Took these shots on vegetables at one of the morning markets in Kuching, Sarawak.

These bright yellow oranged coloured brinjal is one of the local vegetable in Sarawak. I don't know what's the exact name of these brinjals but we used to called it
native brinjals or
Iban brinjals. The flesh is yellowish/orange in colour, and it is...
SOUR. But it's nice to eat when cooked together with chillies and belachan (shrimp paste). I brought one back to Penang as well :D Should have brought more back. Now I really regret :)
Raw groundnuts.

This is the
old cucumber. I like to drink the old cucumber soup. Very cooling.. Enjoy the sweet natural taste without any seasoning when cooked with pork ribs.

Mmmm... I have no idea what is this. Can anyone tell me or enlighten me ??

And not forgetting
bilin, the famous Sarawak jungle fern, which is available in every market :)
wow.. macam macam ade. so cool! i havent been to market for sometimes =) i get my fruit n vege from local supermarket. *smile*
i havent been to wet market for ages d
Yeah, macam macam ada.. including fruits and seafood as well.. Will post that later on.. Haven't sort out the photos yet..
Then where u buy the jellyfish? :P
If I am not mistaken, I think I know that black black thing. We eat that as a kid. Don't know the exact name but we call it "Jalen", it is a family of Petai. You boil them then smash them and eat with coconut shred (mix with sugar). The second day, your pee will stink like hell! *lol*
Doctor, Jellyfish didn't buy the jellyfish, he simply went out to sea to catch then.... Muahahahahhaha!
By the way, the local brinjals look like persimmons to me...
Family of Petai, Jalen? Thanks for the info. I never eat that before :) Nice ah?
day dreamer,
Jellyfish so hardworking meh? Go out and catch the jellyhu himself? :)
The Iban brinjals are bigger and much rounder.. The persimmons is much smaller in comparison :)
Ya, the brinjal really look like pessimons on first look :P The market there is so different from Singapore.
I wonder how the market in Singapore looks like :D
I will be going KK sometime next year.
Any suggestion on what to do?
KK? Never been to Sabah before :)
Sorry, I can't help u..
pengsan? Give u your jellybalm, which u proclaim as something very effective :D
Chen... manyak suka minum sup Iban brinjal... cook it with chicken.. nice!!! 4/5
Oh... can cook soup as well with the Iban brinjal?
I don't know about that. Thanks for the info...
Will definitely give it a try when I go back to Sarawak in the future :)
Interesting market photos!
We love the markets too, so many different things to look at and buy from!
Furkids in HK,
Thanks :)
Yeah, lotsa things to look at and to buy :) Sometimes I see stray dogs in the market as well. They looks happy, I presume they can get good food from the market :D
Is that Tabuan Jaya wet market? Wahh missed the kolo mee at stall 88
Hello. I'm a Bidayuh lady from Kuching and everything in the photos are very familliar to me. The yellow brinjal, taste amazing if cooked with asam fish. It gives more flavour to the'kuah'. The black thinggi is called 'jering'among the locals in Sarawak. I dont know what the scientific name though. hehe.
Yeah, that's the Tabuan Jaya Wet Market :)
Thanks for dropping by. Oh, that black thingy is called "jering"? Thanks for the info :) See that many times in the market in Sarawak but never know what's the name..
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