It's the time of the year again.
Durian LiuLian season... Liu for the Lians.

o.O at the creamy durian flesh. Either you love it, or you hate it.

Last but not least.. Don't play-play with the thorns (Although it doesn't bites, but no guarantee it won't hurts). Ooouchhhhhhh...
*drools a tsunami*
I nearly wanted to buy a pack last nite but at last din buy... Now u make me want again... liulian, liulian wo ai niiii... KKKKK...
so liu liu liu liu lian :P
just before I left, it was liulian season. now that I'm here, it's still liulian season?! something not right leh... liulian is all year round now! liuliuliu!!
the king of liu!!!
finally arrived!!!
eat liulian than drink beer in pub sure nice...
when was the last time i had lulian?
**scratch head
errr....must be soooo long ago...cannot remember liao.
oh noo.. durian season is here.. even before I smell it also already 'jelak' of it.. :P
btw, I just realized that you blog quite a lot leh.. almost everyday!! 26 posts for may!! kheng! *thumbs up*
burid :she so free wan u duno mer...
the freeiest lokter in penang...LOL
haha.. ah nel so bad, talk behind doctor's back! :P
ahboy likes anot?
* O P E N *
* waits *
* O P E N S U M M O R E *
* waits till cow comes home *
* O P E N L A G I *
* p a t i e n c e *
How come don't see liulian in Ipoh??? *lau gai want liulian*
yor!!!!! one of my favourite~~ LIU LIAN!!!!!
aiyor my fav too! but i wont eat with my hands though... cos the smell will leave on ur hands for hrs no matter how much soap or dettol u gonna wash it! :x
Hmmmmm soooo long time since I had liulian lor.. Here in London liulian veli expensive and sumore not nice... But now I got use to not having it lor.. So it's fine looking at those pictures I dun craved for it but I do craved for assam laksa...
DOKTORRRRRR!! How can u like that?! *cries*
Although Ah Boy boleh, this ah boy cannot tahan food one ler. Needs to learn from the older Ah Boy liao. Boo hoo hoo.
When will the liu lian season ends?
So which is the best liulian leh
Nowadays I seem to just buy from the supermarkets, D24, 12 a packet, 20 for 2
Heh heh heh
Especially the bitter ones
Aiyoh how cruel can you get, I haven't tasted durians since I dun knoe when. Ooops, soli I drooling all over the computer.
MMMM...my fave..but the only thing is..I m counting the calories lar..Can't remember when was the last time I had it..must be so long ago..
I just remember liulian is your favourite. How's the liulian tau sar pneah? Forgotten to ask u (and that was ages ago liao). Kkkkkkkk..
tonight go buy liulian..
sing song ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
liulian, liulian wo ai niii..
the liu liu liu lian thingy somehow reminds me of I, I, I was born in Beijing pulak..
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ :P
nowadays liulian season is all year round, every few months mah :P Very liu huh?
Yes, the king of Liu
and yet.. we eat the "King"
so jahat huh? Heeeee... :P
ah nel,
that one I really no eye see liao..
nyonya pg,
Wah.. so long ago liao meh?
Must go & have some liao ;)
Can sing song ♪ ♫ liulian, liulian wo ai niiii... ♪ ♫
(This song Angel teach wan, she very keng chau.. changed the name Rose to Liulian)
Wah, apa pasal u dun like liulian?
U can give all your shares to Ah Boy.
He LOVES durian !!!!
LOL, u very observant huh?
ah nel,
not as free as u woh :P
he always wan.. :D
Ah Boy LOVES durian..
His favourite fruits are MANGOES & DURIAN ;)
hope u din OPEN till TMJ pulak (Temporomandibular Joint Dislocation)
Kkkkk... i mean ter-dislocate your jaw lah..
open mouth for so long woh..
Look at sky
See whether got liulian drop down or not? :P
day dreamer,
How come Ipoh no liulian geh?
Might be just beginning of the liulian season kua?
Be patient loh..
Soon u will see liulian liao ;)
Liulian, liulian, wo ai nii....
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
liu lian...
i like to eat...
aiyak. Waiting for lunch, and you have to show me this.
Haha! You know I couldn't stop laughing when I saw your words "liu lian". Last time when I asked my husband what name he wants to give our kid next time, and he said "just called her liew lian lar or if it's a boy then called Liew Kou Sui. I almost die laughing. Muahahaha
btw, I luv durian esp those orange colour mountain durian.
Waaaahhhh! Drool all over my laptop!!!
PLEAZZZZZ DON'T do this to me lah!!! So wicked to show me durians! *sob sob* I want to eat yummy Penang durians!
Will it be available when I come over in July??? If not, I fly over this weekend. :)
haha, u eat durian with spoon too?
I know May uses spoon to eat durian.
i presume all the tropical fruits are expensive in London. During my previous visit there in 2003, I saw rambutan in the market, and the price was.. o.O
I LOVE assam laksa !! :D
*give KLEENEX to wipe Ehon's tears*
Yeah, u need to learn from Ah Boy liao. Kkkkkk... He more keng chau, huh?
