Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Autumn.. in my Heart

The chill of winter is on the horizon...


Pink Cotton said...

wow! an entry in this blog is sooo rare i msut come n comment..keke

Chen said...

Pink Cotton,
Haha, thanks for dropping by. Not only I seldom update my blog recently, I haven't do blog hopping for quite a while too. Really paiseh.

Will try to post more in the near future. hehe :D

day-dreamer said...

Love the shot! You have been sorely missed. Haha.

iml said...

Miss reading your writes.

Chen said...

Thanks Day Dreamer and IML.,

I took this random shot at Carlton Garden. Went there for a walk 3 weeks ago after watching Mama Mia at Her Majesty Theatre in Melbourne. :)

_butt said...

dropping by to say hi from Malaysia!! love your shot and miss your blog... :)

Chen said...

Hi Butt,
Thanks for dropping by :)
How's life lately?
Miss u all too and the old days...

Kok said...

Aloha! How are you there? It has been a long time since I last hear from you! In Melbourne now eh? Migrated there or...? I tried to contact you couple of times through phone but failed! Anyway, glad to know you're doing good! Keep in touch!:)

Chen said...

Hi kok,
Nice to hear from u again. Ya, I'm now in Australia. I had terminated my M'sia mobile no prior to coming here. Sorry for not informing u earlier on. Btw, I have just sent u an email with my latest contact number. Keep in touch ya :)

Ensurai said...

Lovely autumn leaf....there is still strength in this leaf!

tuti said...

allo. wah so long neber blog wan. busy i know. this time this post's pic is not food and you're not eating it. kkekeke

keeyit said...

Lovely leave..

Reanaclaire said...

Beautiful, Chen..
it is coming to autumn soon, right?

btw, i came from

Mamapumpkin said...

Oh, you're in Melbourne now? I was about to ask you, Where did you take that beautiful shot from??? It really spells the mood!

ah nel said...

Happy Birthday Lokter... :)

Leave application letter said...

I feel i will not come online untill your back!

Grow Your Penis said...

Very nice blog. Love the close up pics.

Honda City 2011 said...

Nice picture. =)

Anonymous said...
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