It is almost the time of the year again, the Mid Autumn Festival or 中秋节 is just around the corner. Wonder if there is any Mooncake Lantern available in the market for this Lantern Festival?

The Golden Chinese Ham with Assorted Nuts Mooncake (伍仁金火腿月餅). Very ocipala. *Busy counting the evil calories hidden inside each bite*

Liulian Durian Mooncake with Yolk - I presume
Angel will like this, since she hearts and lup liulian very much. I can imagine Angel singing 月饼 月饼,我爱你 this coming Mooncake Festival. Hahahaha..
Which one is your favourite? The traditional baked mooncake, the snowskin (peng pei) mooncake or the jelly mooncake? The traditional and simple flavour or the modern and exotic flavour? IMHO, the lotus paste with
salted egg yolk ham dan plus kuaci is still the best. And err.. I wanna eat the
whisky and champagne mooncake !! *Wishful Thought*
*I presume the Moo Moos will love Mooooooooooo..ncake too*
I cannot bear to eat my two double yolk mooncakes...
Liulian mooncake, wo ai niiii!!!
Someone gave me a box of mooncake but no liulian wan... *disappointed*
heehehe... The two mooncakes u brought back to Italy are still intact ah? Never nibble a little bit meh?
Soon, u can makan them soon..
This coming Tuesday...
Can encore?
Tomorrow night remember to sing this song hoh? I will record your singing. Kkkkkk..
Aiyak, that someone dunno my dear Angel lup liulian mooncake meh?
why lidat geh? (ala FaceBook Q)
tmr mooncake fest meh?
For me, nothing beats the peng pei yuet peng!!! Yummmy!! I feel like dashing right downstairs to the kitchen and open the fridge right now!
*piak Ehon for not knowing when is the actual date for mooncake festival*
Not tomorrow lah
This coming Tuesday lah..
25th September :D
Enjoy your Mooooooooooooooooncake
yeah, the peng pei mooncake is nice. I bought few mini snowskin mooncake few days back from the vegetarian shop - with dragonfruit, red bean and lotus paste & i love it :)
dono why i keep on thining 26 is on a tuesday and tuesday is moon cake fest.. i had tiramisu...and all my mooncake low "mother-in-law
" gonna be ate all 4 mooncakes i bought for is geng
Durian mooncake!?! (0_0)!! Got durian mooncake?? with egg york somemore?? I WANT!! I WANT I WANT!! Wonder if I can ask my mum to buy and freeze it till for 6 month for me? Emm.... I WANT durian mooncake lah!
u still get it partially correct then regarding the date since MCF falls on Tuesday but it's 25th September instead of 26th :P
I have never tried the tiramisu mooncake. Another mooncake that i'm curious of is the cheese mooncake (which i didn't buy). Yeah, nowadays most people buy the low sugar mooncake (and these mooncake are more expensive then the "normal" mooncake, ish..)
Hhahaha, i presume your MIL gonna be loves mooncake? Else how she consume so much... I will feel jelak if i eat too much :D
Hehhehe... actually hoh, the durian mooncake is available for quite some time liao.. at least since 5 years ago. But the previous durian mooncake dun come with yolk :D
Can, ask your mum to buy and freeze for u. My sister in law's fren's father bought the mooncake and freeze for his daughters who are working overseas too :D
I lup peng pei...
I've never really tasted the snowskin or jelly mooncakes. The ones I always had were the traditionally baked ones with lotus paste. I prefer them plain, maybe with kuaci but that's about it. oh yeah... durian would be lovely. :P
I wonder what the whisky and champagne mooncakes taste like. :)
snowy and cold..
Yummmmm... Too bad i dun have any inside my fridge :P
I have never tried the jelly mooncake either, but the snowskin mooncake is nice, as it is kept inside the fridge and served cold (the same goes to jelly mooncake).
I read about the whisky and champagne snowskin mooncake by Bakerzin's (in KL) last year, which sounds good. Hahaha, but never get the chance to taste it :) Dunno whether they still produce the same mooncake this year.