I really have no idea when will the season end. Seems like there are few durian seasons a year. Hhahaa, cos I see them in the market every few months ;)
you cannot eat liulian during the day or before you go to work. or else burp habis! :P
Too many to choose from.
Hard task liao :P
Balik Pulau has the best durian, but i sort of lazy to drive all the way there through the long stretch of winding road ;)
Yeah, I love the bitter ones too ;)
Oops, sorrie sorrie
Pls forgive me for making u drool
*put one small bucket to collect the dripping saliva so that it won't wet the keyboard*
Kkkkkk... high calories stuff. I remember my colleagues once bought durian outside the hospital and ate inside ICU. Hahaha, that was several years back ;)
how about liulian cake?
or liulian ice cream?
Kkkkk... there's even liulian tau sar pneah leh :P
Oops, paiseh paiseh :P
Btw Grrrrr reminds me of someone, hahaha.. whom i haven't talk to for quite some time.
can't imagine if there is someone who really name their kids that way. Kkakakkaa..
I miss those "orange colour or dark yellow colour mountain durian" too. Haven't have those for ages. Mmmm.. I think more than a decade liao :(
Err.. I thought u just had the yummy mouth watering durians recently? Singapore also has yummy durian leh
Btw, I have no idea how long will the durian season last. Let's see. Who knows, u might be lucky? ;)
Kkkkkkkkk.. I know what u mean.
Once burp, wah...
Reminds me of "that particular incidence" again...
I think I will post the story again
i love durians too but in HK only have thai durians .. not nice.
i prefer those from malaysia .. :)
wah wah wah!!! liu lian liu lian wo ai ni...oops!!!! hahaha
I totally agree with u,
Thai durians are not as tasty as the local ones.
red sponge,
I love the Swak "jungle" durian or "mountain" durian too.. Neh, the one with dark yellow or orange flesh and dark brown seed. Too bad each time I balik kampung, those durians are not in season :( Haven't eat that for more than a decade liao
kakaka sori that was me, my colleague forgot to sign out!
i was saying i will wait for your interesting story about the durian burp.. under that table!! hahaha
i like the flesh kinda like white white colour 1..
I miss the balik pulau liulian!!! Arghhh!!!!
I like durian :D
in season oredi..? yummyy... wallet bocor again.. not that bocor ok...
Yerrr... I lup liu lian but I can only see and smell the liu lian... Cannot eat because I will break out in rashes after that... So kesian... *sob sob*
liulian cake = never eat before
tempoyak = i don't like
liulian ice cream = i like
liulian tau sar pneah = never eat before
liu lian mooncake = i like
Doktor doktor, how are u?! :D Hehehehe. I know u must be super busy lor. I stay up till 2am to finish my work last night. :( Hopefully I can finish earlier tonight then I can catch some sleep tonight, and then I can finish the rest tomorrow. Anyway hor, I just drop by to remind u to smile also. :) Hehehehehehe. But I'm sure Ah Boy made u smile liao lar. Hehe. Cos all Ah Boys are cute, lovable and makes ppl smile!!!!!! *self-proclaimed* lol! :P
Time flies lar, that's why u think a few times in a year. hahahahaha. but i miss eating liu lian flowers with belachan!! wahhhh.. do u eat that or not?
Durians are one of my favourite fruits but must eat them sparingly because of the calories!
Hehehe, I thought who is Steve :P
If u burp durian, I will run away
The story is related to burping durian :P
Don't pengsan after reading the story, okie ;)
Kkkkkkkk again (under table)
woof meow,
The yellow-yellow wan more tasty leh..
bila Kenny nak balik kampung?
drag Angel along, since she manyak lama tak balik kampung liao, and... she LOVES durian !!!
Must ask u what u dun like liao
hehehhehhe :P
itu bocor, ini bocor
manyak susah liao.. :P
tampal wallet yang "bocor" (or koyak?) with cellotape :)
aiyoh, u allergic to liulian ah?
so kolian geh?
p/s: Ah Boy says u can give your shares to him ;)
u never eat liulian cake meh?
actually hoh i'm referring to the durian kueh (榴槤糕), not the real "cake" :P
yeah, got durian pancake summore
and durian sweets ;)
i'm fine, thanks for asking.
dun worry, i always smile wan :D
wah, u are talking about my Ah Boy or yourself ah? LOL.. so many ah boy.. confusing liao :D
Really wan, nowadays can get durian few times a year.. at least 3 or 4 times ;) I heard about liulian flower but never get to taste it yet :(
just me,
Yeah, cannot sapu too much.
I'm going for liulian at the orchard!
wah... so nice :)
can i follow?
lol, your Durian Lulian Lulian song is playing in my head now.
hehehhe, wanna some background music to go along with the liulian song?
i passed by Air Itam market yesterday noon & saw several "branded" liulian in the market.. :D
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