Introducing the two new plants I have in da house. Although I don't have green fingers, I manage to grow some unique plants with the limited resources I have. Not easy to grow these plants leh ;)
My Horny Ginger Plant - with buffalo horns
Don't pengsan, okie? And no OMG nor OMGY nor
OMS either.

And My
Potato Flowers.
Leng Mou? Beautiful leh... Manyak Cantik.. 好靚 !

I can have a
mini vegetable garden soon... Hahahhahha
Last but not least,
Happy Birthday Wenn Wenn and Eve Eve. I will give these two priceless plants to u both as birthday pressies. Many Endless Hugs, Muacks and Kisses to both the birthday girls.
Happy Cow Moo One (牛一).
Telima kasi....wahcheh..sungguh terharu aku..*Moo tears*...And Happy Bday to Wen Wen oso..
LOL!!! You don't grow Onion Flowers too? Happy Birthday, Wennnn and Eve....
happy birthday wenn and eve!! :D
u see lar, buy so much and never use! grow kitchen garden liao. :P
Wipe Moo Moo tears with my sleeves
Happy happy "25th Birthday"
Bila nak balik blogging ah?
We all waiting for u leh.. ;)
Hahhaha.. cos i run out of onions liao. Used up all oledi mah, so no left over to grow flowers. Kkakaka
Happy "25th Birthday" to both the Lenglui :P
I wanna grow carrot and other plants too. Kkakakkaka
Waaaaahhhh... got that kind of plants? hehehehe
lemme guess - you left them out for so long, they "choot yeong" oredi! hahaha! 'cos that's what happened to my garlic!
Happy Birthday, Wennnn & Eve!
Happy birthday to Wen Wen and Eve! :D
indeed you have green fingers! very subur :P
Happy Birthday to Wennnn and Eve! Wah, what very 'unique' plants you have there...
Hahhaha... got
But not every household will have such plants. Only those "lucky" ones.
Are u interested to grow such plants? :P
Shhhhh... Don't say out so loud lah. Everything now Bocor liao.. :P
U have garlic plants in da house too. I hope to have onion plants too, but too bad I have consumed all the onions and there are none leftover. Kkkkkk...
Happy 25th and 26th Birthday to Wenn Wenn and Eve Eve :)
Happy Birthday Wenn Wenn & Eve Eve
Both of them are one year younger liao. :D
Yeah loh, very green fingers.
Too green liao. Hhaahha..
U interested to grow any ginger and potato plants nor flower? :P
Happy Birthday to both the LengLui, Ah Wenn and Ah Eve :)
Yeah loh, We can't buy those plants in the market. Only selected households will have such plants. Kkakakaka
SAMPAT LOCTOR!!!! chio ka peng!!
next time you cook fann si soup, i must take a double look see got fannsi children inside soup or not!! *faint*
later when i balik penang i give u the indonesia cili padi seed k?wahahah...
Thank U veri much to U Chen.. Wah realli priceless picture from U ya ur potato flower n ginger flower... heeheheh.. Thanks... Happy birthday to Eve..
this one grow oredi can eat!
u try not to bath for 1 mth and see can grow mushroom o rnot! then u can ' eat mushroom..
hehe happy bday wennnnnn!
The 2nd picture looks like nen nen from side elevation. LOL
kakakaka... chen grow mushroom.. and then can kasi as gift... neh, like FB's Grow-A-Gift kakaka :p
Happy Burfday WenWen & LengLeng Eve!!
Definitely organic. :p
Fear not, my fansi soup no fansi offsprings inside wan. Gina gia are not meant to be cook or eaten wan mah. Kkaakakka
Kekekkee... Thanks Mich. But i have no "real garden" place to grow the Indonesia cili padi woh. Sob.
u r mostly welcome, "25-year-old" birthday gal :)
The ginger plant and the potato flower very nutritious wan. LOLOL
Kkkkk... OML, OMAB :D
wah.. no need to wait till one month leh, dun bath for one to two weeks also can grow tungku liao.. Kkkkk...
Enjoy kuchinging to Pussy City ;)
Meow and pet more cats :D
Happy Burpday Wenn Wenn and Eve Eve
Ini cocka too hungwee liao ah? Feed kokokai with susu ayam :P Kkakka
Yeah loh, grow your own gift. Muahaha.. Next wan, i will grow wat ah? Tungku? as suggested by Winn?
Enjoy kuchinging to Pussy City ;)
Meow and pet more cats :D
Happy Burpday Wenn Wenn and Eve Eve
101.11% organic stuff. Hahahah..
Happy Birthday Eve and Wennn!!!
Maybe you have a brown thumb doc. You can grow those roots and tubers. :)
LOL hoe leng arrhhhh!!!
Can I come over to your house to get some ginger for my cooking? They look so fresh :D
Next time you can take bean sprout grow with leaves..
Thank you everyone for the bday wishes...26th bday..woo hoo...
Happy "25th & 26th" Birthday to both the birthday gals :)
LOL at the brown thumbs. I'm thinking of how to grow MooLah now. Kkaakkak... Dunno have to plant how much money as seed before the plant will grow :P
Thank u thank u. I guess u dun have such plants in your kitchen hoh, since u cook so frequently. LOL
Hahhahhaha... Can Can.. But those gingers chao pei already loh, with so much wrinkles liao woh. LOLOLOL
Hahhaha, i tried that before, during the early days (i think more than a decade ago). Letting the bean sprout grow into plants (just for fun) :P
syiok also seeing the "growing process". Definitely no growing pain :D
Happy 26th Birthday again, Eve Eve.
Today ada special celebration or not inside your clinic? :P
Your daughter and your son sang birthday song for u liao, i presume? Kkkkkk..
Jie, if my mum need ginger or potato, can ask from u ar?
dump into the
find a way to let u grow..
i will go read things abt growing seeds..
then let u know..haha ;)
dump into the
find a way to let u grow..
i will go read things abt growing seeds..
then let u know..haha ;)
Happy Birthday, Wennnn and Eve Lengleng!!
I have ginger and potatoes at home but they never grow liddat geh. You so cleber! hehehe.....
Done my other homework :D
Please check it out and collect something in here ;)
woof meow,
hahha, i only provide ginger plant and potato flowers :P
very troublesome to grow plants leh.. Need to water them every now and then, which i tends to forget. Hehehe, that's why i dun keep plants except one weird plant which doesn't need regular watering :)
Thanks by the way and i really appreciate it :)
cos u dun have green fingers mah, tat's why your potato and ginger never grows and produce offsprings. Kakkakakaka
Thanks for doing the tag and the award. I actually read your post before u left the comment here. Hehhehe.. That means we were at each other's place almost at the same time :D
hahha..the chili plant nobody water it..
only rain water..hahah
no fertilizer
米歇尔小姐, but i dun have garden or land woh. So rain water definitely won't play any role :D
i dono how to read chinese ler
Those chinese character = your name lah. Piak this banana using the pink banana :D
Oh my DaBuoGong! Hehehe
Your horny ginger looks like the yummy crabs and the potato very very cute!
Happy birthday to Wennnn and Eve!
LOL. now u made me feel like eating crabs tim, especially when Moz talked about the yummy Shanghai Hairy Crabs with me earlier on.. :P
At least I ate prawns today.. Still not so bad, huh :P
ha?my name?
that's why lah..
dowan to study chinese, now become banana liao.. hehehheh
米歇尔小姐 = Miss Michelle
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