Tomato... edible fruit or vegetable?? Whatever it is ... I like to eat them raw as snack or as salad...

These are shots taken from the Cactus Valley in Cameron Highlands.. Red juicy and ripe tomatoes growing on the vines ;)

My favourite is still the
cherry tomatoes from Cameron Highland. The little red, ripe cherry tomatoes that are sweet and delicious even when eaten on their own ... :)
seems juicy ler..
i wana eat..
* tummy hungry d *
when come out with potato blog? =)
humble warrior,
I like the 2nd picture as well :)
The cherry tomatoes? Not expensive..
Quite cheap actually...
as I say earlier on.. Suck your thumb first loh to ease the hunger :P
hahhaha.. potato blog? That one for u to write loh... :D
kenot ler jie..
sang kam jek..
told u d mah..
never mind mah.. Since u are the one who "sang kam jek", not me...
oh, tomatoes ... cute post! i remember my Mr.Tomato took a photo once too with the tomato plants like these in Cameron Highlands. The next time when I go back to Malaysia, I shall give Cameron Highlands a visit as it has been a decade since I last visit CH!!
glad that you had a lot of fun during your trip. thanks for sharing with us!
tomato's my fav too!!!! n i like to eat them raw too! *hi-5*
i feel hungry liao.
eh, wondered how come no tomato-falvoured ice cream ?
since you can cook..pls try pls try..
then u blog the the recipe ok?
I'd take a raw tomato over an apple or orange any day!
Those pic are wonderful - but now you've made me really hungry. Grrrr.
Tomato ==> Fruit
Nice photo, really bring out the colour.
tomato is a fruit. =)
I like the 1st n 2nd pictures. When tomato season arrives, lotsa local ppl (mainly male) will be working in tomato farm which get paid AUD20/hour. I used to have friend who worked there brought me lotsa tomatoes.. =P
Green apple,
Hehhe.. Most people will take a pic or few together with the tomato plants :)
Remember to visit Cameron Highlands again when u come back to Malaysia ;)
hi5 ;)
err... Tomato flavoured ice cream?
Might be, who knows.. in the future :P
Furkids in HK,
Yeah.. Raw tomatoes is nice to eat and very nutritious.. ;)
Hawks & Cynthia,
Thanks.. So now I know tomato is fruit :P
Cynthia, wah.. so high ah the pay? AUD20/hour working in tomato farm?????
Chen , The ones I grow do not look
like yours ..they are wonderful .
thank you ,
Geee... you made those tomatoes look so yummy. I wonder if the fruit tomatoes will taste like those in Japan.
sam i am,
Thanks ;)
Fish Fish,
We will never know unless we taste both tomatoes together :P
my bro brought back some cherry tomatoes from CH recently and they were so sweet. those found in KL all sour one bleh...
Yeah, like what u mentioned, the cherry tomatoes from CH is very sweet, not like the on grow in lowland.. The taste is totally different....
Glutton Rabbit,
Yeap, I have seen & ate those longer version of the tomatoes.. I thought they all shared the same name "cherry tomatoes"? :P Grape Tomatoes ah? Cute name..
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