantic Sotong?
Looking forward to seeing that picture ;)
Yeah, do let me know when the post is up..
I'm curious :P
Wishing u & your beloved family members a merry christmas too.
Eat more ayam & spare the turkey :D
walao.. u still haven't tidur yet?
or u wake up liao? :P
might be pengsan is good at this point of time..
can use this "opportunity" to zzzz for a while, hoh? :P
Blogger on & off sot-sot for the past few days :(
Wishing u & hubby & your boiboi a merry & blessed Christmas too :)
no lar no lar...whre got...
*see if sumone or something perasan onot*
Have a wonderful, Merry Sot Sot Sotong Christmas!!
hahahaha. you see what you typed!! want me to meet me ah? :P
we ALL miss you just now. your ears got itchy or not, since we talked about liu.
neber mind, we got chance to meet when the time is right.
ah nel,
sumone told me earlier on she wanna piak or beat u when u balik Kuching time..
Thanks :)
Wishing u & your beloved family a wonderful Christmas too ;)
u made me look back at what i typed earlier on... I read back few times leh.. tarak type salah woh..
*scratch head 100x*
aiseh.. talked about me earlier on ah.. talking something good or bad?
I slept early yesterday night leh..
pukul 10 malam sudah pun tidur :P
no wonder lah my ear is itchy in my dreams !!!!!!!!
next time when i go Singapore, but hook or by crook, Misti must made herself available, okie? :P
nyek nyek nyek
now i know why :P
i scratched 50 times re-reading what you wrote.... cham cham it's either you and me now! hahahahaa
"....and wah.. u get to meet angel, winn, misti, sengkor & carcar soon.. "
ya ya, around 10pm onwards we mentioned your name. just wishing you were here lah.
and yes lah, i will definitely find time to meet you. even meeting them last night was one big feat for me, as i was on duty alone and had to turn customers away to meet the gang! :PPPP
the sarawak sotong is so cute cute cute!!!
so u want sotongs for christmas??
so the very sotong post :P
ai si loh..
I read the 101 times then only I realised where is my mistake !!! Kakkaka... I salah type May's name with your name instead !!! muahahhaha...
So sotong :P
hiding under table
I hope I can visit Singapore soon.. in few months time ;) Wah.. 20 years liao leh...
Round heads with big round eyes & round thick lips!!! LOL
kakkaka... I already had my share so edible sotong today for lunch. I won't mind if there are more sotongs coming :D
Merry Christmas, Goober :)
Hehehe, this is one of the many sotong posts, but the sotong posts previously are mainly edible sotongs :P
no woli lokter...i dowan go bek liao...
*btw she nvr seen me before* :P
ah nel,
u dowan to go back now, but how about in the future leh? Sure one day later u will balik kampung wan... :D
she never met u before meh?
sure boh?
future oso dowan to go bek... :P
sure...unless sumone pandai pandai send my pigcher to her...
ah nel,
hahhaha... sure boh future also dowan balik kampung?
Who is that someone?
I didn't send any of your pictures away, so don't worry :D
sure... :P
i noe lokter wont as i think got some ppl shared my pigcher...
ah nel,
hehehe, I haven't send out the pict to u all yet :D
soon, very soon :)
hmmmm....why so long??? :P
ah nel,
cos i lazy :D
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