Since this is not healthy stuff, I haven't indulge in salted egg for months. (psss.. the photo was taken few months back). Might be I should buy few 咸鸭蛋 from the market tomorrow morning? Heavenly loh if eating the ham ap dan (not the raw one lah of course) together with white rice or porridge. I still prefer the fatty red-orange egg yolk than the salty egg white.
Anyone heart Salted Duck Egg or SDE or Ham Ap Dan or 咸鸭蛋 or Telur Masin or Telur Asin? Say YES !! (and not forgetting the duck egg char koay teow :P)
me me me!!
half SDE can last me for one meal...so jimat cermat lah me
i still haven got the chance to eat ckt with sde...SOB SOB
pink cotton,
*Pinch PC's face*
Thanks for liking SDE
yeah loh, SDE so yummy that i can eat rice just with it.
Come Come, mari mari datang Penang
Salted Egg Char Koay Teow waving hands and fingers ( = koay teow noodle) at u :P
harm app daan and harm daan taste the same anot? one bigger, one smaller? still salty, right... kkkkk!
yes yes...
SCE very nice de...especially when makan with porridge...
yummy oh....*slurp*
and and....also with char koay kak...
ever try the 'heart-stopping' salted egg mixed with century egg mixed with normal egg, all beaten together and steamed? if only not so sinful.. :P
kakakka, they are identical twins..
flowing the same blood wan
both also very ham..
but not the hamsap type of ham lah
woof meow,
SCE = salted chicken egg?
ham kai dan? :D
seems like everything cooked with salted egg is yummy. Hehhee
Walao, i tried that sinful and heavenly dish before. Hehehhee
YES! I can taste it now...with porridge!
I like SDE!! aiyooo.... sounds like a sexually transmitted disease. hahaha.....
Makes me want to have it now with porridge. You bad lah, doc! Make me crave for it at this hour! Ok, another few hours to go before I can get my hands on it. :)
giddy tigers,
simple yet delish
feel like eating it now..
imagine the piping hot porridge with salted egg..
aiseh, why u have the same thought as Ah Ben geh? He also told me the same thing leh..
how can u both mistaken SDE as STD?
piak u with salted duck egg for having such a funny thought :P
Must able to stand the temptation mah..
breath in, breath out
inhale, exhale.. :P
unhealthy food :P
but how can SDE menang worrrr...mushroom eat dy long life one..:P
Ar~~~~salt egg york.....sunset~~~~ how romantic.... *Doreen dreaming liao....* Anyway! *quickly come back to reality* Fried together two chicken eggs with one salty duck egg, yum!
Salted fish wins BIG time! :D
BKT more unhealthy :P
coz got foul play mah..
that's why SDE menang :P
*imagination runs wild*
salted egg yolk..
salted egg yolk lotus paste moon cake & salted egg yolk bak zhang..
wah.... so yummy :P
Think of food only geh
u lup ham yue ah? :P
As long as you don't ask anyone to sell ham ngap dan :P
kakkakkaa... if saying that phrase to Cantonese speaking people, sure will kena throw ham ngap dan wan. LOLOL
Might be will kena chase 9 streets also. Hahhaha
like tht the person selling to u is called 'mai ham ap dan' ah?
no way... salted duck egg more unhealthy... bkt is healthy, bkt got herbs... hahahahah
oh ya..
true also hoh?
kesian those salted duck egg seller
wah !! ini really main ti(p)u liao :P
reminds me of the HOLY BKT joke tim
I want oni the egg white can? You can have the tan wong..Hehe..
I feel like having mooncake with the salted egg yolk now! *salivates*
wah, good deal woh
let's exchange telur
i take the ham dan wong and u sapu the dan pat
Mooncake available in the market liao. Let's go sapu. i bought my first mooncake for the year one and half week ago, and have mooncake instead of birthday cake for my birthday. LOL
i've ordered some mooncake frm my colleague, with sde. she said no more sde, almost the whole sgp has no stock.
ask me to find frm my neighbourhood. hahaha...
so kuah cheong.
i think i shall try the SDE CKT.
sound yummy.
sorry, is me.. i logged in with wrong ID :P
adui...tersilap typed...keke
shuld be SDE...=P
so paiseh...
i definitely will cook this tomorrow :) I will come back more often, dont want to miss out on potential cooking ideas from you hehe
I get mine in mooncakes! haha :P
have a great sunday!
wah... SDE out of stock in Singapore ah? very kua cheong liao
Hahahha.. I can export ham ap dan to Singapore liao :P
The duck egg CKT is cooked with "normal" duck egg only woh, not the salted duck egg.
carcar aka carmen,
I know that is u lah..
Carcar = Carmen mah
also = Kereta Kereta :P
woof meow,
Hehehe... not enuff sleep er?
or too lapar liao till salah type?
Kekekeke :P
beng beng,
Hahhaa, glad u find and get some ideas what to cook from here. I'm thinking of eating pig brain now. Hahahha.. haven't have that high cholesterol stuff for ages :P
kekeke.. Mooncake Festival is just around the corner. I had the white lotus paste mooncake just now. Enjoy yours too ;)
Happy Weekend :)
STD STD!!!! STD ALERT~!!! ahahahahhahahahahaha
I like DECKT~ sedaps!!!
BUT NOT STD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
got salted egg char kueh tiao ah? I wanna try!!!!
STD your head ah!! kakakaka
Ah Ben needs to wear spec liao :P
salah baca SDE jadi STD pulak :P
I haven't eat DECKT for 2 months liao
Time to have some soon ;)
Kakakkaa, if anyone like STD, then really cham loh --> cari pasal mah :P
it's just duck egg char koay teow, not using the salted duck egg :)
i love the salted egg crabs and prawns. Haven't try out the salted egg sotong yet :)
Duck egg CKT is the best! Thinking of egg, now I can cook egg without cooker in Dubai... haha
Might be I will have duck egg CKT somewhere next week ;)
Hahahha, the weather must be streaming hot in Dubai. Poor u. I can't imagine myself staying in such a hot environment :)
Got extra SDE anot? Rotten ones better! I want to lob at some people. LOL
kakakkaka... wanna relive the throwing rotten egg culture ah?
as long as u dun lob at me can liao
I can eat one whole egg with just over 2 tabelspoon of rice....
Quote "I can eat one whole egg with just over 2 tablespoon of rice
Re-read the statement TWICE to double confirm...
Wah... so salty how to eat the whole egg with just 2 tablespoon of rice ah? I salute u kaw kaw liao. Kkkkkkk
Not supposed to say anymore hor?
*blink blink*
u did the right thing :P
YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!
And I also prefer the eye yolk! hehe...
Gimme 5. Yeah !!
Salted duck egg rocks, especially the eye yolk ;)
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