Everyone (almost everyone) knows
Ah Ben likes to
io ka ch'ng (shake butt). Wanna watch the live performance how Ah Ben dances &
io ka ch'ng on Christmas Day?

The above picture is a preview of the video clip (with Ah Ben is busy io ka ch'ng).
Click here for the
Ah Ben io ka ch'ng show. **Bear in mind not to drink or eat anything when u click on the
link, and please don't ROTFL, okie? Ben Ben, I hope u like my dedication & I'm sure the others will enjoy the show too.. LOL
Anyone else wanna io ka ch'ng? Now is the
season time to io ka ch'ng.
Shake shake shake.. Io io io... Yao yao yao... ;)
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!! sikui chen~ this is my christmas present ah?? hahahaha!!! ai si lor~ hahahaha
cute or not the show?
entertaining leh..
I watched & laughed dunno how many times liao..
but each time I replay, I will still laugh !!!
thats soooo funny!!! hahaha!
what a classic~!
yao si lor!!!!!!!!!!!
so farni!!!! lol!!!!
got macarana somemore!
hahahahhahaha shake yer booty
hahaha, no matter how many times I replay the show, I will still laugh !!
red sponge,
I'm thinking of making Pink Cotton & Red Sponge io ka ch'ng too :P
wanna join in the gang?
make this into a big project !!!
Muahahahaha!!! This is really cute!
u wanna join in the gang?
shake shake shake
io io io
Hahahaha!!!! Fall off chair liao!! Lai see summore. So this is how Io Ka Ch'ngs are!! Finally! Thank You! LOL!!!
ah boy and liucas say they wanna play along too wor :P
ah boy
beh tahan leh??
so farnie :D
if drinking while watching, sure water will come out from the nose or nostril wan.. :P
Io io io io...
ai seh...
Ah Boy & Liucas wanna see Will kor kor io ka ch'ng too...
Can he?
very cute!
very bootylicious oh! XD
Hey chen, a^ben got slaughter you or not? wat a best christmas present for everyone here.. :)
Why cannot load??
u wanna join in & shake shake as well? :P
sin ling,
hahha, don't worry :D
I showed it to him before I posted up. I get his permission liao before hand :P
So, I'm safe ;)
i dunno why ah..
might be u try again later?
This is a "MUST SEE" show :P
i have been grinning like a silly cat non stop. thanks to you. :D
HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA... *fall off chair*
now, that's what I call a great io-ka-chng!! LOLOL! a^ben, you're da man!!
chen! i wanna see sotong io ka chng!!
grinning is still alright.. as long as u don't laugh out loud !!! Else everyone will be looking at u wondering what's going on :P
I presume u back to KL/PJ liao?
Welcome back home :)
let's io ka chng again end of the year ;)
u wanna see ah?
looks weird leh..
wahahhaa..gero gero gero~~~damn funny sial~
LOL... king of Io Ka Chng
Why cannot load??
LOL... sampai gua jatuh from krusi.
Lokter Chen give la life demonstration of io ka ch'ng ;P
i mean LIVE demonsration... typo typo sori sori :P
adoi apahal dengan gua... my fingers trigger happy one?!? sori again
I can replay the clips over & over again.. without feeling bored :D
Ah Ben actually did live demo as the elf for me in the afternoon :D
still cannot load?
other seems can load woh...
The best model to demonstrate io ka ch'ng is Ah Ben --> The one & the only. We are only keh leh feh :)
Hehe.. what happened to your finger?
Getting too excited liao? :P
i got ostrichpolosis so cant io so much as later back bone broken...
Blessed new year!
io some more!!!
hmmm i wonder how it will look like with chen's face on teh elf..hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Pink Cotton
*still not yet see the show becos the internet is soooo liuuuuuu*
ah ben so cute!!!!!!!!!
*whistle whistle whistle!!!!*....
*calls spca....*;p
winn winn: spca? o_0"
ah nel,
LOL at your terminology regarding ostrichpolosis
keng lah u :D
very.. next time when u meet him, ask him to do the live io ka ch'ng performance :D
Thanks :) Wishing u a blessed new year too :)
pink cotton,
u hah... hahhahha...
actually itu budak did that liao on the same day after i posted this post up :P I'm talking with him that day should we made PC & RS io ka ch'ng too? LOL
yeah loh...
so liuliu slow ...
take so long to load one page...
or should we call the Zoo?
*in deep thought*
got reason wan why Winn wanna calls SPCA :P
lui yan: i know... but but... ah boy and liucas volunteered one ma :P
*kin kin siam* :P
errr... I tot we r refering to BenBen, why suddenly change topic to ahboy & liucas? :P
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