I just realised a couple of minutes ago,
28818 visitors to my humble weblog so far. I'm thinking.. might be I should give
a small gift to the
28,888th visitor of this humble weblog. Since 28,888 is a nice number which means
easy to prosper in Cantonese (
28888 = 易發發發發 = 容易發大财). What to give? I haven't make up my mind yet. Definitely not a free whole body check up :P
Sharon is the lucky
8888th visitor of my weblog & the event took place in early December last year. If you are the visitor no 28,888 please take screen shot of the sitemeter counter of that precious moment & email to me
(the sitemeter is available the bottom of the page). Wonder who will be the lucky & prosperous one this time? :)
Congrats to LB for being the 28888th visitor as well as to Selba & Sbanboy (sharing being the 28888th visitor as well) :D This is the screenshot sent to me by LB at 2:22 pm.
Thanks everyone for participating in this event, although it's Saturday :)
so am I the 28888?
I guess not.. :P
ok, if I win, one iPod nano, ok?
liubee, how many iPods nono do u want? :P
But better get it fr the Doc, okays? ;)
if i'm the 28,888th liuliuliu, u nxt weekend cum KL and buy me dinner, okays? :P
I'm not the one yet... hiazzz
OOooo OOooo OOOooo
How bout when reach 28888, you buy us all lunch to celebrate?
Can ah Can ah??
1 from you, 1 from her, another one from her, well, the possibilities are endless!!
i m 28840!! common common.
shld i refresh another 44 times to make myself 28888?
urgh!!!! no one helpssssss me!!!
ok i lied. hehe. still 28841:P
u never know :D
I beautifully taken ipod nano photography, okie? Tai Lor, I myself also don't have ipod nano leh...
I guess he wants a collection of ipod nano :D I can't go to KL next weekend lah.. How about next weekend u come to Penang, I belanja u dinner :)
wah.. buy u all lunch to celebrate?
U come over to Penang loh, then I belanja u makan :D
walao.. how many u want? might be i give u the ipod nono toys. kekkekke...
winn is caught cheating red handed!! if u want to cheat also cannot one lah.. cos the sitemeter recognise your ip address.. regardless how many times u refresh also the same outcome one leh..
Oi, Sotong Chen, I am still looking for Sugar Mummy....
bad sitemeter!! change change change!!!!:(
Good good, winliuliu... faster faster, keep going!!
urghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! dam san fu!!!!
am i spamming? HAHHAHAHAH
chen sure received a lot of stupid email notications becoz of this..
i wannnnnnnnnnnnn
eh this is an auspicious number too!!
where the i-pod??
no i dowan i-cream!
i wan i-podddddddd:(
OHO! i m going to visit your site every hour then..heee...
FREE body checkup is good le...its not cheap u kno?lol
hahaha winnliuliu!!! so liu lar you!!! i oso tried the same method last nite but failed.. liuliuliu!!! i was behind liu, liuliu!! 228849... it's getting nearer... but liu! i'm going out aftwds...i gonna miss it! liu liu liuuuuu!!!
i go Pg nxt wkend? nah, i not going bek in the nxt few wks cos my mama is coming soon! yippies!
So what's the prize ?? Hehe :D
28860 now~!!!
i think i deserve the prize leh! looks like i m the only one(;P) putting so much effort here...:p
28866 liao, liuliu!
winnliuliu, i'm here i'm here!!
sheet... it's gonna hit 28888 when im out... *bawlssss*
hv a nice saturday, doc, winnliuliu!
*muak muak muakkkkk*
*over and out*
Err... to me, sugar mummy = mummy who likes to eat sugar. Hahhaha... There are several down the streets. LOL
this sitemeter is very loyal one. Mana boleh change suka hati :P
playing cheating again ah?
hahhaa... Momok Winn 7-morning-8-morning spamming here.
28848 good number also :D
Belanja u makan something lah, since u so rajin :P
must appreciate your effort & hard work also mah..
searching hard for ice cream that looks similar like i-pod :P
Not yet 28888...!
pink cotton,
every hour ah? u main cheating also? :P
liuliu loh, u also attempt to cheat :P Mama coming soon ah? so nice.. I'm sure u will come back to Penang again some time later on although not in the near future ;)
sban boy,
dunno.. tak tau lagi.. :D
yes, I know u put in lotsa effort :) U indeed deserve something in return :D
going out liao? Enjoy your busy liuliu weekend, angie :)
day dreamer,
it will be there soon, very soon ;)
.....woke up at 6:30 am blur blur, still come in to check nombor... *scratch scratch* cheh.. 28,875....... .... *nudges machine*
28874 ... all so nice, only want ipod nano .., i want this!
hahahaha .....
28882 ...
wah.. wake up first thing come here to check liao ah? must give u a loyalty prize in return, which is one lormaikai :D
actually hoh, I never tell them what I gonna give. They presume only..
checking the website u give..
Wah.. I also want that leh..
The auspicious number coming very very soon liao..
