Restoran Foong Wong - This is the place where I used to have lunch (either economy rice or wantan mee) together with my coursemates during the uni days. The
makan place is located strategically, just opposite the hospital (GHKL), and next to MMA building.

I miss their
Char Siew Wantan Mee (叉烧云吞麵). I love their char siew wantan mee, and up to date, i still couldn't find any other stalls in KL or Penang selling better wantan mee than this place (my personal opinion lah of coz). I finally had the chance to savour my beloved wantan noodle again end of last year ( after not tasting it for almost 9 years!). I'm still lovin' it. The same person is still operating the stall (husband and wife), but he has grow much older, put on weight with more wrinkles and grey hair. What to expect? I also grow old liao over the years :P And the price of wantan mee has increased from RM2.00 during those days to RM 3.50 (in December 2006). I dunno what is the latest price.

The next morning, i took the Tungku Kai Keok Mee/Braised Chicken Feet Mushroom Noodle (冬菇鸡脚麵). Can't remember the exact price. Either RM4.00 or RM 4.50. Since I hardly get the chance to eat here, must sapu kaw kaw when I have the chance. I will come back to this stall again.. soon.. very soon...
next week !
Lao hao sui liao... Slurp...
hou hou sek... YEAH !
Tarak makan before... tarak tau this shop too...
kkkkkk :p
This weekend we eat what???
kakakka.. unless if u visit GHKL leh, else u won't makan at this shop liao.
This place is damn packed in the morning. Even at 8 am to 9 am also full house. Good business, hoh?
This weekend eat BKT?
Kkkkk... still thinking about BKT
Btw, i dowan to eat Penang food this weekend. Kakkakkkaa :P
After 9 years, still going strong.. they must be dishing out super yummy wantans! Must have brought backk heaps of memories... 9 years. If it were me, I'd probably have gotten emotional, even, while tasting the food.
Chen coming to KL ah?
The place is packed with people when I last visited it last year (even at 8 am to 9 am). Luckily i manage to get an empty table outside the shop :)
Yeah, it indeed bring back memories.... Hence the title, a walk down memory lane ;)
Yeah, Bingo. Remember the question i posted in FaceBook few weeks back? Regarding why the hotel were fully booked and should i extend my stay in KL? LOL
tungku tungku tungggkuuuuuu!! mana itu aunty tunku a.k.a. winn? keekekekekekeke
Cheh.. i thought u will sing the song, tungku tungku wo ai nii pulak leh.. potong stim liao :P
Aunty Tungku = Winn
Miss Whatever = Angel
Tu Kar = Oopss...
better dun say out aloud, else will sure kena piak by that someone wan liao...
The food looks so good. Aiseh! How can I wait to eat 30 minutes lah?
Tummy going grooo groo groo ~ very bonkers!! How Can?!!!
*sob sob* I miss Malaysian foods~~~!!
Dang! Wantan mee also I miss. And I don't even like wantan mee!!
Aaahhh... for a simple bowl of prawn wantan mee soup with lots of choy sum...
hahaha, the three before me all living in farfaraway lands, now their stomachs all groogroogrrooo because of you already!
*groogroooo* eh? me too now. :(
now I remember what I forgot to eat before I came back...
TungKu KaiKeok!!
too late... too late...
I have only makan there once, when I visited my friend in UKM.
How many years ago har? Count fingers. Fingers not enough leh.
12 years ago? looking at it oso lau hau sui oredi laa..
Yummy... you can print out those photos for them and ask for some free food la.
eh lu mali sini pi kerja ke atau makan huh! :p hehehe
WOW... the wantan mee looks realyy yummmy... *growls* lunch time! :)
one 冬菇鸡脚麵 please! With extra 鸡脚. hehehehe *slurp*
definitely good, else i won't love it so much. Hahhaha, especially if there are so many wantan mee stalls in Penang ;)
My tummy also grooo groo groo
*sob together with kenny*
Hopefully u don't to stay for too long in Dubai and can come back to Malaysia soon... We KFC (keep fingers crossed) by eating KFC chicken wings :)
Cos we are 101% Malaysian Chinese.
And we yearns for Malaysian food wherever we are :) I don't fancy Indian or Western food too. I still lup Chinese food :)
Everyone's stomach also groo groo grooo.. such a nice melody. I wanna makan dinner. and I wanna eat BKT!! I wanna eat char siew!! I wanna eat pork floss!! I wanna...
*aiyak aiyak aiyak*
Too bad there is no time machine
Too bad there is no flying carpet
Too bad ...
i will eat on your behalf then if i eat tungku kai keok in the future :)
who is/are the fren that u visited in UKM? Very likely i know them too. Since this is a very small world :D
I know I know..
I still remember u loves wantan mee mah, that's one of your favourite food :D
*slurp*.. thinking of the char siew wantan mee...
Kkakakka.. Likely they won't bother about the photo leh, since the biz was so good. LOL
LOL Working also need to eat lunch leh.. cos i'm not fasting. ;)
No eat how to work leh?
Mari mari
let's go makan wantan mee beramai-ramai ;)
I will tapao for u, and eat on your behalf too! LOL
Kkkkk... u lare kai kheok fansee?
I remember writing a kai kheok food post in the past. LOL
i always go there but when i saw the restaurant condition it freaks me out..end up i will go to the shop next to kamal to get try then..hee
Hahaha, i know what u mean. That is indeed an old restaurant. I have been eating there (having my lunch) for almost 5 years in the past and nothing happened.. So i presume it's safe. LOL
I WANT I WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
where exactly is the 冬菇鸡脚麵 location?
the shop is located opposite GHKL, next to the MMA building, the intersection of Jalan Pahang and Jalan Bidor.
Biz is good, and most of the time, the noodle are sold out by noon...
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