I still remember myself playing the Pac Man game during my secondary school days. I played the game on the computers in my secondary school, using the IBM PC with green coloured monochrome monitors. The game were saved inside those 5 & 1/4 inches floppy diskette (I guess this 5 & 1/4 diskette was obsolete and no longer available). It was hard to control the movements using the keyboard. For those who wants to recall back those days, u can play the games online at this website.

The player guides the Pac Man about the maze (with joystick or buttons on keyboard) and scores point by munching up Dots in the his path. There are 4 Ghost Monsters, namely Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde. These ghost monsters will chase after pac man, rying to capture and deflate him. The pac man can counter attack by eating the big, Power Capsule that enables him to overpower the monsters for additional scores. After all the dots are gobbled up, the screen is cleared and the pac man continues for another round/level. Each round features a special Fruit Target in the maze. If eaten, the player will earn bonus point.

Have a look at this hilarious video clip from YouTube, featuring the real life Pac Man and the Ghost Monster..
Waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka ...
That looks like a library... total chaos! :D
Doc, that Pac Man almost spoilt my diet plan...arghh...hope to get your advice in my diet campaign blog :)
"It was hard to control the movements using the keyboard."
BAH! you're just aint no natural gamer homegirl....
where got difficult to control one??
Oh... Pac Man... a long time ago games in Bethlehem.... hahaha...
Pac Man... i play it using ATARI console last time...very long long time ago... :)
Waka? hahaha.... The word Waka reminds me of 和歌 or Japanese poem. We have a Waka Japanese restaurant in Penang ;)
Hahhah, the library looks like maze to the Pac Man & Ghost Monster ..
Diet campaign blog? I will see what I can offer :D
one of my all time favorite game, used to lose sleep over it ... hehe
kekke, compared with using joystick, of course it's more difficult to use keyboard mah :P cos I'm no expert, kekke..
games in Bethlehem? :D
I played with atari console before in my cousin's house :)That was so looooong ago..
waka waka...I love that game :)
aw~~it bring back old memory. thanks doc
last time we lost sleep over pac man, now... we lost sleep over other things :D
Besides Pacman, I guess u will remember Asteroids, Space Invaders etc... Games of the good old days :D
one of my favorite games.. but I never do well =)
Yeap - thanks for the offer. I need your opinion on health food - those offered by Elken, CNI etc. doctors recommend them?
whats wrong with u loong? hahaha...
hey chen,
am so excited when i saw this frm your blog as i log in just now :
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malaysia :1
im back home, just for one night. i love pacman games, but im a lousy player, hahahahaha...
i very kan cheong when playing pac man.
coz i hate being chased by bad guy. i hate being eaten.
and i always lose..
:( ~~ urgh~
always end up eaten by the ghost monster ? :P Same here..
I'm not familiar with Elken and CNI products. I guess I can't really give u feedback on this matter :)
I guess Loong was too obsessed with pac man and the ghost monsters? till waka waka waka non stop :D
Welcome back home to Malaysia. Hope u have a fruitful time back home and enjoy the gatherings with your family members :)
The most enjoyable time is when Pac Man eats the power capsule and start chasing the ghost monsters back.. Too back this is just transient and the ghost monsters will chase the poor pac man back later on.. :(
i like to play pacman. hehe.. :D always eat ghost at first.. then ghost eat me back. lol.. when ghost chase me.. so scary..
yes, i like pac man...i used to put pacman game in my blog
I think Pac man can be loaded into the blog.
I will find out
today different:
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malaysia : 2
hehehehehe....thanks sis, ya hope the 24 hours is good enough for me!
--looks for fruitfull & quality timess--
same here...
love the moment when chasing ghosts.. hate the moment when being chased...
but too bad, the power capsule is so limited :D
I see u are a all time pac man fan :) That's good. I used to like pac man, but as time goes, nowadays I prefer playing other games :)
u mean loading the game into the blog? :)
hope your 24 hours are well spent :) Or u wish there are 25 hours in a day? ;)
chen: yup.. when being chased by ghost, so scared.. and then suddenly can eat the ghost.. then chase it and keep eat them. lol..
NObody can beat me at Pac Man and I mean NOBODY!! hehe
it will be good if we can continue to chase after the ghost monsters ;)
woh.. unker must be expert in Pac Man game :) Applause..
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