*tic toc tic toc*
28882 not bad also lah, at least u have got 3 figure of 8 in that number :D
how to take screen shot ah ??? :D
the counter STUCK at 28,882 now!!! Waaaaa, who sabotage?!!!!
sbanboy! Summore you holding camera!!!
wei..i was the annonymous! was me liuliu...:( ya it's stuck at 28882!! comeon!!
See? See? Liuliuliu!! The sabotager!!! Kekekeke!! Sotong Chen gonna paik us all now!!!
press the print screen button "prtsc" on the keyboard, that will do the job. Then u paste the picture on "paint" program or whatever graphic programme u are using :D No need to take the shot with camera lah..
kekkeke... u really monitoring in front of the pc now?
yeah, i can foresee sbanboy holding a camera in front of the pc :P
oh.. the anon is you. I'm cracking my head thinking who is that...
lb, cool down, cool down...
must provide everyone a can of cold beer to cool down :P
Duwan cold beer!! Need CPR!!
I cannot give CPR to someone who is still breathing & the heart is still pumping leh.. LOL
How about one lormaikai?
Wait wait, I can pretend to stop breathing mah! I just looked at your corpse post.. no need to pretend anymore... Gimme CPR now!!! Lormaikai no need CPR wan...
aiyak.. the cadaver picture so small.. mana ada urmmph? I shouldn't resize the picture to so small earlier on ;)
I will ask Winnliuliu to send Liucas to do CPR for u, since he is trained in this field :P
after u wake up from CPR, u can eat the lormaikai.. LOL
This Liucas ah, he gives Love Bites instead wan... Hahaha, how long more to get to 28,888?!! *tapping femur already*
waaaaaa... 28,886!! So exciting till must run to bathroom now..
i wanna go out oso but canot yet!! HM!!!
ok u know wat i'm gonna do???
i'm gonna switch on my other laptop and my bro's desktop!!
wait me wait me!
winn using bro's desktop:
yeeee canot one. still 28886 1??
Liucas gives LB lovebites.. wow :P
tap whose femur? the skeleton femur or your own femur? :D
wooi, don't pee in your pants woh..
hahhaa.. u are so clever..
on both desktop and laptop? ;)
I dunno loh...
the sitemeter go kuku liao i guess :P LOL
Hahaha, Winnliuliu!! Tracking by IP lah, not computer serial number!! Thank you for tucking me in last night.. so song...
winn using another laptop:
HAr!!!!! the no. wont move@@@@!!!! :(
aiyo so hard to cheat...
canot liao.. must go out liao.
i hereby send my blessing to the lucki 28888....
hey 28888, u think without my help u will win meh??
at this rate, you are gonna have a ton of us with 28,888 liao!! LOL... It's 28,887 now!!
AAAHHH 28887
winnliuliu trying to tipu :P
thanks for participating, winliuliu :)
enjoy your outing :D
wah.. lidat then there will be a tons of people as visitor 28888 liao
*tic toc tic toc*
*mm kum yuen*
still not there yet!
maybe i shld borrow my neighbour's pc!:(
or go internet cafe!:(
LB!! i wont tuck u into bed next time coz i think i scared u liuliu till u cant sleep. how can ppl sleep at 3am and woke up at 630am ???? my bed tucking skill stil not here here...poor LB. sorries next time i wil sing negaraku tanah tumpahnya darah you for you...
28,888!!!!!!! IpOD
Well... congratulations to LB....
28888 !!!! Hmmmm .... :D
Congrats to us all, cos like I said to Sotong Chen just now, a few of us are gonna hit 28,888 since everyone else was hitting the same numbers earlier...
Hmmm my stupid streamyx connection ... hehe .... but I have the screenshot also ... hehe
LOLOL, a lot of Lormaikais you owe us now, Sotong!!! Wheee, now that was fun!! BTW, I sent screenshot.. Got it yet?
So it is a tie ... hehe
HawHawHaw at Winnliuliu's NegaraKu!!! Ok, ok, but we do duet can ah? I forgot the lyrics already.. must go brush up first!
hehehe.. well well.. now it's 28888 liao :D
yeah.. everyone will be visitor 28888 liao.. :D
Looks like everyone is the visitor 28888.. guess sitemeter go kuku liao :P. But LB is the fastest one to post, follow by Selba & Sbanboy. Congrats to everyone :D
But I know who is the real "lucky" person behind the scree ;)
Hhaha.. yeah loh.. stupid sitemeter. Hhahaha..
yeah, congrats to everyone who participate in this "game". Wish everyone a prosperous day & prosperous year ahead.. 28888 :D Easy to prosper :D
Yeah, I get your screenshot liao.. Lormaikai, har kau, siew mai.. no problem.. U come to Penang when u balik kampung time, I belanja u :D
interesting game, right? ;)
aiyoyo.. u forget the negaraku lyrics liao ah? :P how can?
Haven't had so much thrill since.... since you sent me to look at your corpse!! Was tappng on my own femur lah! Where else? LOLOL!! Liuliu... and now the Winliuliu cabut already too... Aiseh! Ok, can go now?
hehee.. indeed exciting game :D Add in with the thrill of the cadaver (add some urmmpphh)
thanks for participating :)
u can cabut now :P
i don't think I have sung that anthem since school days in Ipoh!! But I got the mp3 of it somewhere here inside my computer. A lotta cobwebs.. maybe time for springcleaning... Ok, ok, dimsum in Penang!!
