Today's theme is

Presenting the
LONG stamp. This is the first time I see such a long stamp.

Thanks to
天使 for the long stamp and the lovely long 3D Christmas card.

Yeah, I just received the 3D card this evening ("fresh from the oven"). I'm lovin' it, and so is Ah Boy. Terima Kasih Banyak-Banyak, Malaikat :)
What a pretty L O N G stamp! What a pretty 3 D Card too!! L O N G L O N G L O N G no L O N G K A N G
天使 u still keep my addie not?
Very long hoh?
Luckily not as long as Pinocchio's nose. Hahahhaa
Talking about Long-kang reminds me of the longkang laksa again. Haven't eat it for a while already. Time to visit the drain and help myself :P
Reminiscing the Long Black dunno wat. Hahahaaha
Ah Boy works part time as 天使's secretary.
quite the long, that stamp. I can't remember if I've seen L O N G E R ... ^__^
oh, look out for Mr. Postman next week too, ok... or maybe week after next. dunno if he got steal lazy anot!
This long-long tei stamp indeed very long, longer than the energizer battery's arm :P
Tweet tweet. Thanks. Let's wait and look out for Mr Postman together next week. Hopefully the postman in both countries dun steal lazy nor steal bones. Ah Boy will help me to look out when I'm at work. LOL
wah the card so nice! and oso the stamp too!
*Qs behind carcar*
Nice stamp, nice card.
Did you keep the stamp?
yeah, both the stamp and the christmas card are kinda unique :D
i likey...
hehehe, u hiding behind Carcar ah? Playing Eagle catching little chicken game meh? LOLOL
day dreamer,
yeah loh, very nice.
I collect stamps as hobby during my secondary school days, but stopped since i enter uni.
Since this stamp is so unique, so i will definitely keep it loh. The longest stamp I ever had :P
wah...dat stamp and card very nice...
neber see b4...
Both the stamp and the card is cool! Taken very well too, especially the 1st pic.
Have a wonderful weekend!
wow, i never seen a stamp that long before. is it first day cover issue ?
the card looks gorgeous :)
have a great weekend ahead ;)
wooo, no more woof meow liao? :D
yeah, this is the first time i see the stamp. I bought few 50 cents stamps recently but was given the "normal" stamps, unlike this one :D
Thanks. Yeah, i love both the card and the stamp. Have a wonderful weekend and hope u manage to get some rest :)
I presume so. Cos I can see it represents the multi racial in Malaysia ~ Chinese, Indian, Malay, Singh and the natives etc :)
I wonder if the 10 cents or 20 cents stamps are as long as the 50 cents stamp (by assuming these stamps are the first day cover's stamps)
Hahahaaaa, sampat!
At first I thot, "Eh, so familiar geh.." Mana tau, of cos familiar laa! I send wan maaa! Kakaka...
Wah, so ngam with Photohunt mia theme worrr! So 'yao yuen'... so laam... kekkekeke...
OK, I love buying all these special edition's stamps. If I go to the post office, I'll go kaypo at their Philately counter, but not all post offices have it... only the big ones have it. At this Philately counter, they sell all these special edition stamps, first day covers etc. I have not gone to check out the stamps for some time already becos the last time I bought so much until now can't finish using it yet kakaka... I used to buy about RM40-50 worth of stamps... faint anot? Kekekeke... because see all very nice maa... buy already, too 'sayang' to use pulak... :P But these special edition stamps have got a limited time before it 'expires' and cannot be used, I think abt 10 yrs from the time it comes out... not sure though...
Oops... so cheong hei... kkk...
Oh ya, I also bought the 30 sen stamps but it's not L O N G wan... it's slightly bigger than the normal size but I very like because it's like me, so colourful! Hehehe...
Carcar! I can't find yr addy... :(
Kyh, you want the stamp or the card? :P
Mewwy Xmas, Chen & AhBoy!!! And also to Everyone!!
nice card, nice card!
I thought you were talking about "龙" :D
I looked for the dragon for like 5 min... Blond moment I guess :D
Kkkkkk, terima kasih manyak-manyak Malaikat. Thank u very much, my dear 天使 for the lovely card and the lovely stamp. Muacks & Hiaks :)
wah, this is the longest comment u ever left woh. Very LONG. Hehehehe.
Yeah loh, very ngam woh. Just one time. Muacks Angel again :)
I dunno the existence of this Philately counter, cos i never see it before. Might be the three post office that i used to go to in Penang are not "big" enough. Buy RM 40-50 of stamps? Really faint kaw kaw liao..
Heheheheh. Yeah, some of the stamps I bought in the past (those first day cover stamps) are too nice and I sayang to use them too. At the end, I ended up keeping them instead :P
I also very "long gas" here. Thanks once again and Merry Christmas Angel.
yeah, very nice. I learn something new from Angel regarding the Philately counter in the Post Office which sells First Day Cover and special edition stamps :D
yeah it's Long, the simple long, not the dragon "long" :P
Hehehhe, LOL at the "龙" confusion.
