We went to Balik Pulau this evening. Driving along the coastal road to Teluk Bahang & Balik Pulau. Passing by the beautiful beaches, forests, several durian farms, villages, Teluk Bahang Dam etc etc. Took several photos on the way as there are lots of scenic views along the road. Had Laksa Janggus in Balik Pulau on the way back. We came back home using another route, passing over a small hill. Stopped by at the hilltop for the scenic view of sunset before driving back home via Paya Terubong and Air Itam route. Will update with more photos in the next few days.

Scenic view of sunset on the hilltop in Balik Pulau.
WOW... so beautiful!!!
Laksa Janggus? Tell more about it :)
You should have waited for a bird to cross your vision in front of the sun. Then take the photo ... hehe .. next time then~!
Beautiful sunsets!!! By the way what is this Laksa Janggus?
nice sunset photos. weather must be getting hotter! :)
Wow, stunning pictures!!! Sunsets are always so romantic ;-), I guess that also depends on with whom we are ;-). I remembered when I traveled to Ile de Re in France, the sunset was amazing
I'm familiar with Penang as I used to travel there for business. I have been to the beaches >20 times, I think. Penang is great in most areas!
My favourite driving route when I was living there. All the way to the market at Balik Pulau for the laksa and the very traditionally made pau. Only to be found there at about 4pm via a push cart. Pipping hot. Will be making a trip to Penang on the 7th of April for the weekend. Might just drive there to check out the nutmeg.
nice nice nice..
i like!
nice nice nice! i like i like i like!!
wow, sunset...beautiful.
i wonder any liulian smell when u passing by the orchard?
Thanks. Okie, I will write a post with picture on Laksa Janggus either today or tomorrow :)
Sunset is the best time of the day. Orange-coloured sky is nice to look at.
Haha, hard leh your suggestion. I might have to hold the camera for long long time before a bird fly across me :D Everything happen in just a split of second :P
Thanks :)
Thanks. I will write a post with photos on Laksa Janggus soon :)
Thanks. Yeah, weather is quite hot lately, but thank God, the drizzling and raining once in a while helps... It rained over here yesterday night.
Thanks :) Sunset or Dusk is the nicest time of the day :)
u must be very familiar with the beaches since u come here so frequent :)
it's my life story,
drive all the way to Balik Pulau for laksa and the home made traditional pau? The food must be very nice :) Pipping hot food is delicious, especially the pipping hot laksa :D
There's a famous saying "夕阳無限好,只是近黃昏". What do u think? Since 夕阳無限好, I guess it's better to appreciate the sunset --> 不如好好欣赏夕阳. Just something to ponder.
see few liulians on sales by the roadside, but minimal. Passed by lotsa liulian farms and see several liulian trees.. but not many liulians.. so no liulian smell :D
What beautiful pics Dr Chen! Should make a trip to Penang one of these days. :)
Wow wow wow, beautiful. I want to go back my home town now. beautiful pictures.
can u take sunrise next time? =)
u won't regret for coming to Penang. Not only nice scenery, u can get to eat nice hawker food as well ;)
Thanks. I guess your hometown is very beautiful as well with nice sceneries.
I have taken sunrise picture before, from my apartment ;)
Nice pics!
It sure does feel good to be back, even if it's under time constrain. :)
day dreamer,
u r back :)
yeah don't stress yourself up too much and take time to relax once in a while ;)
The Pearl of Orient is waiting for u to come back home :)
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