I consider this a blessing for being able to appreciate such beautiful scenery within my comfort zone, right from the window of my living room. It has become a routine for me to look out from the window everyday - regardless of time.. morning, afternoon (if I'm not working), evening and even late at night.

The colourful sky of the late evening or dusk with tinge of orange, yellow, red, blue and grey colour.

The day has almost come to the end... Awaiting ahead is the peaceful and quiet night :)

Another view of the colourful sky in the late evening. This photo was taken few months back.
Ya, Looking at the late evening skies makes me feel peaceful and calm. Great photos.
I need a little peace, tranquility and calmness right now, just like the evening sky...
i like the last one the most! 'x'
I must crash at doc's place sum time
can ah
heh heh heh
then can go makan asam laksa or kolo mee
hi Chen, this is how I make the recycle paper. =)
too late to chup by dialup, but big hugs anyway.. Nice picture too!!!! *sot sot sot*
these pictures are so magnificent!!!
You really have a good view from your apartment, lucky you :)
Yeah, it is relaxing to look at the peaceful scenery :)
Poor may. Weekend is coming soon.
red sponge,
Talking about the last photo reminds me of Kuching & Bintulu. The sky in Sarawak get dark faster than here :) I remember it's dark at 6:15 pm Bintulu... Over here it only get dark around 7:30 pm...
crash? hahaa... crash reminds me of something else just now :P Want to makan assam laksa ah? no problem.. but eating kolo mee? tat one u need to go to Sarawak loh.. sini tarak kolo mee :D
yeah, I read liao..
u r indeed very creative to come up with such idea. I'm amazed & truly impressed :) Bravo
Sotong hug? hahahha...
Thanks. Enjoy your lormaikai & don't forget to savour all the yummy & sinful food in Malaysia.
Glad u like the picture. Yeah, I consider myself lucky & blessed to have such magnificent view from my place :)
I'll be going to the Feringghi Beach in a short while :)
i think i really got to make a trip up to penang, all the way... for the good sceneries like this..
the 1st pict looks a bit special and diff frm all yr previous series. nice.
As always, nice pictures!
yeah, i like the first pict very much ;) We don't get to see that everyday :D Come, come to Penang :D see the sunrise too ..
yeah, indeed very relaxing. I will gaze at the view outside the window several times a day..
day dreamer,
Ooops.. I just remember I haven't send u the pict yet.. Are u in a hurry for that? Can I send it this coming weekend? I haven't search for the pict yet. :)
I need it ASAP, preferably before next week. ;) Thanks!
day dreamer,
I will try to send it to u tomorrow night, if not, then on Saturday :)
Somethings else???
like wat ah
i tot u make homemade kolo mee mah
doc chen kolo mee
mari mari 1 linggit 1 linggit
beautiful views, great shots.
you're certainly very blessed
now do you have a room to rent? Preferbly the living room ... :D
Yes, nice to look at scenery and drink tu tor thng =D
Wah, cantik!
*reminds ownself to take scenery pics!*
H A P P Y L I U L I U A N N I V E R S A R Y H U G Z ! ! !
Wow!!! Realli pretty and colorful woh.. I loved the third pic.. dark blueey skies.. nice nice.
How come no green wan? :P
I can definitely dreaaam away with such a beautiful sight.. lovely.. it soothes my blues away...
Oh.. in case ure wondering how come so late im still here... just finish printing my paper work.. *hehe*
Just read angel jie jie's post.
H A P P Y A N N I V E R S A R Y H U G S !
happies anniversary/. happy celebread-ing..:)
enjoy ok. 7/7/06 is cool. my bro's expecting the birth of his newborn daughter now.
duno she is taking direct flight of transit. :p
crash carry lotsa meanings mah..
one of those meaning loh, hahhaa..
kolo mee not nice lah..
so oily :P Very de unhealthy :)
Room to rent? Even my store room is fully occupied... LOL. If living room, then u need to share the room with my little doggy then :P hahha..
MMmmmm... tu tor thng? Might be I should cook that soup this coming weekend, ahahha... u made me drool for the soup now :P
thanks.. and thanks for your card & greetings & roses... liu it very muchie :)
*hug hug*
*reminds angel to take scenery pict as well, just in case she forgets*
green sky? tat looks eerie..
sounds like fatt cheng kong oni... Cannot lah :P
Haha, u cleber gurl, u answer the Q liao before I ask u. U really know what Q i gonna ask u, hoh? :P
Thanks :)
yeah.. celebreading with bread..
and might be chen-dol too? :P
Congrats for being koo-mah another time again... or u prefer being called koo-jie instead? :P
Hope u can take "direct flight" & see the beautiful world soon :P
*waiting waiting waiting*
Happy 07.07.06!!!!! Hugs and Sotongs, and a bit of lormaikai, and some nasi lemak!!!
Great views from your apartment - you're so fortunate. The evening skies nicely captured! ;)
Happy Anniversary again!!!! One mo time!!
LOL.. thanks for the hugs & sotong & lormaikai & nasi lemak :D
unker, u r fortunate too to stay next to the river. Can go kayaking easily every weekend ;)
thanks again ;) I guess u must be somewhere inside one of the coffee bean or starbucks :D
the pic is nice.. hehe i dun think that i'd be able to take nice pics like this.. (i'm a noobie in photoshooting)
with practice, sure u can do it one of these days :)
Not yet been to Coffeebean.. I don't like that place!! So fake wan, just like Uncle Ho only... Prefer Starbuckies!!
Yaya, when I visited Penang, I always dunno it is 7pm and suppose to have dinner already. Is abit weird, my dinner time is like 45 mins after the sky get dark.
You so untung, have longer day time! hehe
just like Unker Ho? Hahahaa..
Talking about Unker Ho reminds me of the Uncle Ho's Foodcourt in Avenue K, Jalan Ampang. Hahha, looks like that fella had ventured into food business following the success of his DVD/VCD empire :P
red sponge,
Yeah, the sky here gets bright later too.. So can enjoy my sleep more on weekends. Indeed very "untung", huh? :P
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