U must be scratching your head wondering where is the dragon :P
Sheeeeesh... that's one mighty long stamp!!!
The Rocky Mountain Retreat
Oooooooo! I collect postage stamps - and I loooove that!!! COOL!
Nice stamp & nice card too!
My PhotoHunt photos are up too!
Yeah, that is definitely a LOOOONG stamp. Great photos. :) Have a nice weekend.
Yeah, very long stamp.
Have a great weekend :)
Stamp collecting is fun. Used to do that as my hobby during my primary and secondary school days. I will definitely keep this stamp as it is so unique :)
I love your bottle art project too.
blur mommy,
Yes, it is. The kite picture u posted up has longgggggggggg tail, which is beautiful :)
Yeap, very longggggggggggg... but not as long as your peacock's tail feather :)
this was a unique choice for the theme
That is a very long stamp and I love the 3D card. Have a great weekend.
The long stamp is pretty neat. I have never seen one that long either, and I used to collect stamps. Have a good weekend.
wa nice card!!
envy envy d..
Long stamp. I am still collecting stamps. Do you want that stamp :P
that's the longest stamp I've ever seen chen. nice one. happy hunting.
piak myself. so bad at posting out cards. :(
This is a pretty cool long stamp! I want it! I collect stamps. Where can I get it? Is it still on sale in your post office.
I have not seen such a stamp. It's unique!
What a neat card! :)
My LONG picture is up too! :)
Thanks Sarge. Have a nice weekend.
yeah, the longest stamp i ever see.
Happy Weekend :)
yeah, a long stamp indeed. I used to collect stamp in the past, during my primary and secondary school days. I will keep this stamp since it is so unique.
i'm sure your boy boy will give u a nice Christmas card too :)
I used to collect stamps in the past. But since this is a unique and special stamp, I will definitely keep it :)
Yeah, very long indeed.
Have a happy weekend :)
Hehehhee.. dun piak yourself leh.
U still have time to do so.
2 more weeks to go before Christmas mah ;) LOL
Hehehhee, according to the 天使 who bought the stamp, this unique long stamp is available in the Philately counter in the major Post Office. Very pretty hoh the stamp. I likey. I lup it very much :)
Yeah, it is special and unique. The collection of the whole set on the first day cover will be nice :)
Your long entry is a neat one too.
Happy Weekend.
That is a long stamp indeed, and a very cool Christmas card!
Cool stamp!... Haven't seen yet a stamp like that here in our place... thanks for dropping by mine...
Have a nice day!...c",)
silamat hali raya haji...
angel i very 'tam sim' wan... i wan both :P
That is a gorgeous stamp! I wish our stamps were as creative.
over my dead body and in my dreams..ahahah..
can tell u dat...
Nice stamp. How's things in Malaysia? The news is making things sounds quite tense... :S
I hardly could remember the last time i received a X'mas card, I meant physical card... hehehe :-p
such a very nice long stamp!
This reminds me of my lost stamp collection....
*joins queue behind carcar and kyh*
Yeah, the stamp is really long... nice thing to share~!
Btw, I also post my photo hunter for this week , please visit me and say HI ya!
Have a nice weekend~!
That's a pretty long stamp. Initially I thought it was a string of several stamps.
I miss collecting first day covers for several years now. I used to get them from Dayabumi P.O.
Hope you will visit mine too.
Have a great weekend.
Wow, a long stamp indeed and nice shots. Have a nice weekend.
A long stamp, that is very cool.
yeah, i love both the stamp and the Christmas card, and the sender too :)
This is the first time I see such a stamp too :)
Hari Raya Haji? huh?
Cannot be so tamak wan :P
Hopefully u will get those beautiful stamps in your place soon :)
wah, so terrible wan meh? :D
Mmmmm.... it is not so peaceful nowadays compared to 10 years back.
And not forgetting the rising cases of murders, robberies, rape etc and many still remain unsolved. :(
Hehehe, nowadays most people send e-cards. But it is nice to receive those real physical cards and postcards in the mailbox. It do made a difference :)
yeah, i love both the stamp and the Christmas card, and the sender too. I used to collect stamps as hobby in the past but has stopped doing so since i entered uni :)
queue up to get signature ah?
Yeah, i love both the stamp and the card. I will hop over to your place soon. Have a nice weekend.
I thought so too when I first received the card. But when I took a closer look, it's only one single stamp. My dad used to collect first day covers in the past :)
I will hop over to your place soon. Happy weekend :)
Thanks Snoopy. Have a great weekend.
yeah, i love both the stamp and the Christmas card, and the sender too
now u know lor..how i kena bully..
Well, there is give and take in every relationship. Nobody is 100% perfect. As long as u are happy, and contented :)
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