We continued our journey to
Balikun Prairie or Grassland (巴里坤草原), 90 km or one hour plus bus ride from Hami town.

Spotted few wild camels on our way to Balikun Prairie.

Yeah, there are green nearby the desert, with scenic landscape. Just like entering to a different world.

Syiok lah sitting here enjoying a cuppa of evening tea under the sun.

Pine trees. Feel like rolling on the green grass.. But alas, there cow or sheep or horse dungs on the green.. :(

It would be fun spending a night here at the country side, inside the farm, together with the horses, sheep and the cows. The common toilets here are clean, but doorless :)

Might be even more syiok if staying inside the tent-like rooms.

The air here is nice to sniff. Can inhale and take deep breath here, unlike the sandy and unhealthy air in the desert.

This is my horse. Err, I meant the horse that i gonna ride. This was my first time riding a horse leh. It's not that easy to climb onto a horse, unlike climbing onto a camel..

This is the horse owner, a nice man with wrinkles. I presume he is from the Kazak descendant? He only speaks minimal Chinese language. (I know Misti will notice his wrinkles) ;)

Gallop, horsey gallop...

Balikun Grassland or Prairie with beautiful lush pastureland. Say hi to the sheep... and the cows... and the horses... They are all busy munching grass. And this somehow reminds to of Psalm 23 :)

Flocks of
sheep Yong meh meh with different "baju", or fur.. Anyone here born in the year of kambing? If that is so, say hi to your distant relatives :)

hi Moooo to the Cowie with cute mini, short horns.

The White Stone aka Baishitou/白石头 (a huge white quartz rock in the midst of the prairie) with a sad story behind it..

Ini kuda manyak cantik woh..

Sheep crossing the field in a group... Animals also know the principle "Unity is Strength". Don't play-play :P

Last but not least, a photo of the
leng-leng yellow countryside flower :)
The huts/tents/houses or whatever are so colourful, so cute! Emm....me not born in year of kambing :P
Yorrr I so like those scenery~
Happy Sunday!
it looks like some park in england!
There are more colourful and cute huts but I didn't put up here. Looks like living in fairy land. Hehehe...
day dreamer,
Me too...
It's syiok able to see the green again after seeing sand and rocks and desert over the last few days (I meant during my tour time in Silk Road) :)
Enjoy your Sunday :)
Yeah loh, it looks like those parks in western countries, hoh?
And the interesting part is the Balikun Grassland is located in between the desert land :)
Beautiful place. I wish I can live there... provided that I have internet access ;P
Did you see them play 姑娘追?
Hi Chen, the place looks so peaceful and the air fresh. You must have enjoyed yourself. Nice pictures. Will be back to admire the others.
That would be a nice place for retirement.
Surprisingly the mobile phone coverage and reception is pretty good in the desert and throughout the journey in Silk Road Tour. I dunno lah whether there is internet access or not :P
Nope, i didn't get to see the 姑娘追 game.
happy surfer,
Thanks Happy Surfer.
Yeah, I enjoy myself at the Balikun Grassland. The fresh air and the scenic view. Something different from the rocks, sand and barren land I saw elsewhere earlier on during the Silk Road Tour :)
his wrinkles so uniformed, hehe.
i wonder how all the cows and horse and camels feel. must be happy i guess.
what is the sad story, in a summary? :(
Yeah, the herd here are happy, cos can have fresh green grass and water, unlike the donkeys at GaoChang Ancient City :P
Hehehe, i omit the story in the post cos i malas nak cerita mah. :P
It's a sad love story. To cut the story short. The guy died and the gal was too sad and subsequently she passed away too (cos too sad mah). Both of them were buried in the same place. And one day (or night?) after the lightening and thunderstorm, the white stone appeared at the place where both the bodies were buried.
I can't remember what is the beginning of the story lah. I only remember the ending :P
fatt hao.. follow u :P
nite nite!
Hahahha.. really sampat lah u :P
And i posted that at 3 places earlier on..
Winn's, Misti's and yours :P
Good night
i kopi meow you back.
good nite! kkkkk *seestar*
This is what we call peaceful life
Wow, this is what I call a perfect vacation photo...blue skies, green pastures and rolling hills.
Those tents are called yurts. :)
I've been dreaming of going to a palce like this! Feels like going to Inner Mongolia or Mongolia itself... maybe that man is a Mongol? :)
beautiful grassland! how good if can retire here!
why never take man wrinkle hehehe... got nat geo potential wo :-p
wah...nice scenery...like sudah pigi other country...hehe...
dat mr. kinda leng chai also wor...
those wild camel very fat hor? hehe...=P
wah.. u also super sampat wan..
But this ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ is very cute hoh?
Hope u sleep well yesterday night.
I did, till too lazy to get up this morning :P
Very peaceful indeed..
But a bit boring also hoh, especially if there is no broadband connection. LOL
We are so used to internet liao in our daily lives:P
And the air quality there is good too. Still very syiok despite a long and tiring bus ride to reach this place :)
Although I accidentally cut my finger and it bleeds (while climbing down from the horse), but no big deal lah. Just put on a plaster (which i always carry around with me inside my wallet), and I continue sniffing the fresh air and snapping photo again :P
Thanks for the name :)
I dunno what is his ethnic group, as I communicate with him mostly using sign language only :D
Visiting China is really an eye opening experience. And there are so many interesting places to visit in China. So far, up to date, i had traveled 4 times to China, but to different places lah :)
I ditto with u.
This would be a perfect and lovely place for retirement. :)
I love to capture some portrait shots of the locals in the countries which i visited. I took many other portrait photos of the locals in Balikun Grassland but I didn't post them up here cos of limited space. Else the post will be super long. :P
From Arab, now becoming going to which country liao? England ah? Hehehehhee..
Very fat ah the wild came?
Let me look back at the photo again.
Hahhaha, they are not that fat lah.
At least, the limbs are still thin mah :P
Agree! itu kuda manyak cantik!!!
red sponge,
that horse, not only has nice fur but has good looking legs too. I have another photo of the horse (whole body) but i didn't post up here :)
wow... it's so beautiful and serene. Eh... i spotted TaiLar Bank, fierce pose eh... apa tu merah mia benda on her back?
The photos are out of this world! Wondrous stuff!
Glad u like the photos :)
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