This is the first time I see a
frozen lake. By the time I reached the Long Lake(长海), it was almost 2 pm in the afternoon. Although it was winter, but it was quite "warm" already by then and not as freezing cold as in the early morning. Might be with all the walking (& exercising) contributed to heat generation.. One good thing to travel in winter is I won't sweat ;)
The Frozen Long Lake (长海)is the largest lake in Jiuzhaigou. (altitude 3,100 meters, measuring 4.4 km in length and 88.8 m in depth). During winter, the lake is frozen over with a depth of 60 centimeters and covered with ice.
The lake has no surface outlet. Water leaves the lake through a subsurface karst system, replenishing the lakes in Rize and Shuzeng valley. Local folklore and legends features
monsters in various lakes in Jiuzhaigou, notably
Long Lake(长海), Arrow Bamboo Lake (箭竹海) and Nuorilang Lakes (诺日朗群海).
that's the biggest block of ice cube i've ever seen! :)
oh? hmmm...
i saw unker h2o frozen into ice liao :(
wow! breath taking!
Hehehhe.. this is the first time I saw a frozen lake :)
aiks.. don't curse unker woh..
later he dowan to give u angpow liao..
I will post some nice lake sceneries later on.
yeah, I love those scenic view.
Wah I want to go there too ....
don't worry lah! i'm not afraid of a little ice n its nice of jellyfish to think of me.
wah! i love this series of lake photos so post more MORE MORE!
now i've got to look up on "subsurface karst system" ...
There are lots of interesting places to visit in China :) I will definitely go back there again..
Will u give us a brief summary regarding "subsurface karst system" later on after u do your research online ?
Busy!Busy! But this is what I found out -
"Karst" means terrain, generally underlain by limestone, in which the topography is chiefly formed by the dissolving of rock, and is commonly characterized by closed depressions, underground drainage, and caves.
Does this help? No? Too Bad! ;)
understand bit bit loh :D
how come nobody skating on the ice? maybe u should break the tradition by doing your first skating there.
I dunno how to skate :P
Later fall down, I will be the center of attention,
or worse still... kena tangkap :D
kena tangkap lagi center of attention :P
hahhaha.. that's why :P
later cannot come back to our beloved Msia :D
Wah, this remind me of my last year's trip.
u went there in autumn? Jiuzhaigou scenery is the best at that period of time :) Very colourful..
Yes, I went there in Autumn... and it is really beautiful.. but a lot of people.
I covered most of this place 5 years ago too.. My next aim to go when it snow.. should be beautiful too!
Did u stay at Jiu Zhai Tian Tang.. wonderful place, right in the middle of Jiu Zhai.
I see :)
So the coming trip will be your 3rd trip to Jiuzhaigou.
The problem with snowing is the route there will be dangerous... The normal 10 hours bus ride will become 15 hours plus bus ride :) or u take flight previously?
Yeah, we stayed in "Jiu Zhai Tian Tang". Nice hotel, but pricey :)
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