This is how 小人物 (eg
yours truly) charges their handphones - placing the mobile phone securely on a flat surface, such as on the table or desk etc.

On the other hand, those with higher ranking such as the "
Imperial" family will charge their handphones in a different way.. such as using the unique
hanging method! LOL.
So, how you charge your mobile phone? Using the 小人物 (Nobody) method or the "Imperial" method? :P
muahahahaha! is this a tag ah?
for sure, 2 words shalt come your way... Your Star! Muahahhaha!!
me? just plug in and dumb where ever i want to..sometimes morning cant find the phone..need to call with the other phone then search for it..lol
Tag? wat tag?
looking up and down, left and right, front and back..
mana ada woh? :P
psss.. My tags are piling up by the way :P
Apa tu Your Star?
Blur kaw kaw..
Scratch head & pull out hairs...
Dun tell me it's another tag!!
LOL.. jialat lah u, cannot remember where u left your phone. But i think we all experience it once in a while.
Occasionally i did that too when I can't find my phone. Calling it with my house phone and see the phone rings ;)
and i alwayz found my phone on the mattress on the floor...with my books covering it..hahaha
hahahahhaall almost gotta go Oh See!!!! KLOLOLOLOL!!!! YourStar!! LOLOLOLOLOLlllll.... cannot breath.. cannot type.. cannot charge phone... cannot .... LOLOLOL!!!
hahaha!! that one too lazy to unwind and wind back the cable... kakakakLOLOLOLMAOkakakaka!
wahahahahahahahahhahahaha!! how to read the chinese words ar? siaw ren wad? lmao!!
Oh. I used to charge the phone the 2nd way.
I just 'suka' let the wire be in its original state (bundled)
Until one day, my wife found me doing that, and decided to 'release' the wire. Duh.
Now, I charge the phone as your photo no1
lol... kesian the phone... literally hanging on the line :P
I use the Imperial method because I like the wire nicely bundled. But I will put something under the phone so that the phone is not dangling in the air, like kena hang liddat!!
I've used both methods before. I like the wires bundled up too, so I choose a table very near the power outlet. hehehe
Ahahaha... this is the first time I see someone 'hang' their mobile phone to charge... ROTFL!
I charge my phone like chen... but with the cord trailing all over. LOL!
Me 小人物 method lah. That imperial method a bit worrying leh, reliable one or not? (^_^)
no medicine cure jor...
u r crappier than me jor....
hahhaha.. your phone is suffocating
how can u choked your phone
covering it with books?
kakkakka.. nope nope nope..
u should play with your PDA during oh see time, not with your phone
LOL again your Your Star
Finally I manage to figure out wat issit liao
Really Laff Die Me !!
ROTFL my heart & my lungs out
what is the Your Star?? ah yaa i always very slow to catch on leh.
i do the 'sit on table' way of charging. scared loose leh the hole liddat hanging.
really lazy bum hoh?
might be we can play RSP again..
The one with "scissors" can get the chance to cut the "wire"
*giggle underneath table*
laff first..
after habis laffing, now i answer your Q :D
小人物 = literally means those insignificant people loh, hence i put the acronym "nobody" next to it.
wah.. u so malas also ah? till your wife beh tahan and released the bundle of wire for u.
The phone is enjoying the dangling and swinging session. LOLOL
*swing swing swing*
instead of *io io io*
Hehehhe.. i like to release all the wires (phone, pda, computer, laptop, printer, speaker etc etc). So it's kinda messy with so many loose wires dangling in the house :P
giddy tiger,
else u can put your phone on top of the chair or boxes or books to support it :D
Kekekke.. Me too
First time seeing, hence i took a shot for remembrance. Hahahha
I'm no better than u too, especially if there are lotsa electrical and electronic appliances around :P
Whether it is reliable or not.. that one have to ask the Emperor liao. LOLOL
jelly fish,
ai seh, always call yourself cute wan.. No Eye See liao :P
crappier only mah
not the crappiest yet
still got hope
Your Star can means LB's Star
better run fast fast before LB piaks me with dunno wat :P
u translate that word and u can figure out wat it means liao :P
hehehe.. I never charge anything hanging or dangling wan, i always place them safe and secure on a flat surface (including placing them on the floor too) :P
aiya..tertendang ma..not i want also..lol
the unique hanging method! how neat! no need to mess with the cable once you're done :D
Wah, I think the phone will get damaged if it is charged hanging like this.
Imperial family let everything hang loose wan right. hahahaha....
