Time really flies. Today is
Chap Goh Mei (元宵节) or 15th day which marks the end of the Lunar New Year. It's also known as Chinese Valentine. In the past, eligible ladies will throw oranges on Chap Goh Mei into the river as a gesture of hope to get good husbands. IMHO, fruits are expensive nowadays. So don't waste the fruits by throwing them into the river. More practical to just consume them. Kkkkkkkkkkk. And not forgetting,
Maymay in Sydney for 2 weeks liao.
Since today is the last day of CNY, I better posted up these before the festive ends !!!

Those who watched Amazing Race Asia will have seen this gigantic cat statue in Kuching (located next to the roundabout in Jalan Padungan). This gigantic cat will wear different costume for different festival. The thing that caught my attention this time was the presence of Maggi lanterns everywhere.

And further down the road, I saw more cats holding Maggi lanterns !!! Is this a Maggi CNY? LOL... I took these shots from the car. If I was walking on the street, I will take more snapshots from different angles.

Don't go away yet.... The gigantic meow meow in Kuching wanna made one announcement..
Happy Birthday, Simple AmericanWishing U Happy Returns + A Smooth & Prosperous Year Ahead...
☺☺With Feline & Meow Meow & Kucing & Mayau Hugs☺☺
What an auspicious day : Simple American's birthday + Chap Goh Mei + Chinese Valentine Day.
Whatsup Doc, I wonder if Ah Boy is scared of giant Kuching cat.
Happy Birthday Simple American!!
Happy Chap Goh Meh!!
Happy Oranges Day!!
Happy Birthday Simple American......
Happy Chap Goh Mei
Happy Birthday, SA!
Happy 15th Night!
Happy Kam Day!
*copy l b*
I wonder why they dont built GIANT sate in Kajang town, and put costumes on them too hahahha!
Happy Chap GoH Meh! and dun waste oranges! mum said: oranges are for eating, not for throwing.
Happy Birthday, Simple Ameriliu!
Happy Final Day of CNY!
Happy Lokam Day!
*copy angie*
Happy Birthday to Simple American!
Like Chen said, don't waste those mandarin oranges... who doesn't want theirs don't throw into the river, give them to me. KKKKKK!
I presume Ah Boy doesn't know his own size. He likes to bark at the big dogs (which I'm afraid of too).
Happy Birthday SA,
Happy CGM
Happy KK Day (Kam Kam Day)
Err... How come u didn't mention Happy Oranges Day geh?
*copy back my reply to LB here..*
Happy Birthday SA,
Happy CGM
Happy KK Day (Kam Kam Day)
Hahaha, imagine seeing a gigantic sate with samfu or cheongsam during CNY & baju melayu or baju kurung during hari raya !! Tat would really be a humourous scene :P
Yeah yeah, don't waste oranges. Eat them, dun throw them :D
*Copy back my reply to LB & Angel*
Happy Birthday SA,
Happy Last Day of LNY
Happy LL Day (Lokam Lokam Day)
day dreamer,
Kkkkkkk.. another supporter of "Dun waste oranges" :P
Woh, U celebrated the CGM in advance liao ;)
Steamboat dinner & gathering.
So syiok :D
Happy Chap Goh Meh!!!
Should eat lontong chap goh meh lor.... :)
Hi Chen, thanks for stopping by my blog. I guess this is an auspicious day for leaving my first comment, yah?
Happy Chap Goh Mei and Happy Birthday to Simple American!
no more tong tong tong qiang liao...
So fast horrrr??!!!
count down for next year cny!
Happy CGM to u too :)
What is lontong Chap Goh mei? :D
Over here, some people eat tang yuan (the glutinous rice balls) but i dun practice tat, I eat everything :P Likely going out for seafood dinner tonight ;) How about u? Eating Lontong Chap Goh Mei?
Hehe.. Yeah, this is indeed an auspicious day :D
Happy Chap Goh Mei to u too, & Happy Birthday SA. Finally the clock has struck 12 in Texas :D
red sponge,
yeah loh.. Indeed fast
How time flies..
Now is March liao
So fast count down for next year CNY liao ah? Count down first for other festival lah.. eg. Duan Wu Jie, Moon Cake Festival, Tang Yuan Festival etc etc :P
so the Kuching! so the Meow Meow!! *scratches post*
Happy Birthday, Simple American!
ooh ya, 2 weeks already hor...
*copies everyone*
Happy Chap Goh Meh... got throw mandarin orange boh? I go throw durian... LOL
based on the dept of national statistics, Kuching ppl are the largest consumers of Maggi Mee.
Don't belif me, ask Ah Nel and Ah Ben.
Lontong Cap Goh Meh is a special dishes that is served during Cap Goh Meh festival.
Lontong is almost the same like ketupat, the long steam rice in banana leaves. Eaten together with chilly coconout milk with chicken, boiled eggs and keropok.
Too bad, I don't eat it today if not I can show you the picture, next time ok :)
KKKKKK @ kyh!! :P
I want to ask... apa itu mayau??? I know mayau is not seeyau... is not choiyau... mayau is... sesame oil????? KKKKKKKKK!!!
