Went to renew my IC (to the new MyKad) few months ago, in May 2005. After "scanning" my thumb prints, I was asked lotsa questions at that time.. While answering, I was wondering what the heck is going on??? Since they asked so many questions ~ like my old IC number, my date of birth, my parents name, all my brother and sisters name etc etc... I have no problem answering each of the questions. I want to tell her I can told her my parents old and new IC number as well and their date of birth as well, or all my brother and sisters date of birth, if they want further clarification for whatever things... :)

I asked her what was going on, and then only she told me ~ my
finger print on my old IC was
different from my current finger print... Really give me a shock leh!!! Hah? weird weird... How can this be? Finger prints can change one meh? They told me they will take longer time to process my MyKad..
I thought I am the only one facing this problem but apparently not, cos when I search in the forum, I noticed few other peoples facing the same problem as well ~ different finger prints.... Must be the stupiak fingerprint scanner problem causing all these errors.. And don't tell me my genes are "mutating" or some sort of "evolution" is going on... :P
I constantly checked their website
"Semak Status Permohonan MyKad" to see whether my MyKad is ready already or not.. My hubby's Mykad was ready in July already but mine still "in progress".. Both of us applied together at the same time..
Mmmmmm..... I waited and waited for so long.. I called up JPN few weeks ago to ask what's going on, and finally they told me my MyKad is really... The website info was only updated few days later on... Phew.. Finally it's really. However, I still haven't collect my MyKad yet..
Hmmm... Where does the flaw come from? Maybe when you first applied for the IC many many years ago, they have mistakenly swapped your finger print with someone else. Scarry!!!
Hehe... chen, mine was one same, one different wor~ But then, they say one side same also can. So, quite a smooth one I would say. :P
er... i had gotten mine approved on the spot. no problems.
alien must've abducted Chen and mutated her :P
Hehehe... mutation...Or actually u are a different person, not the real Chen. The alien kidnap the real Chen and change 'her' with you. Waseh!!! hehehe...
i believe mutation is a reasonable explanation ... :) ... so r u the next phoenix?
I don't think so lah.. Cos I'm not the only one kena this...
I know few facing this problem already, regarding the different finger prints thing :)
Fish Fish,
hahaha... how come u changed one of your finger print only ? :P
Good loh, u get it done smoothly :)
Phangan, Hornbill, Izchan, Jellyfish,
U all really watch too much those Sci-Fic movies liao loh.. :D
Anyway, the truth is out there ;)
x-files is not fiction.
x-men is the future ... :P
You're a doctor... did you just change your gene or whatsoever? Kekeke...
Hahhaa... whatever lah..
Day dreamer
issit so? :P kekkeek....
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