Winn came up with the
Liucas - 'Meet The Fans' Contest.
The participants have to send in the most creatively funny dialogues of liucas and baby reece based on the picture given and stand a chance to meet liucas in person , AND the lucky winner gets to buy liucas some luxury food. (Hahahah, what sort of present is this? Only the sampat Winn can come up with such an sampat pressie). But I wanna participate also. Saja-saja, just for fun :P

Presenting the Io Ka Chng
Liucas and Reece.

This is the Feedback from the birthday boy,
Ah Boy. LOL
Not forgetting, today is Carcar's sweet 16th Birthday.
Happy Birthday Carcar
生日快樂, 车车
~ 车车快樂 ~
♥ thanks chen ♥
Happy birthday oh...
ah boy`s feedback so funny..
Happy Toot Toot Cheh Burfday carcarrrr!!!
aiyak.. i notchet masuk itu contest!
Happy Birthday CarCar!! Have a great one!! :D
Ah Boy's look lagi funny hehehe
wah a special dedication to liucas and his contest. hou yao sum worrrrrr!! tqtq!! later i ask liucas did he laugh until cry or not..hheee
happybday carcar
So sampat!!! More sampat than the sampatest! LOL.. Yeah, io ka ch'ng must be sincere, not play play wan!
Happy Birthday, Carcar..
sipeh sampat! liucas mui mui zai oso want? LOL!
happy toot toot carcar!
where did Ah Boy learn to be so sampat, huh? must be from you! no eye ocipala! LOLOL...
Happy Birthday, Carcar!
lol, sampat winnliuliu strikes again.
happy birthday carcar.
车车快樂, 我也快樂
*Happy Birthday Carcar*
woof meow,
Hehehhe, and Ah Boy has been laughing all night long :P
Hahhaha, that sampat contest
wonder what u will come up with.
I wanna write more dialogue wan, but the space is so limited :P
*Happy Birthday Carcar*
Cos Ah Boy is amused with Liucas and Reece mah, that's why :P
*Happy Birthday Carcar*
Kkkkk.. I wanna write more leh, but the dialogue box is so small. So have to limit the wordings. :P
Liucas got laff till pee or not? :P
*Happy Birthday Carcar*
Not as sampat as your Le Bond poster. That one is super sampat. Hahahhha
*Happy Birthday Carcar*
Liucas lup everyone mah.
Hampalang sapu wan..
*Happy Birthday Carcar*
Ah Boy is very kay poh in real life wan. Hehehhehhe.. Dunno he learns from who :P
*Happy Birthday Carcar*
Hehehe.. Winn is always Winn ;)
*Happy Birthday Carcar*
Yeah, today is the Kereta Day.
*Happy Birthday Carcar*
Et tu!? so many people participating.... my chance of winning getting slimmer....
Happy Birthday carcar!!!
Happy Birthday to carcar. May your new age make you a super power and poshy car! *hugssss*
Happy birthday carcar!!
The doggies memang sampat! Wakakakaka~
Liucas wants more people to participate so that he can read more sampat entries. LOL
Or might be the new age flying car?
day dreamer,
Good woh to have sampat doggies, then life won't be so boring. LOL
>> AND the lucky winner gets to buy
>> liucas some luxury food.
buy chocolates lor? *evil grinz*
Hahahahhaha, Buying chocolates is indeed very evil :D
It's definitely something luxury and delicious, but too bad Liucas can only see, but cannot eat. LOLOL
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