Today's theme is

I remember doing a similar Photo Hunter post with the theme
tiny few months back, featuring the tiny lizard eggs. Today, the
small stuff that is featured here is none other than my "cute mini porcelain piglets resting on the sofa", which have accompanied me for years. I place them next to my Samsung LCD monitor.

The two piglets are about the size of a 10 cent coin, which is approximtely 2 cm in diameter. They are small, aren't they? Yeah, Size does Matter (echoing Godzilla's tagline). Hehehe...
I LOVE THE PINK BABI!!! eee... so cute.... =D
Those are cute. I used to collect piggies! Have a good weekend.
very cute piggies. you're right, the theme is almost like tiny.
happy weekend! :)
porcelain piglets,thats so cute :)
hello there btw and happy weekend!
mine s up too! HERE!
Oh this is so cute!!!
I didn't realize how tiny it was until I saw the second pic...
no moo moo?
Hehehhe, very cute indeed. I love both the pink and the green babi. But the pink one is more outstanding cos of the colour :D
I have several other piggies collection too. Most of them are soft toys :)
Got XS, XXS or not?
The XXXS have to view under microscope liao
Mmmmmm... size does matter :P
Yeah, small and tiny carry the similar meanings. I love those tiny little things. Happy Weekend.
I don't have many porcelain collections as they are kinda fragile. But since the piglets are so cute, I just cannot resist it :)
Happy Weekend. I will drop by your place in a short while :)
Yeah, the piggies are small tiny little porcelain pigs. Sometimes they are being covered underneath the papers or other stuff I put on the table. LOL
I don't have small Moo Moo woh :(
All my Moo-s are bigger Moo.
U wanna donate one to me?
wahahaha! so kecik! I still remember that really small Sotong magnet you had oso... ti(p)u all of us!
Cute piggie ya~
Btw, I also post in my blog @ http://www.lifelongsharing.com
Hope you would pay a visit~
Aw, those piggies are so cute. They've put a smile on my face! Have a great weekend.
My pics are up at Siani's Pot-Pourri.
Kekekkekke.. oh yeah. The Sotong Magnet. LOLOLOL. That one very ti(p)u, many thought it is the real Sotong, mana tau it's just a fridge magnet. That is indeed the Ti(p)u project of the year 2006. Wah, time flies.. That was so long ago already ah? :O
Yeap. I love cute and small stuff. Will drop by your place soon :)
Glad u like the piggies. Have a happy weekend :)
wah! the pigs are really small! Have a good weekend :)
I can never collect these things ... I like my stuffs big !
These are very small indeed. Have a great weekend.
It is definitely a small and cute piggy decoration item you have.
I have my small stuff at here too.
Oink oink.. did I just see my friends in your blog? hehe.. cute..truly cute. Come see my collections here. Don't faint please...haha.
If you have extra time, do pop in and support my few days old home. Thanks. http://www2.crizlai.com/photography/photo-hunters-small/
adoi mak..
cubit kang!
Those pigs are soooo cute.
so kecikkkk
can squezze through ur nostrils or not? :P
Those are really cute! :)
My Photo Hunt is up too! :)
Cute! I want one! GIMMME!!!!
Oooo... so cute! You always have cute things to share online. You're so free, nothing to do go shopping?
Wah, really very small! Nice nice.
Have a happy weekend! ;)
Those are certainly small! And very cute. :)
lucky no lizard eggs this time. blecchh. :P
Awww.....cute! Very very cute leh! Anything piggy-style is cute lah. Hehehe
Thanks. Have a nice weekend :)
I prefer small stuff as they are not space occupying, and moreover small is cute. LOL
Yeah, small and cute. Enjoy your weekend :)
Thanks Lemonjude. Your small Christmas tree is very nice too :)
Hehehe, u love piggy too. I have several Oink oink soft toys. Your winnie the pooh is cute too, holding the small ball :)
cubit? Wah.. porcelain pigs also can cubit wan meh? LOL
stay at home mum,
Oink Oink. Piggies are great :D
*faint*. Err... I thought u big boy liao? U still stuff and squeeze things through your nostril meh?
*faint again*
Thanks. I just came back from your blog. Your daughter is very cute :)
Hehehe, if i come across the similar piggy in the future, i will get one for u :D
Hehehe, This piggy has accompanied me for more than a decade liao. Err.. Shopping is not my cuppa tea leh. I prefer zzz during my free time :P
Small stuff are always cute.
Just like Ah Boy huh?
Happy Weekend :)
Thanks Dragonheart. Have a nice weekend :)
Next time if I see another lizard egg, I will break it. Hopefully can see mini egg yolk inside there. LOL
Hahahha.. And your cute piggy is equally cute too. :D
I love the pastel colors of these piglets.
eeeeeeeeeeeeee.. runs far far from chenliu. lizard egg yolk pulak!
It's sooooooooooooooo cute!!! One piggy couple sitting happily on the sofa. Haha (=
Anyway, I have something small to show you too. I hope you can visit me
here. Happy weekend.
I have been having the piggies for more than a decade. And the colour is still bright and never fade :)
Don't worry. I won't deep fried the mini lizard egg. LOL
One happy piggy couples, which lives happily ever after since then. Sounds like fairy tales. LOL
Yeap, I have visited yours. U r indeed small in size, wearing the XS clothes... :)
So small... so tiny.... so mini.... cute leh, where did you get it from? :D
Veli oink oink!
i only masukkan tissue paper into my nostrils, only when i have a bad cold. :P
Wahhh so damn cute nehhh!!! Nice Macro shot :P :P Really like the pigs haha.
Hehehe, I can't remember where I get it from as I had the piggies for more than a decade already :)
Wah, my piggies are not confused yet leh. Piak Angel for transmitting the confusing Mouse-Kitty bugs to the pigs :P
Phew, Thank God. Kekekekeke..
Dunno why some children so gatal tangan and loves to insert things inside their nostril. One of the naughty kid inserted a peanut into his nostril and the peanut expanded, causing great difficulty to remove the foreign body :P
Thanks NB. I still enjoy looking at the cute tiny piggies although I have them for more than a decade. LOL
Very cute :)
Where did you bought it?
che cheh,
Thanks. I can't remember where I get it from as the piggies has accompanied me for more than a decades :)
thanks for visiting my photohunt, chen. I know I can always count on you to visit every week. cute piglets by the way.
I hope you're in the mood for a christmas tag. I tagged you with "what is christmas to you?" but if you're too busy with holiday preps, it's ok.
Thanks Monaco for the Christmas tag. Hopefully I can find some time to do the tag. Keep fingers crossed ;) Merry Christmas :)
yi.. so.. cute.. siao zhu zhu..:p
pink winnie,
and one of the piggies is pink :P
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