Saturday, March 11, 2006
Career Choices for Medical Students
I get this "career choices for medical students" flowchart from Malaysian Medical Resources. I really find this very interesting and hilarious. This flowchart really give me a good laugh. Some of the specialities eg. Obstetric & Gynaecology (O&G), Orthopaedic, Otorhinolaryngology (ORL) or ENT, Family Medicine and other subspecialities of Surgery. eg Plastic Surgery, Urology, Neurosurgery etc. are not included inside the chart..
Hope you all enjoy the flow chart. This is just for entertainment purpose. Things doesn't work that way in real life. Don't take what is written inside the flow chart seriously :) I am sure my fellow colleagues will have a good laugh when they see this chart. I can't resist seeing the mean attitude, then follow by Surgery in the flow chart. "Cutting human" (in crude term) or more precisely, "performing surgery or operation" doesn't equivalent to mean lah. Hahahha..

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That's a pretty strange chart.
I am so proud of my daughters - the oldest went to college to become an architect, then decided to change. I encouraged her to follow her heart. She is now an RN working for doctor in private practice in Hawaii.
My point is that, as parents, it is important to support our children as they develop and not to make demands on their career choices, even if they try one thing at first and then decide to pursue something else. Each of my daughters have pursued their dreams without medling from their parents. Each are now living their dream.
Frankly, I'm proud of that. What more could a parent ask?
Hahaha... :D
Medical student--> Crazy--> significant attention span---> PSY.... *cough*
u r indeed a good dad :) I'm sure your daughters are proud of u too ..
I'm amused seeing the flow chart regarding : hates children --> medicine (physician). Hahha.. I'm one of those who doesn't like working in paediatric department..
offer Cynthia syrup Benadryl since she is coughing :)
ya, i saw this flowchart yesterday. had a good laugh. lol
is that why u chose anaes? sleepy patients....
I had a good laugh looking at the flow chart.
just finished working a week of night shift, fuh..covering neuromed n neurosurg n ENT. after being in med for years, having to work in surgery dept proved to be a steep and speedy re-learning curve.
suture?...i haven't touch it for years...!!
i guess i was marked incompetence...duhhhh...
Potassium level of 6.7,sample not hemolysed, it's ok doctor?
..i'd be down in a minute...
get me ECG machine n calcium gluconate...
no ECG in the ward doctor...
what doctor..calcium glusonate...?
aduii...so much so for a medic to be in two surgical wards...
live in a NHS hospital...
and a live as a locum SHO...
That was yester-year story :) I'm doing other thing at the moment..
wow.. u have to cover so many disciplines when u r on call?
Well, I was suprised previously cos I have doctor from other discipline asking me (i was working in anaes at that time) how to correct hyperkalemia ... This is something basic that every doctor should know, but I guess they some how lost touch with it after involving themselves too long in certain "discipline" :)
hahha.. I guess the nurses your ENT ward seldom deal with emergency cases or life threatening cases.
The chart should include those who are shy => wear masks => surgeons. The standard joke about surgeons is that if anything happens during surgery, the patient or his soul can not recognise the surgeon! Oops!
Hahhaa... that is a good one :)
Besides surgeons, anaesthetists are always known as the doctor behind the masks (and surgical cap) as well.. :D
yeah, the vet should be included under the category "hates human" next to the "hates adults" and "hates children" category.. hahhaa...
Mine is previously under "patient asleep" for the past 6 years but now I want to made some changes :)
thank you chen. i accept that as a compliment! haha
hehehe.. sane, very hardworking with doesn't matter attitude :P
Sounds cool, right?
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