I'm the Nobody. Cannot tahan let it hang liddat, later the hole spoil - get bigger lor. Cannot treat thing and people liddat.
charge phone?? Charge wat phone??? need to charge meh??? No wonder I keep on changing my handphones every 2 days thinking the phones rosak....
*evil grin*
so ganas meh? (ter-)tendang handphone? LOL
Yeah it's neat. Abuthen, u need to place the handphone very near to the socket leh :P
Hehehe, i have to ask the owner liao whether he charges his handphone the same way when he is at home :D
everything hang loose? kakkakka..
this one i no comment liao :P
welcome to the "Nobody" family.
The Nobody Gang will definitely won't let u hang loose :P
ini papercrazy..
must be tarak makan seafood for a week till she sot-sot tei liao
*angelic smile*
sleep ma?sure kick one...u see la..my bolster all nicely arrange in the morning after wake up..but then...next morning...all my stuff on the floor d..lol
walao... u kick all your stuff when u zzz ah? I better dun sleep next to u liao, later kena tampar and kena kicked for no reason. hahhaha..
i am a queen of kicking since young..sometimes sleep with my dear next morning u see me sleeping on him..lol..he's being nice..if that was my sis definitely pinch me d..haha
walao.. your dear so wai dai, can stand and tahan u sleeping on him for hour(s)? sure muscle ache wan the next day, unless u r very light.. :P
Wow! HAha.. I use the more conventional method... But I must admit, I got charge my camera batteries like the "imperial" family method also - lazy to undo the knot tying the cables :P
earlier on i mistakenly read u charged your camera using the imperial method..
*cold sweat*
i re-read again...
aiyak, i read wrongly woh..
u were charging the camera batteries, not the camera :D
i very fat one...plus now exam period eat and study..my room full of junk food..so u say le?? lol =p
u dun look fat at all from the photo (although the pict is so small).
Summore u r so young... LOL
Everyone also eat junk food leh during their teenage days :D
wa i not fat ah?
sure not?
come back belanja u d..hahah
*thinking of what to order when u coming back to Penang since ada orang volunteer to belanja*
haah...after all my job in penang is to eat eat and eat..nothing else besides that..lol
can eat lok lok till few 100+ imagine la...really eat geh...and put lots of weight
My goodness... eat lok lok till 100+? o.O
Talking about lok lok, i haven't eat lok lok for months.. Feel like eating it now.. my favourite are cockles and sotong + kangkung :)
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! YourStar ah!!!
not MyStar leh..
YourStar lah..
kakkakkka.. so the ti(p)u
*giggle under table* :P
yay give me 5!~~~ same as wat i look to pick too..muahahahah...
really must go out eat d la...hahh
Cockles are the most delicious stuff to eat (referring to Lok Lok). I won't touch those fish balls and all the other bebola-s when eating Lok Lok :P
fish ball?
hhaha buy one pakcte balik cook urself..tat would be better..
i like to eat hoi chit..
that one yum yum..
i have seen many who loves the fish ball lok lok. Hhahaha. I haven't eat hoi chik for quite a while. That one is nice when served chilled with lotsa chili and vinegar ;)
you man "imperial" family hang themselves up in the air ah kekekekeke ...
all my chargers (phone, cameras etc) are permanently in one location, so all who needs charging no need to "hang around" in the air lor
cos the person who charge the mobile phone tat was is known as "Emperor" mah, hence his way of charging the mobile phone is known as the Imperial method ;)
I have few selected places to charge my phone/pda/rechargeable batteries etc. But it's either on the table, on the shelf or on top of the speaker ;)
*a hearty guffaw under table*
hahahaha...i love my handphone too much to "hang" it
wahseh i comment all ur posts in one go...
pink cotton,
yeah yeah, i know u sayangz your Sony Ericsson phone (dunno which model) very much. LOL
btw, did u manage to "find" your Nikon D40? A little bird told me u misplaced it ages ago, might be underneath the piles of notes or books. LOLOLOL
gotta agree...today jsut ate steamboat for dinenr till i vomit..haahah
too much of food d...
imagine buka mata ate lou shu fun..big bowl...bout 1 something lunch...abt 4 something pizza and pasta...8 something steamboat...balik balik open door i vomit..haha
Terrible lah u, eat till vomit :D
Eating suppose to be fun mah, not torturing.. LOL
then kena sound by my bf..
he said "who ask u eat so much..
eat eat eat..become fei poh ad..
cannot stand d still wanna eat..
serve u right.."
so bad..tak guna one..
new word for him..
see me only call me fei poh..even studying also call me tat...
siu sei ngor
then what u call yr bf in return? :D
call him fei zhu..
cause he himself too put on alot of weight..
my room now full of junk food again..
each time he come down my rom full of food..
so even if he's not here i will be eating non stop..hahha
Huh? med student also can put on lotsa weight wan meh? Dun worry, once he starts working as HO, he will sure lost weight liao (101% guarantee) :D
u say le? the amount of chocs and junk food he eats daily while studying...i really worry one day he will be addicted to it..hahah..i am starting to get addicted jor..no food no study..wakakka
u should munch carrots, tomatoes or cucumbers than junk food when studying. Much more healthy! LOL
not herbivor la..
i am human..
but good enough didnt touch coffee..
if touch...sure wont let go wan..
