The sinful
Pork Knuckle, aka
Tu Kar. Seeing the
Tu Kar will always remind me of that "
someone".. And because of her mishap, subsequently each time when I was inside any hotels, I will pay extra attention to the steps. History shouldn't repeat, even though on the different person :P

I'm not a fan of Tu Kar but no harm eating it once in a blue moon... And that blue moon was one and half years ago, in Thailand.
*Photos taken when I was in Hatyai, Thailand @ May 2006*
Tu Kar = Change? kakaka...
Wah piang... suddenly I hungwee liao!!
tat is Tukar, not Tu Kar
sampat lah u :P
suddenly u feel like "Once in A Blue Moon" too?
Tonight the moon is not blue woh..
Hehhehhhe :P
Me hungwee too :(
so fat and juicy punya kaki!!!!
wanna take a big bite?
make sure bite the correct kaki, not "her" kaki :P
hopefully ECL won't notice this :P
Ei, see la... your fault... make me hungwee... and then make me can't sleep liao!!! Cos I'm listening to allll the 我和春天有个约会 mia lagu!!! Now is 鄺美雲 mia version kkkk :P
*hou laam ahhh...*
Tonite the Moon is not Blue. It's Purple! :P
Tu Kar? Like Throw Star?
I also really really really Oncing In a Blue Moon time! *sigh* How come?
Purple is reserved for Tei Kors!!
you use PhotoImpression to edit ur photos isit?
Tu Kar is so sinful, and cholesterol-FULL! :P
i used to like lean meat (as in BKT, sio bak) only, definitely not those fatty layers. GROSSS leh...
Looks really nice. :)
Looks pretty good!
I also thot like angel, wanna TuKar something... kkkkk!
That is one of my favourite dish
Man ... it looks good, but too bad, I don't like pork at all ... maybe if it was chicken I'd try it out =P
im not sure, but to me, the pork in thailand has a 'funny' taste..tried once and never eat pork in thailand anymore
i saw hand punya before but didnt taste it...haha
i just had tu kar yesterday! sibeh syiok..
apa change that angel!
tu Kar?? hmm my in laws call it chee keok .. is it the same???
*oink oink kissie*
Tu Kar ? Never tried before.. Not fancy. BUT I eat pork.
Ramber! Ramber! Ramber! My stomach want to eat ur pork leg! So tasty looking!
Have a nice day!
yummy...but before makan hor,must say this out loud...
"hooray for the cholesterol" ...keke
learn that from those makan makan show..=P
kYou no like tu kar? So yum leh. Too fatty for you? Hehehe
Hungry... although I don't really eat tu kar... haha
My tummy just did a double flip!
hahaha..... my tu kar again!
Why you go hotel so often ah? Different people sum more. O.o
This tu kar is in Thailand? There are lots of yummy braised and stew pork dishes in Bangkok. This looks yummy.
*grabs one and run*
?? I could have sworn I posted a comment last night. Oh well......
I love pigs knuckle! And that looks so tempting! But lately I've stopped myself from eating any land-based animals (as a start) and hopefully will progress to not eating seafood either to be a vegetarian. Hope I succeed!
But *sigh*, that does look so tempting.
your fault woh..
cos u asked me whether i got update or not yesterday night. Then i go korek korek and did that update loh.
See? It's your fault. Hahahahha
I syiok tidur semalam after sampat with u while u were still lam-ing at the 我和春天有个约会. This morning hoh, feel so lazy to wake up :P
Purple Moon ah? Then tonight is what moon? Yellow Moon? :P
Tu Kar is hokkien name for Chee Kiok leh. No throwing star here, no picking up star either. Only blue moon, no stars... :P
Kkkkkk.. purple tei kor is Misti's tei kor? Kkkkkk.. Angel's one is rainbow colour. Ah Ben's one is forever blue-blue tei :P
Nope, I'm using Jasc Paintshop Pro instead. I edited the photo ages ago and it was inside my draft all these while ;)
I ditto with u. I'm not that into those fatty-oily-cholesterol-laden food too. I prefer eating the lean meat :)
and very sinful too ;)
The curse of the pig :D
Wanna have some? This is quite a popular dish over here in Malaysia :)
Tukar the Tu Kar with Two Car? LOL
very ocipala liao :P
i dunno u like Tu Kar.
