Finally I'm back home. Arrived Penang at 12:20 am in the early morning (or late midnight?)

Since I had this so called "free time" while waiting for my connecting flight back home to Penang yesterday night, I
ronda-ronda for a while in KLIA. All the photos here were taken with my
Nokia N73 handphone since I lazy to take out my camera.

Kit Kat double decker bus. This is one of the shoplots that I will passed by each time when I go to claim my check-in luggage.

Yeah, yeah..
Free WiFi is available in KLIA. I spent some time blog hopping with my Palm Tx pda in McDonald Fastfood outlet after having my late dinner at 9:30 pm.

Have to walk for quite a long distance since my flight terminal is B11.

Cannot resist but to take this shot, none other than the
MAS Salted Peanuts -
Someone's favourite. Oh yeah, some how it reminds me of the flying peanut scene again.. *grin*
chuppp boooked! aaaacchcoooo
representing all the other kaurs and sarees and kebayas and singhs and mamak stores...
CHUPs for all the OTHERS!!!! Free LOVE! Free LOVE!!! Ok, free HUGS too!!! Peanuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*runs off with misti into the Airport Toilet*
poor misti..
searching for kleenex
oopps no kleenex pulak?
Don't worry...
u can always blow nose on LB's sleeve
FREE stuffs are GOOD stuffs :P
Flying & Jumping Peanuts !!
Oooppppsss.... why u run together with Misti into the female airport toilet?
Got free peanut inside there ah? :P
I want to get on that bus!
KLIA looks so spanking clean. Enjoy your home sweet home...
y i dun have wannnnnnnnnnnn~~~
from budak itu lagi kekekeke...
I prefer to eat the choc on that bus than to go on that bus... cos the bus will sure collapse if I step on it :P
KLIA is so clean... if KL is lidat, then good loh..
aiyak, u ini budak jahat leh...
what u don't have?
kekkeke... the double decker bus?
or all the chocs inside the bus?
or issit the salted peanuts?
welcome "home"... and send my hugs and kisses to AhBoy for being a good doggie while you were away!
*runs away from flying peanuts*
kacang~ they salted it by sumbating into the nose? hahahahahaha!!!!!!! :X
apa apa pun bolei :P
Now doc...
Are you going to get me that double decker kit kat
Ah Boy enjoys your hugs & kisses :)
He sayang u back :)
He puts on weight liao...
aiyoh.. ini Ah Ben
sibeh wat tat
then how they make salted fish? kekke
go buy loh..
salted peanuts & choc is available everywhere.. :P
mmmm.... how to "smuggle" that double decker kit kat bus out from KLIA? :P
Waaaa!!! Got new N73!!!!!!! Maciam Lil' Joy punyaaa!!!
Nice hor KLIA? I likes also :D
I just came bek from the liuliu training... very liuzzzzz!!! Tomolo another day! Arrghh!! Sien ahhhh!!!
Thanks momma misti for the achhooo chups & L B for the OTHERS' Chup!
wah waH WAH WAHHHHHH....
angeliu is here.. I thought u won't go near any computer the whole of today & Friday cos of the liuliu training...
very liuliu happy to see u here :D
The training very liu ah?
neber mind lah..
just bear with it another day
remember, tomolo is Flyday liao :)
think of all the Lius and Kaurs and Singh when u feel liu during the liuliu training
My N73 is not that "new" already lah..
I bought it for more than one month liao :P
Nokia rocks
The picture quality quite good leh
KLIA is nice, and clean tooo...
very quiet and peaceful :P
In S E Asia, "Buy 2 Free 1" is a common sight but I dont know when did Free becomes a verb as well.
That just reminded me of something I had wanted to blog about, but forgot!!
How clean and well organized KLIA is relatively, compared to supposedly First World Airports. The really teruk ones are Frankfurt, Rome, er... and etc! Now KLIA got Free WiFi. In Rome, you gotta PAY! And not only that, I could not find a single power point anywhere I went!!... And the toilets!! Pooo pah!
KHIK...that is a way of welcoming u, no worry!
Welcome home! Aiyo... u curi kacang masin ah? LOL...
hahha, i didn't realise about that till u pointed it out :)
blog blog blog...
looking forward to reading that post :)
red sponge,
Aiyer, I'm back loh..
what a way to welcome me back :P
The MAS steward gimme one lah..
I tak main curi-curi stuff, kakakka
u curi mas peanut again!!!!
U R BACK?!?!!?!?
ok what about my welcoming back greeting??muahahahaha
pink cotton,
what sort of welcoming back greetings is this?
so the liuliu...
but unique hoh?
lain daripada yang lain..
I like :D
I mana ada curi kacang woh?
if i curi kacang, i will gasak few packets liao..
*now I regret*
I should have curi kacang leh..
tks for dropping by, chen. : )
the airport pics are really good considering they were taken wth your handphone.
what camera do u use, btw?
salted peanuts???????????????????????
but i've just recovered from my mooncake sickness!!
I use Minolta Dimage X50 & Minolta Dimage Z2 digital cameras.
mr goober,
poor goober
mooncake sickness?
how many pieces of mooncake u sapu?
u wanna a gentle jab on your butt? :P
*runs out of the Airport Toilet with LB* *grins*
aaaaahhhchoooooooo.. alamak, there goes my nose again. liuliuliu
Loctor, thankliu look for kleenex. neber mind, hehe.. got tee-shirt to use..
Angeliuuu! quick, liu must liuzz oso. u many late nites oredy!!
mmmmm... wonder what u both do inside the toilet?
curi makan peanut inside there?
or stealing tissue paper ah?
since u having running nose :P
yeah.. must zzzz early
lazy to go to work tomolo
yipeeeee!!!! you're back!!!! :D
err.... ya ya!! stealing toilet paper and makaning the salted peanuts!! ya that's it! *grins*
Welcome back Chen ... :)
i want peanuts..
i want peanuts..
i wan ah nel's peanuts;...
i want LB's peanuts.
oh imported kit kat... i like it. that's nice. nicer than local kit kat bor. it's not that sweet, yet it is rich and milky. got difference, can try it!~
yipeeee !! I’m back
Don’t stuff too much toilet papers inside your baju, okie :P ?
Most peanuts cannot fly but there are certain peanuts that have the ability to fly. kekkeeke.. LB, May, Carcar & Angeliu will know what I’m talking about cos they witnessed the flying peanuts in the past :P
Yes, it is always good to be home.
No other place in this world is better than home sweet home ;)
Thanks :)
ah nel,
Aiyoh.. u wanna take away my peanuts?
Hahhaha.. good lah u.. since ah nel wants my peanut and u wants Ah nel’s peanut..
So can I take your peanuts?
So that I can take back my own peanuts…
That means… I didn’t lose anything after all…
Clever or not? :P
Mmmm… confusing.. I thought LB & u are sharing the same packets of peanuts inside the toilet?
Or u want to sapu all the peanuts?
Tak bagi chance dia makan kacang?
Issit? I have never tried the imported kit kat.
Must give it a try next time…
wahahahahhaha! i remember the flying peanut scene!
budak jahat asyik kacao hor :P
hahaha, very classic :P
wanna replay that scene again in the future? Instead of flying peanuts, we can use other food stuffs.. Mmmm... eg flying crackers? (not the flying fire crackers :P )
I sudah marah itu budak..
sekarang dia budak baik oledi :D
The KitKat bus so nice~! I want!!
hehhee.. u want the kitkat bus or u want the kitkat choc? ;)
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