How nice to have a sip of the thirst quenching coconut drink in Angkor Wat, especially when walking under the hot sun.

Finally my prayer was answered. Not only that, I found a new way to enjoy the coconut drink in Cambodia. A hole was drilled through the coconut husk till the core. Hahahha, is this method also known as sucking straight from the
nut coconut? :P
hmmm...new style of drinking coconut water. What type if drill do they use ar?
Ah, I just had this Coconut Snow Storm today. Hehe. Apparently they blended the coconut flesh + juice + ice, less sugar. Nice and refreshing!!
i lup coconut drinks!
best if there's nata de coco to go with it!
the soft flesh also nice. but i think if drilling through a tiny hole is easier, then okay lah. reminds me of laparoscopy hahah.
Dunno lah. I didn't see how they drill the hole.
day dreamer,
Sounds yummy. I love coconut and coconut related products :)
*High 5*
Me too. i lup coconut drinks.
The nata de coco ah? Kkkkkk, unless we insert it ourselves into the coconut :P
*faint at your comparison with laparascopy*. hahahhaa, frankly speaking, i never thought of that leh. Misti Boleh ;(
Nice le, but I'd want to eat the flesh too after drinking the juice.
Come to think of it, I haven't had coconut juice for years! Must buy.
Coconut is one of my favorite fruits ! Not only is the juice tasty and refreshing, you get really nice flesh as well !
By the way, I received the postcard ! Thanks ! Should I return the 20 sen stamps ? The folks at Pos Malaysia didn't cancel the stamp wor ...
Yalor.. takbleh makan the flesh liao liddat...
*kiasu go check my poskad*
Eh.. mine wan got stamped!! :P
I love to eat the coconut flesh too, especially those young coconut or those not so old coconut. LOL
Is it difficult to get fresh coconut in HK? I presume it is pricey there?
Yeah yeah yeah. Love both the coconut drinks and the coconut flesh. I love to get myself one cold coconut after exercising in Botanical Garden. Very refreshing indeed.
U r mostly welcomed. Hehehhe.. Luckly lah u. Can get free stamp also. Hhahahhha
Never mind lah. Can eat the coconut flesh kaw kaw back home in Penang
Hahahhaha, sampat lah u
really go and check the stamp ah? :P
someone commented to me that they can't find fresh coconut here. hmmmm... come to think of it, I haven't seen any. or maybe I'm looking in all the wrong places, eh?
I must grow more coconut trees!! More, more, more, but you have to bring your own drill and straws.
Coconut juice - my favourite!
Hmm new styles lol..
in KL normally we have those processed one just open then can drink lol
Malaysian doctor sucked nuts in Cambodia.
And I believe they cost less than a can of Coke there!
Oh that's something new! And a good way to preserver the original shape/look of the coconut. Cute!
Now I want coconut drink. Where can I get one? where where? In my dream... (-_-) sigh!
i love coconut drinks. the latest desert in my area is coconut puddings. it's delicious
eh...shenzhen also use the same way to serve ur coconut drink. hmm i think dirty le 'x'
Oooo.. How about supermarket and restaurant? The fresh coconut must be expensive then. Errr... Now I feel like drinking the pandan coconut again... aiks...
I remember seeing several different brands of canned coconut drinks in Thailand, but all those are sweetened drinks, not as nice as the natural fresh coconut drinks loh.
Hahhahaa, do we need to bring our own monkeys? Neh.. to pluck the coconut mah. Or your coconut trees are those dwarf trees whereby the fruits can be plucked without climbing? Kkkkkkk
stay at home mum,
Me too. My all time favourite.
Yeah, those processed coconuts are easily available in Penang too. Can bought it in the supermarket and most of the eating outlets.
Walao.. o.O
Must piak this ECL. Your statement sounds so misleading. Must piak u kaw kaw liao
Tempted to use the coconut husk to piak u, but that is painful leh..
So i use fruit rojak to piak u instead !!
Hehehehe.. I dunno what is the price cos someone belanja us those coconuts.
Btw, there is not much difference in the price of canned soft drinks with beer over there. And their local Coke is very sweet.
Heheheh, but the bad thing is cannot enjoy the coconut fresh after drinking the water. Kinda wasted, huh? I love to scoop and eat those coconut fresh (not the old coconut lah) :P
Very hard to find fresh coconut in NZ ah? I will share two coconuts with u in your dream then (one for piggy mah) :D
Coconut pudding? Sounds yummy.
With coconut milk or nata de coco?
red sponge,
Hehehe, I've never been to Shenzhen before. Nowadays Air Asia has direct flight to Shenzhen liao.
At least this coconut drink is not served by the road side or hawker stall. If served by the roadside i will think twice also leh.
I never did try the coconut there
I guess that is the better way to drink as it is so hot and dusty there.
Did you make a visit to Bengmelia temple?
Our pandan coconut taste much better ;) Nope, I didn't visit the Bengmelia temple..
wow, i must say people living in tropical countries are very lucky. I miss coconut.:)
padi friends,
Yeah, we are kinda lucky with the wide selection of food and fruits available. Err, is it hard to get the imported fresh coconut in Oz?
I too love coconuts :)
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