Cheh, I got the NegaraKu.mid la.. not mp3, so no lyrics wan, just tune.. But, it was interesting to listen to it again, after so long! Ok, can go pee now, finally, after 2 hours of chupping in here! LOL, Have a good Saturday, Sotong!
Cheh I got 28898
but I still wan makan
I still wan makan
Can ah??
adoihhhhh no wonder la sampai 70 komens....read until my eyes oso berpinar liao...hehe..
so the competition end liao? nobody here liao...
LB don't be too happy, later chen give away her kahcuak or ermm.. her collection lah... hahhaa..
*cabut first, later chen piak me with sotong*
Lolol carcar boot boot. I happies, whether Sotong Chen gives kahchauk, or cadavers, or iPods, or piaks! Not everyday get 28,888 ok? Now we must do this again to see who gets 88,888! Big Competition Day!!
Hehehe, thanks to all the regular visitors plus the new visitors :) U are included in as well :D
Yeah.. same here. The last time I sang it was during my Form Six time way way back... more than a decade ago :P
Wow.. u even have the negaraku mid? u are so patriotic :D Did u enjoy your pee? Hahaha.. next time use the uridom, so u don't have to stand the urge :P
Dim sum & lotsa other treats in Penang ;) Last but not least, I'm not Sotong lah :D
Haha, still got lotsa 8 :D
U wanna makan?
Next time u come Penang, we go makan :D
Hahha.. Good that this occur today when I'm not working.. Or else I can't partake in the fun as well :P
day dreamer,
U can aim for the 888888 next time ;)
everyone is tired already lah after the "long race". So go berehat loh.. I'm busy also lah just now.. Shifting things.. So many things to shift...
I won't piak u with sotong lah.. cos I really run out of sotong liao.. Now i only have pork with me.. Kekeke.. can I piak u with that? :P
Sei For, since when my name become Sotong Chen pulak? Wow.. the 88888 ah? Still long way to go lah :D might be 38888 or 48888. Hahaha.. then we can do the competitions every few months ;)
As long as we don't do the 58,888 wan!! LOL, but Sotong Chen has such a cute ring to it..
hehhehe.. 58888 can have 2 totally different meanings leh.. depends on which word u use in Chinese to represent the figure 5.
If use 無 which means No, then 58888 = 無發發發發 = no prosperous :P
But if use 吾(=我= I) to represent the figure 5, then different meaning loh.. then 58888 = 吾發發發發 (=我發發發發). Good also mah.. Hhahha.. means I'm prosperous :P
This is called "playing around with words" :P
great .....79 comments ...wow
Hoi, I dunno how to read chinese, but I know 5-3-5-4 doesn't bode well.. Add me! Add me!
Now let's see who will be #88 commentator!!
wahlau.. power maximus punya comment page! commenter number 83! 5 more to go...
Walau wei !!!!
88 !!!! Fatt fatt ... hehe :D
Once in a blue moon :P
LOL about 5-3-5-4.
good idea about #88 commentor :D
sekali-sekala sahaje :P
wai.. u spamming here ah?
so u double fatt-fatt loh.. :D
28888 + #88 commentor
but u main tipu punya
tak aci langsung..
Typical Chinese... fatt fatt fatt only...
day dreamer,
hahha.. what to do?
We are indeed Chinese :D
Cannot deny the fact :P
waaaaaa!!!!! apa ini? sbanboy spammed till 88!!! waaaa......
Message from May in Beijing:
may [19:12:02]: Blog Wars!! Waaaaa, what a ploy to get people to visit your blog... kekekekeke! I should do that to mine too, eh? It's now 18271 at the time of writing, how about the 18888th visitor for my site? Go chuppers, GO!!!
yeah loh.. He is the new generation spammer.. LOL
hi hi.. The unexpected war :P (but no one is hurt or injured in the war, LOL). I never expect so many will participate especially this occured on Saturday :D
Yeah, u should do that do ;) 18888th is definitely a good number. That will occur very soon, right? I guess in 3 or 4 days time :) *alamak* if that occur during working time then I cannot participate so much liao..
Where got spam ah... hehe :D
tai lou, if that is not called spam then call what ah? Moral support? hahahha :D
I wanna wanna be #100
hahaha.. lidat also can?
Yes, but at least I dun spam spam spam until I reach #100, wor? LOLOLiuliu!! Waaa, another lormaikai for #100!!! One hundred!!!
hahhaha... another lormaikai?
*speechless for one minute*
luckily u asked for one lormaikai instead of 100 lormaikai :P
woo hoo!!!!!~~~~
comment box hit 100 !!
*dancing happily*
This has become my temporary chatbox :P Click on the music for carcar to dance..
Hee, I would like to take part in the next round...this is fun! Too bad I miss this!
red sponge,
heheh.. u r mostly welcomed to participate in the next round :D
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