Kkkkkk... must not scratch with long finger nails :P
time really flies, I'm still not used to it's already March !! Soon it will be April, and June etc.. Wah..
copy here, copy there..
copy cat, kopi kucing, kafei mao..
*i'm not drunk* :P
Happy Chap Goh Mei to u too
Thanks for the Mr Teok sms
kekkeke. Hope the Teok families will continue visiting u throughout they year ;)
Cannot waste fruit leh.. Better eat them then throwing them into the river. U wanna throw durian? Donate lah to me instead !! I wanna makan :P
Maggie sponsor the neko holding lanterns kot haha
Happy Birthday Simple American!!
Happy Chap Goh Meh!!
Happy Chinese Valentine!!
Happy everything this Porky year!!
sigh.. time flies so fast.. scary.
Kkkk... I hope they dun eat Maggi Mee as one of the reunion dinner dishes.
Abuthen, I ate instant mee for Chap Goh Mei dinner in my fourth year leh. That night I was busy typing report for my group for our Community Health posting inside the library (last time uni student didn't have desktop nor laptop unlike students nowadays). Those really were the days :P
From your description, the lontong in Indonesia is the same as the lontong here in Malaysia, but it's more of a Malay dishes over here. Since u mentioned the people there eating it during Chap Goh Mei, I tot it's something different since Chap Goh Mei is celebrated by chinese :)
I have eaten lontong before too. Thanks for the thought of taking the picture :)
Kyh becomes your temporary little shadow liao :P
*faint* at your definition of mayau
My dear Angel,
Mayau means cat or meow meow in Iban language lah :P
psss.. Manok = ayam in Iban
so, next time u can call Cocka as Manok :P
*giggle again*
I hope the poor kitties didn't cry cos have to hold the lanterns for so many days :P
Happy Everything to U too, Butt
Indeed scary..
Sounds like we just talked about New Year 2007, and now it's the 3rd month already..
Time really flies...............
ya, come to think of it, scary how fast time flies. suddenly March hor?
and.. Happy Birthday SA!!
then have to call him Manoka... kkkkkkkk... Pak Cik Manoka... kkkkkk...
Alamak din mention Happy Orange day.. aisey kena tangkap tim... OKie okie happy chang day... Happy mandarin orange day...
Thank you Doc and Ah Boy for commenting on my blog! :D
Those cats look really big, but Mark would probably still bark at them anyways. :c
Happy B'day to your friend, Simple American!
And Happy 15th day to you and your loved ones.
this cat made popular by amazing race asia
long long time ago hoh...when this cat baru 'dilahirkan' i got take pics there sumore oooo...lol
i also dont know wats so special abt a giant cat ...almost everyone who comes to kuching will stop by there to take pics..kekeke
Soon it will be June liao..
And.. blink eyes few times, it will be 2008 oledi?
Really kia si lang :P
When I call him Manok yesterday night, I saw smoke coming out from his ear liao..
Pak Cik Manoka?
What a great name !!
Pakcik summore
U r so good & so kuai
Happy kam day to u too
Wonder if anyone here went tossing kam inside the river yesterday night? ;)
furkids in HK,
errr… why become so “hak hei” & say thank you?
We know each other since 2005 liao
We have been commenting in each other’s blog since then oledi
I always been follow up Mark & Cream’s progress throughout these while
Mark & Cream are always very adorable & obedient :)
CNY is officially over…
Time really flies…
pink cotton,
Kkkkkkkk.. Should be this cat is always popular earlier on & then become more popular now
I also took photo with the cat leh in 1991 when I went to Kuching for a prize giving ceremony.
So old liao the cat…
I still have the old photo with me :P
At tat time the cat is very lonesome, unlike now.. so glamour
Tourists of coz must take photo with the cat :P
To prove to others that they have visited Kuching !!!
Actually hah, the instruction in the Amazing very the vague lei....It said look for a cat statue but only people in Kuching hah will know there is more than one statue oh...There are 3 around the same area...so, can't blame the contestants lor for being lost...
I will too if people ask me to look for a Burger King Restaurant in KL...
kitty everywhere!!!
*meow meow*
you are mostly welcomed, SA :)
I saw your seven squared post..
and the cute cake with 7 candles on top of it ;)
生日快樂, 美国人
Kuching welcome u with widely opened arms, and so is Penang :D
I think they purposely made it tat way... adding more thrill to the show :)
There are lotsa cat statues, but we hardly see any real cats in Kuching . In fact, we see more dogs !!! :D
Can anyone explain why they name the town Kuching?
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