This post is specially dedicated to all the
fruit lovers out there. (I'm one of the fruit lovers).
Lychee is widely available in Hatyai. The price is something like 80 baht per kilo? (I can't remember)

I like the way they cut the
watermelon - they really
deskin the water melon till so "smooth" ;)

Special way of cutting mango. Don't you think the way they cut the mango make the
mangoes looks like
flowers blooming ?
Gigantic Custard Apple (aka buah nona). The one below is the normal sized custard apple - the one we used to eat. I had one custard apple tree behind my house previously when I was still in primary school time. I guess the last time I eat custard apple was something like 2 decades ago?

Another picture of the gigantic Custard Apple. Too bad I didn't buy any.. Now I sort of regret...
Coconuts. Cool, refreshing drink in hot weather...

What else?
Thai Durians or better known as Liu Lian for Malaysians. No more
liu, please :D
ok, june must count the point can?
Interesting! The way they cut the mango is really interesting, at least i get to know something new today! thanks! i learn not to take blogging for granted, at least i can learn better english from you all, and new things, new ppl, frm all ard the world!
i love fruit! i love food!
fruit + food = food! right? right?
no more liu lian but Durian! lychee is not very good for health is it? heard they spray a lot of 'chemistry' on the skin ya? pls correct me if im wrong :P
LOL.. u know I'm lazy to count the points leh.. :P
carcar is a fruity gal? that's cool :D It's good to eat fruits.
Chemistry? should be "Chemical Preservatives" right? anyway, I'm not english teacher lah.. semua pun sapu :D
liu chop!
doctor, u lazy count the points? i can fwd u my super canggih tabulation sheet, no need count wan...just enter the marks. wanna wanna?? carcar, u oso wanna wanna? ;)
last april when i went to bkk, i didnt see so many fruit stalls...or did i? hmmm...
but i love thai... Truly Amazing... i miss bkk... *bawlssss*
hmmm who doesn't love fruits? :)
the lychees looks big & red!
yeah, they are very creative indeed. So far, I have never see mangoes being cut this way in Malaysia :)
Durian is very yummy & delish, it's being honoured with the title "King of the Fruits". U should taste it one of these days (if you have the chance ;) )
now no more chicken chop but liu chop. The LLS really hits u :P And..haha, u changed "name" to angeliu as well :D I can foresee the liu-storm coming very soon. Very very soon ;)
Wah, u specially created a tabulation sheet for the points? Good lah u :D
I didn't see many fruit stalls in Bangkok as well when I visited the place few times in the past :) Might be just the place I went to didn't have many fruit stalls.. or.. I dunno :)
Some weird souls.. But since most of us are "normal", so have the similarities - we like fruis ;)
Yeah, the lychees are big & juicy. I bought some when I was in Hatyai ..
I woke up too late to be first today to liu you, but it's okay, I bagi chance to sweet carcar and SA and angeliu, ya? I kuai kuai diam diam today, make less lius, and read more fruits.. I also regret for you not to have had the custard apples. I love them.. they're are the ones with the white liu inside with black seeds ya? Nice nice...
oh gosh, I love those fresh lychees sold here in little baskets. way expensive though. can only afford canned lychees...
fruits!!! :) flower mangoes make me crave for them now! 5 more days to the end of exam! yea yea!
u r still early according to your local time in Italy ;) Liu again? I gonna go nuts one of these days with all the liu going on, hahha...
If u hear what I did to the remaining leftover lychee, u might kick me :P We bought too many lychees that we couldn't finish them off (what to do? so many nice food & nice dishes to savour in Hatyai)... So we throw away quite a lot of the remaining big fat juicy lychee.. what to do, can't keep the lychee for long..
I like to eat the partially ripe mango..
5 more days? can start to count down soon... So I presume u are coming back home soon as well?
All the best..
i've got another 1 month to wait till my graduation day... :-) but not complaining! my first graduation haha...
dad is coming and we'll do backpack to France and Switzerland.. can't wait! :D
backpack to Switzerland & France? That's nice. I've been to both places few years ago. I like Switzerland.. quiet and peaceful place. I would like to go back there again in the future. I can still remember the revolving cable car on the way up to Mt Titlis :)
Local durians nicer, IMHO. Two or three huts of the Thai durians is enough to upset your stomach... :D
Liu Nuts are nice, I hear!! LOL... Ok, all Winn's fault ~ and then angel summore more gila!!
day dreamer,
i agree with u regarding local durians are nice ;)
LOL.. now the LLS (LiuLiu Syndrome) is spreading fast ... very scary :D
Liu Nuts tu apa? :D
Liu Nuts are those Gila Gila Nuts... very nice when roasted over slow fire.. LOL!! I think this is even worse than the HAS outbreak!
Now I really pening.. previously u associate everything with pie, now u associate everything with liu :D
An outbreak has definitely occured..
*Red Alert*
custard apple!!! I wanted to blog that cos i just ate it today` hahhaah! it's called "leng kim".. dunno whether you heard this name or not~
and got liu lian~ hahahah i just ate liu lian + lek tao (green beans) flavoured ice cream potong yesterday` hahahaha
and still got lycheee~~~ aiyoyoyoyoyo
*lao chui nua``*
I love the Thai coconuts juice. Very sweet. 10-20 baht in Bangkok. Thai durian is too dry for my liking.
We also are fruit lovers!You mangos are much bigger then ours here in the US what's up with that:)
wah, u eat custard apple ah? I presume it's the smaller size custard apple eh? not the gigantic size one :) I dunno abt the name "leng kim" cos we called it with different names :) I'm speaking Xin Hui dialect :)
lao chui nua ah.. then I better put a big potty below so that u don't drip your saliva all over the place.. Nanti siapa pula yang akan mop lantai kalau penuh dengan air liur ?
Coconut juice is my favourite :)
We have several different types of mangoes here :) I like the partially ripe one eaten together with rojak sauce.
*cries buckets of tears at hearing about the thrown away lychees*
I thought u will kick me upon hearing that :P
aiyak, don't cry lah...
now u made me feel guilty pulak for throwing away the lychee.. :P time I belanja u makan fresh lychee lah...
thanks for the correction!
that's why i said blogging is fun and cool. i can learn better english.
Hahhaa... And at the same time, u can learn chapalang english or rojak english as well :P
lychee season ka? i saw many stalls selling them, so huge and fresh pinkish looking. i bet they have been soaked in some kinda preservatives just like what they did with longan. there was once i bought some longan, i washed and soak more than 10x and the water is still cloudy and smelly!!!! *yarks* from then i never buy any fresh ones
dun really like lychee cos after eating the tongue and mouth feel like some kind of coating.
I guess so, cos I see lychee everywhere in Hatyai :) I do agree with u on the chemical preservatives..
talking about longan, I prefer the local Sarawak longan, but so far I have never see that in Peninsular..
I think the red fruit is not lychee but rambutans, my favourite fruits. Don't like custard apple much, too many seeds but the coconut...MMMM
that's indeed lychee. The picture is small, thus not clear, but I can assure u that is 101% lychee :)
Nowadays is rambutan season as well. I can see lotsa rambutans on sale on the roadside :)
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