Even my dog also eat those foodstuff (carrot, tomato and cucumber) even though he is not herbivor. Haaha.. Those are nutritious and low calories stuff, any yummy too ;)
Say NO to coffee, cos I dun drink kopi :D
but its tasteless geh le..
i cannot drink coffee..later stomach pain..haah
so no touching..haha
u can eat the cucumber together with tomato sauce or chili sauce or even soya sauce :P
Drink milk then, healthy stuff :)
i cant drink milk i drink milk sure vomit one..since young i drink milo..hahah
i replace it with ribena..but gonna finish d..waiting for him to buy me..haha
lactose intolerance i know lah..
But vomiting cos of drinking milk?
u r the first one...
how can u substitute milk with ribena? Those two are totally different, just like the sky and the earth. Mana boleh? :D
if terasa abit also will vomit..haha
i don eat pork also..
weird..my family got no probs with those only me..hahah..
ribena taste better
HOW CAN u dun eat pork?
Those delicious bak kwa..
Those mouth watering char siew..
Those sinful siew chee yoke..
yer...i eat d sure confirm vomit wan...hahaha
even food cook with pork oil..i will start to feel uncomfortable one..
i am wondering i am a really chinese or not..
cause ppl say i look like malay since young...and now i don eat pork..heheh
if that is the case, u can give me all your bak kwa then.
i lup bak kwa :D
can can no probs..i kesian see my mummy eating all alone..wakakakka..plus the mooncake left over on table..lying there...mummy is gonna finish it again..ahahaha
i don like pork floss too..u wan to have it?
say NO to mooncake. Now mooncake is very cheap. Can get 3 mooncakes (regardless flavour/paste) for RM 10.
I lup to have those pork floss. Thanks ya, and some to my dog too. LOL
aiyo..i give u la..not ur doggie la..tsk tsk..
i share my food with my dog wan :)
so bao bei meh?
manja me la....lol..
of coz lah. He is such a sweetie and such a darling. How not to sayang him? He knows how to manja and how to bodek :D
then me le?
cannot manja me ah?
lack of manja-ness in me ler..hahaa
*pat pat head*
Of coz can manja u. Why u say u lack of manja-ness? U have someone to manja u liao mah. Dun have to manja everyday lah. Once a week or once a fortnight also considered as good liao mah :P
he busy till i think my name also he forgot d..sigh..dats y lack of manja-ness..
Good also mah, then u can learn to be independent and stand on your own feet :)
woah..all helping him d..sob sob...
i'm not helping him. It is good to be independent and not rely on others. He will be much more busy when he starts working, especially when working as a houseman.
gotta agree with dat..
when first was with him i really make a big big fuss when he needs to go for on call
i remember the days when I had to do EOD on calls (Every Other Day on calls), especially when we are short of manpower. Those days i basically dun have the chance to see the sun for days. Those days are really horrible.. :D
got so charm mou?
no reason why i need to cheat u woh :P
=) maybe by then i go chi sin d..
or maybe by then know how to think better and accept the fact?
hahha will see in the future..lol
hahahha.. why u need to worry? Still long way to go. Life as HO nowadays are much more relaxing compared to the early days. At least u r not the one working in that field (aren't u glad now? :P)
but when i was young my ambition was either becoming a doc or a lawyer..
now i choose to read law because of my streaming during form4..
or else i still wanna pursue into medic line le..
U should be happy u didn't choose medicine. I won't encourage those I know of to study medicine..
The gov should let those students who are interested in pursuing medicine to tag alone with a House Officer in the hospital for a week including following them on calls and let them decide whether the profession is suitable for them. Most of them choose the profession cos of glamour without knowing what are the consequences :)
kinda agree..
but i think i gonna fail my a-levels d..
tot of doing nursing...
everyone thinks that i am joking..
LOLOLOL!!! YourStar!!!!!!! LOLOLOL!!!
kakakkka, i'm pretty sure u won't charge your beloved i-phone in such a way. Pilih kasih liao. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk...
Throwing More Stars :)
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