Winn, 你是最好的, 你知道吗? Winn, you are the best cos you can give us
Complete Care !!

This is even better. Free 300 g of Low Suds Winn Detergent with every purchase of 3 kg of Winn! I wonder besides Winn Detergent, is there any Winn Toothpaste or Winn Soap? Winn Winn, do u use this product to bath Liucas? :P

Half an hour later, I
jalan-jalan in Prangin Mall and I saw
LB playing hide & seek inside
LB Corner !!!

Later in the evening, while driving along Penang Road, guess whom I saw?
May dining inside
May Garden Palace Restaurant. Wow..

That is not the end of the story yet. I saw
Angel pulak posing in front of
Angel Tours Sdn Bhd in Campbell Street.

Few minutes later, I saw
Angel again - singing inside the
Angel Record House.. Am I hallucinating? Okie, enough of driving around.. Time to go

Time for a bowl of the
famous Penang Road Teochew Chendol in Keng Kwee Street (Off Penang Road) before heading back home :P
*Related Entry:
Winn's Me Me Me!!
wa..the cendol~~the aunty drinking herself~! gerori~~long time no makan cendol leh...
btw...dont have Monknastary meh? *sighs*
LOL. This is funny! But is there really Winn detergent? Never seen before leh.
ROTFL!!! you so sampat!! you so sotong! I lap you kau-kau!!
apuh` sotong chen also launch CPBSP edition` :X
It's almost time for them to close the stall cos it's late evening liao :D
Monknastary? tarak woh.. :P
Winn Detergent is available quite some time liao.. The first time I get to know about it was in 2005 :)
I took those 2 photos (Winn detergent) inside one of the supermarket with my handphone. Next time u can try to look out for it :)
Kekekeke... I learn all the sampat skills from all the great liuliu sifu here, LOL
TQ for lapping me kau kua.
I lap u too :D
CPBSP is your version leh..
Mine is different version :P
In Jakarta I saw a signboard advertising Winn lighters and gas. LOL
Our Winn got full of gas anot ah?
*cepat cabut*
haha... u have a good observation and making story...
Happy New Year~~!!
Ho Ho Ho!!! Dang, such a rundown LB Corner! Not even LB Tower!! Haha.. Pity you didn't run into Cocka Doodle. You must pinch his butt for me if you do.
Winn lighters and gas?
Our Winn dearie is not full of gas lah, she sampat only :P
Haha, it all started with Winn Detergent :P Since it's New Year, i might as well write a sampat post :D
LB Towel? Oops, should be LB Tower instead :P Too much alcohol liao..
or might be LB Castle? ;)
pinch Cocka's butt only ah?
not kicking his butt meh? LOL
how come you never see me at nyonya breeze? :D
King's Wife had some very yummy makan-makan there during the Christmas break.
kekkee!!!!!ok reminds me of my detergent again.......since u so nice i belanja u chendol la...opps but u jus had. :P
lynnx, winn's very femes ok:P go to highcrass supermarket only can find.....haha....
cocka ...pooot!!
nyonya pg,
paiseh paiseh
must be I was speeding kua when I drove past Nyonya Breeze?
That's why I didn't notice u chit chat at the dining table... :P
Hehhe, I didn't visit that place lah..
Might be we go there makan-makan when u balik Penang time?
Hahha, the first time I heard about Winn Detergent was when I read your post last year, in 2005..
Oops.. not last year liao..
now is 2007 liao..
two years ago liao leh..
so fast time flies..
i dun mind having second servings of chen-dol wan..
yeah yeah.. u r correct :)
High class supermarket only have.. Low class one tarak wan..
I want Winn
I want Winn detergent
so cun de???
i was abit takut that there might be PINK COTTON CANDY 'x'
you bunch of liulius always bring a smile to my face. :)
Seems like u can't escape from the bloggers everywhere you go!
Clever lah..
u made the right choice
Winn detergent will give u lotsa foam & bubbles..
and made u happy :P
pink cotton,
kia si lang leh? :P
If i see a shop with that name, sure i will snap wan...
Too bad i only see the fluffy candies :P
we are a bunch of great ppl leh?
*perasan kaw kaw*
seems like they are everywhere...
scary huh? :P
LOL at KW's and your comment! sounds like we're some conspiracy of an alien group on earth! kakaka
(i watched too much tv last time)
really kia si lang liao :D
like watching X files lidat :P
i tot its chendul? no kar?
that chendol... so 勉强 geh... hehe
really sampat post indeed :P
*kin kin cabuts* :D
ah nel,
chendol = chendul lah..
both also got chen inside
that chendol... not 勉强 lah..
tat was in fact the idea given by Winn to me in December 2005 when she posted the Winn Detergent post time :D
Winn will care for u once u buy the detergent liao :P I haven't dine inside May restaurant either.. Might be I should hoh? :) I think I step inside the Angel Travel before leh.. but just see-see only ;)
Thanks for the White Star :D
good morning loctor.
yes i am an inconsistent blogger who tries to make up for time whenever. another word, not disciplined like you. you time manage well. *respect*
i must try to time manage better in 2007. i have to. the world will crumble on me if i don't. the sky is falling the sky is falling..
good morning doctor, im here. hahaha....
thank god im not there, on the street. hahaha...
so cute lah this post! good compilation!
having difficulty log in to your blog for the pass few back to sgp, using firefox.
Good afternoon, Misti :)
Hahhaa, I’m not so disciplined too lah :P
Yeah, yeah.. I wanna manage time better too…
Let’s made this as our New Year Resolution :P
Good afternoon, Carcar
I saw your ‘status’ - watching tv & munching chips
si beh song :D
I know I know..
U taking half day leaves mah earlier on...
now u back to work in office liao :D
LOL… too bad lah I didn’t spot u on the street :P
Spore connection is better than KL, huh? Welcome back “home” from “another home” :)
ish..... tarak jellyfish wannnn...
:P :P
Haha! U see me everywhere ahh... Yippie! That means you won't forgets me... yippie again!
(I tersilap type this comment in winn's blog pulak! Now I really melayang like her liao!) :P
pink cotton, I read abt u in mitch albom new book liao!!!!
ehee...ah chen-doll, why no red sponge geh??? ;p
kekkke.. tat wan ah..
have to go to the beach or sea liao lah..
else have to go to market liao :P
fulamak.. Angel, u so liu..
melayang-layang pulak..
till post in the wrong place :P
i tot only sam pat is contagious,
mana tau melayang-layang is contagious too !!
Pink Cotton so famous one ah? :P
Mmmm... red sponge is available is certain "places" only..
I didn't go to that "area" mah tat day, so didn't manage to meet up with "red sponge" loh :P
why LB never export his itari clothes to this branch leh? :P
cos... cos... cos not enuff stock kua? :P kekkekke....
LOL so funny! Next time must alert me if u ever find a KYH sign. I must sue the owner cos the name is under my copyright!!! Then the money compensated will share share with u la... haaa.... :dreaming:
Mmmm... frankly speaking, KYH sounds very familiar leh..
I think I see this name somewhere, but can't recall where issit liao :D
Hehhee, If i come across the name again, sure I will alert u in the first place :P
You purposely go hunt for all these photos ka?
day dreamer,
kakkaka.. I'm not so "eat full nothing to do lah". All these kebetulan only. I was inside the car when kebetulan passing by those places, and when I saw the name, I quickly took out the camera & snap. Kekkekeke... I didn't plan wan...
Kebetulan only.. It all started with Winn detergent, and then suddenly i noticed all the other names :P
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