Guess what? I kidnapped these two cute piggies from
Pink Cotton's house. She gave me green light to kidnap them :P

These piggies are supposed for kids woh... But I dun care lah.. since I'm still young in heart. Kkkkkkkkkk. If u "dissect" or perform postmortem on the pig, u will be rewarded with a piece of chocolate. Good deal?

And guess what? U can find pigs, pigs & pigs in her house. Lotsa piggies... This is indeed The Piggies Heaven :P

Instead of the traditional lion dance, the pinkish Pink Cotton (wearing the pink tops from Singapore, pink watch & pink nail varnish) decided to do something different. Since this is the Porky year, she came up with the modern
lion pig dance with a pink piggy head. Oink oink oink :P
wahahaha!!! really pigs world...wonder if pinkie katen can fight my action figures koleksyen or not? gero gero gero~
oink oink oink chiang oink chiang oink chiang
gold is in!! pink is evergreen!
Pig is cute.
Pink is cuter.
Pink Cotton is cutest!
wah.. new name woh --> pinkie katen
She has lotsa pigs in da house
from mini size to gigantic size :P
Various sizes & shapes
from woof chiang woof chiang, now become oink chiang oink chiang liao? :D
I noticed your profile pict
Maymay drew one...
Pink pink tei pict too
So the Carcar :D
Yeah yeah... Manyak betul
If pink cotton read this, sure she insomnia liao...
Pink Cotton is the cutest
Her blinks can kill woh...
Man ... thats a lot of pink.
very cute leh... and the pink pig pillow is sooooooooooooooo cute! love the piggy smile and look! :D
pink cotton is like a barbie lor.... all pink one...
So the piggy!! Hahaha~
Yes... this is a pink, pink world ;)
That pink pig is not a pillow leh..
it's the piggy plush toys :P
I dunno u love piggy soft toys too?
Barbie all pink wan meh?
I'm not barbie fan :P
day dreamer,
This is a piggy year mah..
Pig Rocks?
nola.. i no fan of soft toys one. jus find it very cute here... :D
there's one small koala plush toy here which i find it very cute too! kakaka...
Really so nice those golden chee chai!!! And Pink Cotton is so Pretty in Pink!
Wa doc, really a doc at heart! Doing a post mortem on chocolate piggies.
Very cute pigs and wonderfully taken photos!
piggies! aren't they just the cutest? pink piggies are still the most classic...
laughing to myself reading all the comments here...kekeke
the poor piggies...sudah kena belah
Pink Cotton's head sure swell as big as the pig head liaw after reading this comments....
psst lokter ah...the choc ada semut kah??
this is the pink pink world...
Welcome Back!!!
Whoaaaaaaa.... so many piggies!!!
Not only the pink oink but also golden oink oink, hehehe
but i think pinkie still kennot fight me...cos i have a pig skull in my house...a big one sammore...gero~
Wah... she really into pink all the time.
hey golden piggies!!
so cute lar..
i didn't know theres chocs inside??
soft toys are always cute :D
I dun play with them but I do have a huge collection of them
I get one small cute koala bear plush toy too few days back – holding a boomerang :D
Might be I will post that up one of these days
Pigs are always cute..
Piglets are even cuter…
But still… they end up in people’s tummy :P
Pink Cotton is pretty in other colour too, not only in pink ;)
furkids in HK,
wat to do?
Occupational "hazard"
everyday think of cutting :P
Thanks for your compliment ;)
Haven’t have time to do all the blog hoppings yet..
Hope can find some time tonight to do so :)
cute little piglets..
I have lotsa piggy plush toys too…
Some as small as few centrimeter.. which is my favourite :P
Will post that up one of these days…(but not pink in colour loh)
Yeah yeah.. u r indeed very knowledgeable
pink cotton,
Pls dun laugh to yourself too much woh..Later ppl think u schizo then no good liao
I tot the piggies are supposed to end up that way?
Can still “reattach” back one mah.. :P
Ah boy looked at the piggies with great interest yesterday night ;)
hope won’t swell to the extend of hydrocephalus,
else cham liao :P
The choc tarak semut yet..
Thank God no hidden dead lizard inside there too
Pink rocks at the moment
But still, pink is not my favourite..
I hope tat someone who loves PINK won’t throw rotten eggs at me :P
TQ TQ :)
Yeah, can see pigs everywhere..
I saw the pink piggy in your blog too :P
I have few pink piggies too…
And not only pink coloured… I have pigs in other different colours too
A happy family of piggies
hope won’t swell to the extend of hydrocephalus,
else cham liao :P
The choc tarak semut yet..
Thank God no hidden dead lizard inside there too
Pink rocks at the moment
But still, pink is not my favourite..
I hope tat someone who loves PINK won’t throw rotten eggs at me :P
TQ TQ :)
Yeah, can see pigs everywhere..
I saw the pink piggy in your blog too :P
I have few pink piggies too…
And not only pink coloured… I have pigs in other different colours too
A happy family of piggies
Walao… pig skull in your house?
Big piggy skull summore?
take picture & show us !!!!!
I will in return posted up pict of human skulls !!
That’s why she called herself Pink Cotton :P
I don’t fancy pink colour wan
(dun tell her, else she will knock my head):P
U also dunno got hidden chocs inside there meh?
I also dunno till Pink Cotton told me that day :P
I tot it’s just cute golden piggy toys only ;)
pink nice mah...
when, shopping for shirt that time, sure looking for pink shirt.. :p
gong xi fa cai to you. eh btw whr to get those golden piggies??
welcome to the oink oink world!!
pink is the new ong ong lolol
Wah so many piggie
So pink too
Heh heh heh
i dun feel the piggie atmospher when I was there. But i feel myself like a pig..i ate really heaps
u need to cut a hole and shove that pig into your head ler...
wah.. then u sure have lotsa pink clothes liao...
i dun woh :P
pink is the last on my list
Gong Xi Gong Xi
Those golden piggies are bought by Pink Cotton's parents in Sarawak. I dunno whether issit available here. Cos I never see it either in the past. This is the first time I saw the cute piggies :)
More porky post in the next few days? Mmmm.. let's see :P
Pink is the new "ong" colour ah?
Pink Cotton sure happy kaw kaw liao hearing this :P
This is a piggy world ;)
U have any piggy plush toys?
I remember seeing lotsa plush toys in your car..
And I love your Sylvester the notti cat :D
CNY is all about eating, and further more u came back once in.. few years? Of coz die-die also must eat liao.. Else have to wait for another few years before u can savour the nice food ;)
why wanna shove the pig into my head? :P
That girl is not me lah..
That is Pink Cotton :D
cuteeee kaw kaw!!! Pink Cotton and the Piggies!!! muacks muacks muacks!
REally CKK hoh?
CKK = cute kaw kaw, comel kaw kaw, chubee kaw kaw
hugs hugs hugs :D
So I guess, at the end of the oink oink, instead of the 'cai qing', the pink pig will go after 'lap cheong'? haha
ok... pink cotton (whoever you are)... shove the pig up your (damn, was going to say ass)...
got gold piggies in KL but the gold colour not so nice one leh :(
Errr... I catch no ball leh :D
wah... say till lidat? :P
might be those are old piggies? ;)
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