I first get to know this cute
Japanese toy big round head
Nohohon fella from
Ben Ben in 2006. Since the 大头仔 are so cute, I can't help but to get myself one. Shouldn't let the cute stuff sitting there
collecting dust waiting till the cows come home in the shop mah.

Introducing my
Pinkie Nodding Head NoHoHon. These cutie fellas are powered by the solar energy.

Then I increased my collection again few months ago. My latest addition was
The Orange Dancing NoHoHon ~ shaking head and io ka ch'ng all day long. (Too much ecstasy?) Kkkkkkkkkk....

I place them on top of my CPU. Syiok wah seeing them
nodding and
swaying head,
dancing and
io-ing ka chng (shaking butt). Thinking to get my 3rd one soon. I still prefer the original simple NoHoHon character in comparison with the newer addition in the market (such as those flip flop leaves, frog, dog, monkey, mickey mouse, piggy, hello kitty, mushroom/tungku, piggy, cow etc etc etc) :P
Io Io Io and 摇摇摇... I love my NoHoHon Solar
Pets Toys :)
posted the same comments twice alrady but twice cant get thru...
Er... apa itu pink Nohohon doing?!!
What's a Nohonhon ?? They look really cute ... and good for you you're being environmentally friendly even when concerning toys !
i have one too!!!
we have the same thought!
I've seen these at popular, always wondered what they were..
AhBoy never play with them ah??
Oh no... I can't see the pics at all in here, grrrrr.. must be because of the slow internet connection. Maybe will try again later...
Finally, after trying again, I can see the pics!!! my luck!!! yay!!!
I got one too as my b'day present from my ex-colleague, the solar toy is sitting on the toilet, hehehehe.. I have a little pic of it in here: http://selbadays.blogspot.com/2007/07/252.html
pink cotton,
Hahahha, sometimes this blogger or blogspot comment is very siao wan. I kena few times before too. What u typed there till kena makan twice ah? :P
The Pink Nohohon is busy nodding his big head (in order word he is praying hard) while fishing with a tree branch rod. Kkkkkkkkk
Nohohon is the name of the big head toy. They are indeed cute. It is fun and relaxing watching them nodding or shaking their heads. Stress relieving too. Hehehheh
Yours is which one? what colour? doing what sort of action? These Nohohon are just too cute. LOL
These are cute toys which can help in relieving stress. LOL. Nice to look at them, and it will made u feel relaxed by wathcing those repetitive shaking and nodding movements. :P
I put them on top of my CPU, hence Ah Boy has no access to them :P
Great u finally manage to view the photo. Hahaha, yours is the pink Nohohon sitting on the toilet bowl. I saw that one in the shop too. Nowadays there are too many to choose from, with different actions and different colour. All are equally cute ;)
These are nice gift, aren't they? ;)
They should hv a Sotonghon for u... kkkkk...
I've always wanted a Nohonhon and waited all this time for the price to drop - but it barely did!
I'll just buy one la as a pressie for myself.
Fun and relaxing to look at!
wah so hi tech wan! japs r japs!
lol @ sotonghon! KKKKKK
When you see them nodnod, do you feel sleepy too?
They are definitely cute gift! hehehe... Btw, how much does it cost in malaysia?
haha... the orange one looks like a smirking katak... hahaha... ^^ the pink one is so adorable... it looks like its *satisfying* itself... haha...
ps...when i see the name Ben Ben... i wanna cry... LOLS... same nickname as my sayang... haha... ssshhh... LOL...
Sotonghon? kakkakakka..
OctoHon sounds better I think? :P
Replacing the Nohohon big round head with the Octopus' head. Kakakaka
So cute...
So sampat... :P
The price for the original Nohohon is still the same after all these years. It was sold at around RM40 over here in Malaysia :)
I bought those two myself too ;)
LOL. Get one for yourself and u will love it. So chu bee. Kkkkkk..
Hahahha, they don't have the hypnotic effect leh. Safe to look at. LOL
Very cute. The original version is around RM 40 per Nohohon. Over here, we can get the counterfeit imitation version too at cheaper pricer, at RM20++
Hehehhe, I'm thinking to get might be a yellow or green Nohohon in the future.
I see. hehehhe.. Hopefully u can spent your Christmas with your sayang this year ;)
eh why ur profile name becomes chev liao one? note the 'v'.
So these are the new toy in town eh? Cute leh. I think piggy one should be very cute. Emm....noting it down to my "to-buy" list liao. kekekeke
haha...doink doink doink... its so cute.
i also bought one which is a mushroom when i'm in HK. oops, its stuck sleeping inside my luggage!
Kakakaka, u have good observation and sharp eyes. Saja saja tukar, and on the other hand, wanna remain more anonymous :P
i dunno the Nohohon was available in the market for how long and since when, but I just only get to know them last year :)
Cute leh, I wanna buy another one. Thinking about getting the yellow or green Nohohon :)
Cutie cutie :)
Wah, u left your Mushroom Nohohon inside the luggage for so long. It will multiply and grow more mushrooms liao. Hahahhahaha...
Ya-la hor, I also noticed the 'v' in my google reader...
Dun tell me you din receive my SMS?? Angel oso din receive. Aitelyu, the operators here charge me RM0.90 per SMS for all SMSes sent, and they don't reach the recipients!! I sent you one after getting your first one. Yours is my first SMS from msia on my new local number! :D
I am 4 hours behind you, so unless you are awake at 4am, you won't disturb me! LOL
hehehe, u have good observation too ;)
I didn't receive your subsequent sms woh. I only received the sms u sent saying my sms is the first one and that is the only one I received. Wah, the Dubai operator really ti(p)u money liao, charging the sms which never successfully sent out to the recipient. Must piak them with Sotong liao :(
Okie, time difference noted :P
my colleague has a blue Tommy. ermmmm... nice at first but after awhile... *yawn*... kkkk!
Hehehhee.. up to date, I still enjoy looking at them. No hypnotic effect yet. LOL
mine with love in the middle...
pink colour..
ah .. that's the name NoHoHon .. he he he .. but I called mine Shaq-i (read = shaky) .. he shake his head .. but urs but can also ah? waseh so best
Yeah, NoHoHon is the original name for the solar toy :)
Nowadays, there are many different versions of Nohohon available in the market. On and off I will look at them shaking and nodding when I go online, as I placed them on top of my CPU :)
I found some cool [nohohonzoku] here
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