Just came back from dinner together with my dear colleagues. Some of my colleagues couldn't made it cos of other commitments. We had
seafood porridge steamboat in
Tianjin seafood porridge steamboat restaurant in Ayer Itam. We ordered the
Family Set (cater for 7 ~ 8 people) at the price of
RM 138+. There are 8 of us altogether. So, it's just nice. Thanks to the organiser, who is also my buddy ;) We really enjoyed the dinner and had a good time chit chatting.

The first time I get to know about porridge steamboat is from a posting I read from my friend's blog few days ago. Hahhaa..I didn't expect so fast I can taste it already :) In fact, I never know the availability of this porridge steamboat in Penang till a couple of hours ago :) All the credits to my buddy cum colleague who organised this :) For those who have never heard of porridge steamboat, the concept is the same as the other steamboat except they use watery porridge as base instead of the usual tomyam soup or chicken based soup.

Things included in the Family Set include
pork, prawn, fish, crabs, chicken, liver, crabstick, fishball, porkball, fish cakes, chinese mushroom, button mushroom, abalone mushroom, century eggs, vegetables, peanuts, noodle etc etc ... (I also can't recall exactly what is available inside the "set", cos too busy eating and chatting).
This is indeed something different from the steamboat that we normally eat :)
*swallows saliva* Wahlau-eh! Doctor, you keep "feeding" us with this pictures but not the real food, I'm dying of starvation liao lor. *faints* Quick, call for an ambulance! ;-) Kekekeke...
*stomach growls in hunger* Boy, I'm pretty hungry these days. Wondey why.
waahhh, soo nice, got jellyfish or octopus anot? yumyum! cheers.
no nid ambulance.. i'll revive u with jellybalm
i can smell seafood porridge whenever i visit ur blog now.....
day dreamer,
u are still in the growing phase, so feel hungry is normal :P kekeke
Can't remember whether got jellyfish or not.. but definitely no octopus :P
jellybalm? your new product ah? tak pernah dengar pun :)
huh? now no longer smell CKT liao, but smell seafood porridge? :D
What flavor is the porridge? Just white plain porridge?
Em... dun like bubur so much..hehehe...
Haaa!! I tried that before last year in KL. The restaurant called FARMLAND STEAMBOAT RESTAURANT, i think it is located in the center of KL.I like the porride espcially after we throw all the ingredients in. The porride tasted distiguishly chinese-sweet!! worth to try for those ppl that never tried b4. =)
Doctor, it's a bit of a relief hearing that.
Jellybalm??!! Yerrrr... *faints*
Jellyfish, thanks but no thanks. Wonder what is in the "Jellybalm". Nanti got jellyfish venom also I dunno. Make me paralyze then cannot sit for SPM liao.
I've never heard of this dish before too, but it sounds nice!
My human says he'll take the abalone, you can have all the rest. :D
tiger use tiger balm mah, jelly use jellybalm lor.
day dreamer,
high in calcium, low in fat, rich with omega3, prebiotics(what's this?), vitamins and minerals
Humble Warrior,
I just heard about it not long ago as well :)
plain porridge... but after adding in all the ingredients for the steamboat, the porridge become very sweet and yummy towards the end of the steamboat session ;)
in contrary, I love bubur... :P
woh.. so steamboat porridge is available so long ago already? I just get to know about it not long ago :P
day dreamer,
Kkakakkaa....one can always sit for SPM exam even in the hospital :P
There's a candidate sitting for SPM exam in my hospital as well :D
Furkids in HK,
it's abalone mushroom leh... not the real abalone :P
huh? tiger use tiger balm??
I thought tiger balm is used by human? kekekee...
rambling do you think you can put the address out next time you tell us about the foods ... :P
it kind of defeats the purpose of introducing us something that nice and denying us the satisfaction of actually digesting it.
not that I am complaining of course.
I am too fat as it is.
food is the enemy.
especialy the good tasting ones.
Putting the address up sounds like doing advertisement, hahahah....
btw, if u want the address, I can give u :)
Food is human's good friend... not enemy :P
Remember? Nowadays, to most of us, we live to eat, not eat to live
glutton rabbit,
Your cookings looks more awesome compared to the porridge lah..:D
Shouls try the one in Subang, Many commented s better than Farmland, Its call Ocean Pulau Ketam Steamboat in 48 Subang Jaya, SS15/4C.
Their chili n crab is fantastic
Thanks for the recommendation :)
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