Very sinful leh the Chee Kiok..
This dish is full of curse - the curse of the cholesterol. LOLOL
Hah? U don't eat pork wan ah?
Then u don't eat bak kut teh and those bak kwa/yoke kong liao? Oh yeah, u can eat the Chic Kut Teh and Chicken meat bak kwa too :P
Is it? Might be the portion u ate in the past is not fresh? I didn't taste anything funny with the pork there :)
Haven't try out their Pork Burger yet (which is not available in Malaysia).
hand punya? Tu Chiu? Pig has hands meh? I thought all are legs? Hehheheh..
Wah.. very sinful liao, eating the oink oink fatty tu kar.
Angel very ocipala mah..
She wants to Tukar the Tu kar :P
Yeah, you are correct. Chee keok is the same as Tu Kar.
Chee Keok = Cantonese.
Tu Kar = Hokkien ;)
Oink Oink hugs ;)
I prefer bak kut teh (with lean meat, mushroom, yew char koay etc) than tu kar ;)
hor ny ang moh,
Let's have some then :D
I presume u haven't have it for quite a while?
Enjoy your day, and your meal :)
woof meow,
Huh? what ocipala makan show u watch? hahahha.. Must be those Taiwanese show or.. Japanese show? LOL
Yeah, too fatty. I don't really fancy those fatty and oily food stuff, including those deep fried food stuff :D
Hungry ah? I also hungry at the moment. It's 6 pm liao.
I presume it is not easy to get Tu Kar in Dubai?
giddy tigress,
poor tummy. Pat pat tummy :D
yeah loh, your famous Tu Kar :P
Everytime I go outstation, i need to stay in the hotel mah. I dowan to sleep on the road side nor under the bridge leh. Hehehhe
Thailand is the land of yummy food. Love their food there. *Slurp* Lao Hao Sui liao..
Blogger/Blogspot at times chi mah keng wan. At times it swallowed my comments too :(
Wow, that's a big move. I have few vegetarian friends too. Hope u can succeed :)
I don't like Tu Kar!! But my dad loves it so much... Too oily and not healthy, luckily my dad not consume it anymore...
mummy also say chu sau..hahaha...
I like tu kar cho, the sourer the better... wahahahaha!
Yeah, it's definitely unhealthy judging from the thick layer of visible fat. :D
ham chu shau i know lah :P
I presume the "hand" refers to the "front limbs" of the pigs. What's the difference in comparison with the pig knuckle in term of taste or texture? i dunno liao..
day dreamer,
wah.. another sinful dishes. LOL
can tambah nasi wan if eating that. I just want the soup, not the fatty tu kar :P
OMG... I LOVE PORK SO MUCH!!! obsession... haha
and that looks darn good... =D
neah...dat currently showing on Astro 1 lor..
if not mistaken, its "market trotter"
Gua suka makan too-khar.....'kiam-chye too-khar'....'too-khar chore'....'sio too-khar'....'bak-kut-teh thoo-khar'...'German too-khar'.....**slurrrpssss....**
no wonder my tei kor missing.
It looks kinda ba kut teh, no?
u go rasa d then let me know la..aahaha
Hahaha, u r indeed a faithful pork fan ;). The pork dishes I love the most is bak kut teh, besides the minced pork :)
woof meow,
Too many shows available on Astro. Didn't watch that makan show u mentioned. At times it is torturing to watch those makan show cos u can watch but u cannot taste. LOL
walao, u made my tummy grumbling and singing liao. *Hungwee*
Kkkkk.. your missing purple tei kor reminds me of Angel's missing her bra not long ago (but at the end she managed to find it ~ very sotong liao). Hehehehe
The colour might resemble bak kut teh but the taste is totally different. I prefer bak kut teh as it is much more delicious ;)
hahaha, i'm not really interested in tu kar or tu chiu leh. If someone else order the dish, i will only take the lean meat and omit the fatty part :P
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