The assorted nuts one looks nice... Slrrp! Also, the noodles, yummylicious!!!!
ahyah i rushed to office forgot to tapao my mooncake i cut last night.
the 'ocipala' mooncake... not my cup of tea ler, too many things stuffed inside! lol
snowskin mooncake is more of my type hehe... don't mind the double egg yolk moon cake too :P
happy weekend and happy coming moooooo...ncake festival!! :D
I love the double egg yolk mooncake the most =) but 'ocipala' mooncake nice mer? looks very crowded in there... *peeps in and tries to find some empty space*
yea yea..i saw the cheese geh also..wanted to buy but dono nice or not..wakakka..later buy alreday eat halfway campak away pulak..
aiyakkk... I still haven't bought my mooncakes! must have a slice on Tuesday, must must... you have double yolk on my behalf, ok?
absolutely dislike the new fusion mooncakes!!! i'm a traditionalist! but the whole market seems to be flooded with these new fusion mooncake. i'm not gonna have any this year :)
eh, i lup you i tagged you. :P
I love the normal mooncake the best! Still got two more days to eat... Must whack kaw kaw!
i only like the piggy ...and the peng pei...
PING PEI!!! yummmy!
me like the snow skin durian ones or the cempedak ones yumyum!
happy mooooncake eating and singing! :))
I like ping pei!!
I prefer snowskin mooncakes. This year, we have the liquor snowskin mooncakes. I always buy Snowskin Custard Mooncakes from my favourite restaurant. Yummy.
Happy Autumn Festival everyone!
What's sup Doc ? When the last time you saw the Foo Chow moon cake ? Guess what, I bought a couple pieces.
i still like the conventional black tau sa mooncake...
as a matter of fact, I have just eaten a slice just now....yummy
Hello, Chen!
Good food, thank you.
Have a good day
too long have i last celebrated mooncake festival *sobs*
I like double yolk.
Of course, I also like my green tea mooncake
I don't like mooncakes. They make me ill. *snif snif* Makes me feel like a gwai loh.
Now i feel like eating mooncake again.. Hungry :D
wah.. so rush geh?
which mooncake u buy?
green leaf mooncake?
since Moo eat grass wan mah :P
hahahha.. i prefer the simple mooncake too.. Simple is always good, hoh? if there is ham dan, even better lah.. LOL
water angel,
i prefer the "simple" mooncake too, with ham dan of coz.. :D
I dun really fancy the "ocipala" mooncake too, my hubby wants to eat that mah, that's why i bought it :)
Hahhahha.. same here..
so better stick to the traditional flavour & paste. Hhahaha
Have u finally have your slice of mooncake? Kkkkkk.. I didn't eat any mooncake last Tuesday, but busy makan-ing Thai food with Angel..
Wah... eat till so full :D
yeah, so many new varieties..
might be next year they will come up with Mushroom or Tungku Mooncake?
Thanks for tagging me..
i know u lup me mah..
I kena tagged with the same tag many times liao, but i still haven't answer the tag yet.
Backlog kaw kaw liao :P
Kkkk... how many mooncakes have u whack? Eat till jelak liao?
I'm now hungwee..
haven't have breakfast yet :)
the piggy are too cute to be eaten leh.. very cruel woh to eat cute stuff.. abuthen, just close the eyes and hantam.. habis cerita. LOL
i wanna eat ping pei too..
I want I want I want :(
now i feel like eating the ping pei mooncake pulak..
hehehe.. wonder how the chempedak paste mooncake tasted like :D
p/s: i'm now hungry :)
giddy tiger,
Me too !!!
Nowadays, i see most people prefer ping pei :)
I have always wanted to try out the liquor snowskin mooncakes, but dun have the chance.
got high-high dei or not after eating the mooncake? LOL
I haven't eat Foo Chow mooncake for ages.. lost count already :)
Wow.. u manage to find foochow mooncake in US? That's great !!
pss.. i havent eat the black tau sah mooncake for ages.. more than a decade liao :P
*pat pat*
but, at least u have transformer robots to accompany u :)
p/s: hopefully they dun curi makan your mooncake :P
how the green tea mooncake taste like ah? i haven't try it out yet.. hehhehe...
Poor SA. Cannot offer u mooncake liao since it will made u fall sick..
Abuthen, u should try out the snowskin mooncake. This one shouldn't made u fall sick kua?
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